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Aspose.3D for Java 20.4 Mitteilung hinweise

Verbesserungen und Änderungen

THREEDNET-663  Add Linux Rendering-Unterstützung Neues Feature
THREEDNET-661  Daten mit benutzer definierter Vertex Declaration abrufen  Verbesserung
THREEDNET-652  Orbital bewegungs steuerung hinzufügen  Verbesserung
THREEDNET-653   Fügen Sie Linien unterstützung im Format A3DW hinzu.  Verbesserung
THREEDNET-655  Rendering-Unterstützung von TriMesh hinzufügen  Verbesserung
THREEDNET-656   Das Licht-Rendering war im Web-Renderer falsch. Bug

Öffentliche API und rückwärts inkompatible Änderungen

Mitglieder zur Klasse com. asose. threed.utilities.Vertex hinzugefügt

Lesen Sie die Daten des Feldes von einem Scheitel punkt.


\* Read the vector4 field

\* @param field The field with a Vector4/FVector4 data type


public Vector4 readVector4(VertexField field);


\* Read the vector4 field

\* @param field The field with a Vector4/FVector4 data type


public FVector4 readFVector4(VertexField field);


\* Read the vector3 field

\* @param field The field with a Vector3/FVector3 data type


public Vector3 readVector3(VertexField field);


\* Read the vector3 field

\* @param field The field with a Vector3/FVector3 data type


public FVector3 readFVector3(VertexField field);


\* Read the vector2 field

\* @param field The field with a Vector2/FVector2 data type


public Vector2 readVector2(VertexField field);


\* Read the vector2 field

\* @param field The field with a Vector2/FVector2 data type


public FVector2 readFVector2(VertexField field);


\* Read the double field

\* @param field The field with a float/double compatible data type


public double readDouble(VertexField field);


\* Read the float field

\* @param field The field with a float/double compatible data type


public float readFloat(VertexField field);


 Scene s = new Scene("test.stl");

Mesh mesh = (Mesh)s.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getEntity();

//create a VertexDeclaration so we can get the TriMesh with memory layout exactly we want.

VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();

VertexField pos = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);

VertexField normal = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);

VertexField uv = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);

//construct the TriMesh using specified vertex layout

TriMesh m = TriMesh.fromMesh(vd, mesh);

//print each vertex's position, normal and uv

for(Vertex vtx : m)


	Vector3 v_pos = vtx.readVector3(pos);

	Vector3 v_normal = vtx.readVector3(normal);

	Vector2 v_uv = vtx.readVector2(uv);

	System.out.printf("(%s), (%s), (%s)\n", v_pos, v_normal, v_uv);


Mitglied zur Klasse com.aspose.threed.entities.TriMesh hinzugefügt

Wenn Ihre TriMesh-Instanzen ein unsicheres Speicher layout haben, können Sie diese Methode verwenden, um eine neue Instanz mit genau benötigtem Speicher layout zu erstellen.

 Scene s = new Scene("test.STL");

var mesh = (Mesh)s.RootNode.ChildNodes[0].Entity;

var originalTriMesh = TriMesh.FromMesh(mesh);

//create a VertexDeclaration so we can get the TriMesh with memory layout exactly we want.

VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();

VertexField pos = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);

VertexField normal = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);

VertexField uv = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);

//If the original TriMesh's memory layout is not what you wanted, you can use CopyFrom to get a new instance

//with specified memory layout

TriMesh m = TriMesh.copyFrom(originalTriMesh, vd);

//print each vertex's position, normal and uv

for(Vertex vtx : m)


	Vector3 v_pos = vtx.readVector3(pos);

	Vector3 v_normal = vtx.readVector3(normal);

	Vector2 v_uv = vtx.readVector2(uv);

	System.out.printf("(%s), (%s), (%s)\n", v_pos, v_normal, v_uv);


Mitglied zur Klasse com.aspose.threed.entities.TriMesh hinzugefügt

Mit dieser Methode können Sie die TriMesh-Instanz einfach aus einem Byte array wie Deserial isierung rekonstruieren.


