Display or Hide Scroll Bars in Python

Aspose.Cells - Display or Hide Scroll Bars

Hiding Row/Column Headers

To hide row/column headers using Aspose.Cells Java for Python, call DisplayHideRowColumnHeaders module.

Python Code

 workbook = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1.xls")

#Hiding the vertical scroll bar of the Excel file


#Hiding the horizontal scroll bar of the Excel file


#Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format

workbook.save(self.dataDir + "output.xls")

\# Print message

print "Scroll bars are now hidden, please check the output document."

Making Row/Column Headers Visible

Make row and column headers visible by using the Worksheet class' setRowColumnHeadersVisible(true) method.

Python Code

 # Displaying the headers of rows and columns


Download Running Code

Download Hello World (Aspose.Cells) from any of the below mentioned social coding sites: