Add Word Art Watermark to Chart

Aspose.Cells - Add Word Art Watermark to Chart

You can use WordArt to add special text effects to spreadsheets. For example, stretch a title, decorate text, make text fit a preset shape, or apply the affected text to a chart’s plot area as a watermark. The WordArt becomes an object that you can move or position in your spreadsheets to add decoration.


 //Instantiate a new workbook.

//Open the existing excel file.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "AsposeChart.xls");

//Get the chart in the first worksheet.

com.aspose.cells.Chart chart = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getCharts().get(0);

//Add a WordArt watermark (shape) to the chart's plot area.

com.aspose.cells.Shape wordart = chart.getShapes().addTextEffectInChart(MsoPresetTextEffect.TEXT_EFFECT_2,

"CONFIDENTIAL", "Arial Black", 66, false, false, 1200, 500, 2000, 3000);

//Get the shape's fill format.

FillFormat wordArtFormat = wordart.getFill();

//Set the transparency.


//Make the line invisible.


//Save the excel file. + "AsposeChartWatermarked_Out.xls", SaveFormat.EXCEL_97_TO_2003);

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