Find and Replace in Spreadsheet


When we click on find button following is the code:

 if (TXBX_Find.Text != "")


	 workbook = new Workbook(FOD_OpenFile.FileName);

	FindOptions Opts = new FindOptions();

	Opts.LookInType = LookInType.Values;

	Opts.LookAtType = LookAtType.Contains;

	string found = "";

	Cell cell = null;

	foreach (Worksheet sheet in workbook.Worksheets)


		found += Environment.NewLine + "Sheet: " + sheet.Name + ":";



			cell = sheet.Cells.Find(TXBX_Find.Text, cell, Opts);

			if (cell != null)

				found += cell.Name + ",";


		while (cell != null);


	LBL_FindResults.Text = found;


Clicking on Replace button following code is executed:

 if (TXBX_Find.Text != "" && TXBX_Replace.Text!="")


	workbook = new Workbook(FOD_OpenFile.FileName);

	FindOptions Opts = new FindOptions();

	Opts.LookInType = LookInType.Values;

	Opts.LookAtType = LookAtType.Contains;

	string found = "";

	Cell cell = null;

	foreach (Worksheet sheet in workbook.Worksheets)




			cell = sheet.Cells.Find(TXBX_Find.Text, cell, Opts);

			if (cell != null)


				string celltext = cell.Value.ToString();

				celltext = celltext.Replace(TXBX_Find.Text, TXBX_Replace.Text);




		while (cell != null);


	LBL_FindResults.Text = "Replaced All Existing Values, Save the file now";


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