Hello World in Jython

Aspose.Cells - Hello World

To append documents using Aspose.Cells Java for Jython. Here you can see example code.

Jython Code

 from asposewords import Settings

from com.aspose.Cells import Document

from com.aspose.Cells import ImportFormatMode

class HelloWorld:

    def __init__(self):

        dataDir = Settings.dataDir + 'quickstart/'

        workbook = Workbook()

        sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)

        cell = sheet.getCells().get("A1")

        cell.setValue("Hello World!")

        file_format_type = FileFormatType

        workbook.save(dataDir + "HelloWorld.xls" , file_format_type.EXCEL_97_TO_2003 )

        print "Document has been saved, please check the output file.";

if __name__ == '__main__':        


Download Running Code

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