 * Create TriMesh from raw data

 * @param vd Vertex declaration, must contains at least one field.

 * @param vertices The input vertex data, the minimum length of the vertices must be greater or equal to vertex declaration's size

 * @param indices The triangle indices

 * @param generateVertexMapping Generate {@link com.aspose.threed.Vertex} for each vertex, which is not necessary for just serialization/deserialization.

 * @return The {@link com.aspose.threed.TriMesh} instance that encapsulated the input byte array.


public static TriMesh fromRawData(VertexDeclaration vd, byte[]vertices, int[]indices, boolean generateVertexMapping)

Beispiel nutzung

 Scene s = new Scene("test.stl");

Mesh mesh = (Mesh)s.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getEntity();

VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();

VertexField pos = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);

VertexField normal = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);

VertexField uv = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);

TriMesh originalTriMesh = TriMesh.fromMesh(vd, mesh);

//If the original TriMesh's memory layout is not what you wanted, you can use CopyFrom to get a new instance

//with specified memory layout

byte[]verticesInBytes = originalTriMesh.verticesToArray();

int[][]indices = new int[1][];


TriMesh m = TriMesh.fromRawData(vd, verticesInBytes, indices[0], true);

for(Vertex vtx : m)


	Vector3 v_pos = vtx.readVector3(pos);

	Vector3 v_normal = vtx.readVector3(normal);

	Vector2 v_uv = vtx.readVector2(uv);

	System.out.printf("(%s), (%s), (%s)\n", v_pos, v_normal, v_uv);


Klasse com. apose. threed.render.Window Handle hinzugefügt

Dies wird verwendet, um den nativen Fenster griff zum Erstellen eines Render fensters zu kapseln.

Mitglied zur Klasse com. asose. threed. rendern. render factory hinzugefügt


\* Create a render target that renders to the native window.

\* @param parameters Render parameters to create the render window

\* @param handle The handle of the window to render


public abstract IRenderWindow createRenderWindow(RenderParameters parameters, WindowHandle handle);

Der alteCreate Render WindowIst als veraltet markiert. Um den alten Code auf diese Methode zu portieren, reparieren Sie Ihren alten Code wie das folgende Code-Snippet.

 //Renderer renderer = ... your renderer instance

//RenderParameters renderParameters = ... your render parameters

//Control control = ... your control for rendering.

//window = renderer.getRenderFactory().createRenderWindow(new RenderParameters(), shell.handle);

//The above code should be fixed like the following line, pass a Win32 handle.

window = renderer.getRenderFactory().createRenderWindow(new RenderParameters(), WindowHandle.fromWin32(shell.handle));

Mitglieder zur Klasse com. asose. threed.utilities.IOUtils hinzugefügt

Dies sind Erweiterungs methoden zum Schreiben von Vector2/Vector3 in Binry Writer.


\* Write the vector to the binary writer

\* @param writer Target binary writer

\* @param v Vector to write


public static void write(BinaryWriter writer, Vector2 v)

   throws IOException;


\* Write the vector to the binary writer

\* @param writer Target binary writer

\* @param v Vector to write


public static void write(BinaryWriter writer, Vector3 v)

   throws IOException;

Mitglieder zur Klasse hinzugefügt aspose.threed.utilities.vector3

Dies sind mathematische Dienst programme zur Berechnung des Winkels im Bogenmaß zwischen zwei Vektoren im Raum 3D.


\* Calculate the inner angle between two direction

\* Two direction can be non-normalized vectors

\* @param dir The direction vector to compare with

\* @param up The up vector of the two direction's shared plane

\* @return inner angle in radian


public double angleBetween(Vector3 dir, Vector3 up);


\* Calculate the inner angle between two direction

\* Two direction can be non-normalized vectors

\* @param dir The direction vector to compare with

\* @return inner angle in radian


public double angleBetween(Vector3 dir);
