Aspose.OMR for Java
Welcome to Aspose.OMR for Java
Aspose.OMR for Java eliminates the need for manual validation and data entry from uniform machine-readable forms: exam answer sheets, quizzes, surveys, ballots, questionnaires, and more. Its easy-to-use, flexible API allows you to add Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) functionality to any device that can run a Java Virtual Machine.
The library covers the full cycle of processing OMR forms: from designing the printable template to recognizing hand-filled forms. It is extremely cost-effective: you don’t need to purchase and learn design tools, buy expensive scanners or specialized consumables. To create and process questionnaires of any type, an ordinary office copier and an entry-level smartphone are more than enough.
Aspose’s expertise in machine learning and AI libraries, years of customer feedback, and cutting-edge technology ensure the highest level of accuracy and reliable results at any scale, from elections to classroom quizzes.
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