Aspose.3D for Java 19.7 Mitteilung hinweise

Verbesserungen und Änderungen

THREEDNET-449Problem mit Transformation werten in KnotenFeature
THREEDNET-526Fügen Sie Point Cloud-Export unterstützung in Google Draco hinzuVerbesserung
THREEDNET-524Fügen Sie Point Cloud-Import unterstützung in Google Draco hinzuVerbesserung
THREEDNET-523 Fügen Sie Point Cloud-Unterstützung im Format PLY hinzuVerbesserung

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Neue Klasse com.aspose.threed hinzugefügt. Point Cloud

Diese Klasse erbt von Aspose.ThreeD. Entitäten. Geometrie direkt und verwendet, um eine Menge von Punkten darzustellen.

Neue Methoden zur Dekodierung der Klasse com. apose. threed.Draco Format hinzugefügt


     * Decode the point cloud or mesh from specified file name

     * @param fileName The file name contains the drc file

     * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance depends on the file content


    public Geometry decode(String fileName)

        throws ImportException;


     * Decode the point cloud or mesh from memory data

     * @param data The raw drc bytes

     * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance depends on the content


    public Geometry decode(byte[]data)

        throws ImportException;

Beispielcode zum Entschlüsseln eines Netzes aus einer Draco-Datei direkt, ohne eine Szene zu erstellen

 PointCloud pointCloud = (PointCloud)FileFormat.DRACO.decode("pointCloud.drc");

Neue Methoden wurden zur Klasse com. apose. threed.Draco Format hinzugefügt


     * Encode the entity to specified stream

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param stream The stream that encoded data will be written to

     * @param options Extra options for encoding the point cloud


    public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream, DracoSaveOptions options)

        throws IOException;


     * Encode the entity to specified stream

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param stream The stream that encoded data will be written to


    public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream)

        throws IOException;


     * Encode the entity to specified file

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param fileName The file name to be written


    public void encode(Entity entity, String fileName)

        throws IOException;


     * Encode the entity to Draco raw data

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param options Extra options for encoding the point cloud

     * @return The encoded draco data represented in bytes


    public byte[]encode(Entity entity, DracoSaveOptions options);


     * Encode the entity to Draco raw data

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @return The encoded draco data represented in bytes


    public byte[]encode(Entity entity);

Beispielcode, um ein Kugel netz direkt in die Draco-Datei zu codieren, ohne eine Szene zu erstellen

 FileFormat.DRACO.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.drc");

Neuer Getter/Setter getPoint Cloud/set Point Cloud zur Klasse com. asose. threed.DracoSaveOptions hinzugefügt


 * Export the scene as point cloud, default value is false.


public boolean getPointCloud();


 * Export the scene as point cloud, default value is false.

 * @param value New value


public void setPointCloud(boolean value);

Beispielcode zum Codieren eines Kugel netzes in die Draco-Datei als Punktwolke

 DracoSaveOptions opt = new DracoSaveOptions();


FileFormat.DRACO.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.drc", opt);

Neue Methoden wurden zur Klasse com. apose. threed.Ply Format hinzugefügt


 * Encode the entity and save the result into the stream.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param stream The stream to write to, this method will not close this stream

 * @param opt Save options


public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream, PlySaveOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Encode the entity and save the result into the stream.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param stream The stream to write to, this method will not close this stream


public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream)

    throws IOException;


 * Encode the entity and save the result into an external file.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param fileName The file to write to

 * @param opt Save options


public void encode(Entity entity, String fileName, PlySaveOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Encode the entity and save the result into an external file.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param fileName The file to write to


public void encode(Entity entity, String fileName)

    throws IOException;

Beispielcode zum Codieren eines Netzes, um die Datei direkt zu übertragen, ohne eine Szene zu erstellen.

 FileFormat.PLY.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.ply");

Neue Methoden zur Dekodierung der Klasse com. apose. threed.Ply Format hinzugefügt


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param fileName The input stream

 * @param opt The load option of PLY format

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(String fileName, PlyLoadOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param fileName The input stream

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(String fileName)

    throws IOException;


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param stream The input stream

 * @param opt The load option of PLY format

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(Stream stream, PlyLoadOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param stream The input stream

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(Stream stream)

    throws IOException;

Beispielcode zum Dekodieren einer Mesh-/Punktwolke aus einer Ply-Datei:

 Geometry geom = FileFormat.PLY.decode("sphere.ply");

Getter/Setter get Point Cloud und set Point Cloud zur Klasse com.aspose.threed.Ply SaveOptions hinzugefügt


 * Export the scene as point cloud, the default value is false.


public boolean getPointCloud();


 * Export the scene as point cloud, the default value is false.

 * @param value New value


public void setPointCloud(boolean value);

Beispielcode, um den Export einer Szene zu erzwingen, um als Punktwolke zu verlagern

 PlySaveOptions opt = new PlySaveOptions();


FileFormat.PLY.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.ply", opt);
