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Aspose.3D for Java 19,11 Notas de la versión

Mejoras y cambios

THREEDNET-575  Add .ATT soporte de importación de archivos.  Nueva característica
THREEDNET-578  Add .ATT soporte de exportación de archivos  Nueva característica
THREEDNET-577   Refacte elSistema de propiedadEn Aspose.3D  Mejora
THREEDNET-583   Implementado el no soportadoRVM tipo de entidad   Mejora
THREEDNET-580  FBX ImportaciónExcepciones  Mejora
THREEDNET-579   Problema con la conversión RVM a GLTF Bug
THREEDNET-582   Problema con la conversión RVM Bug
THREEDNET-585   Corregido los errores de validación de los archivos generados glTF Bug

API cambios

Added clase com aspose! threed! FBXLoadOptions

Cuando algunas propiedades definidas en las secciones de configuración global de FBX tienen un reemplazo similar en Aspose.ThreeD.AssetInfo, se consumirán y convertirán en la propiedad nativa, por lo que no puede acceder a ellas a través de la propiedad dinámica.

En Aspose.3D 19,11, puede usar KeepBuiltinGlobalSettings en FBXLoadOptions para desactivar esta función y mantener todo en GlobalSettings sin filtrar.

Código de muestra:

 //This will output all properties defined in GlobalSettings in FBX file.

Scene scene = new Scene();

FBXLoadOptions opt = new FBXLoadOptions();


scene.open("test.FBX", opt);

for (Property property : scene.getRootNode().getAssetInfo().getProperties()) {



Added clase com aspose! threed! RvmFormat



 * The RVM Format


public class RvmFormat extends FileFormat



     * Load the attributes from specified file name

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param fileName The file's name that contains the attributes

     * @param prefix The prefix of the attributes that used to avoid conflict of names, default value is "rvm:"


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, String fileName, String prefix)

        throws IOException;


     * Load the attributes from specified file name

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param fileName The file's name that contains the attributes


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, String fileName)

        throws IOException;


     * Load the attributes from specified stream

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param stream The stream that contains the attributes

     * @param prefix The prefix of the attributes that used to avoid conflict of names, default value is "rvm:"


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, Stream stream, String prefix)

        throws IOException;


     * Load the attributes from specified stream

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param stream The stream that contains the attributes


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, Stream stream)

        throws IOException;


Esto permite al usuario cargar manualmente el. Att y adjuntar los metadatos a una instancia de escena especificada, útil cuando el. Aspose.3D no puede encontrar el archivo att.

Código de muestra:

Añadido miembros a la clase com.aspose.threed.RvmLoadOptions

Añadido miembros a la clase com.aspose.threed.RvmSaveOptions


     * Gets the prefix of which attributes that will be exported, the exported property will contains no prefix, custom properties with different prefix will not be exported, default value is 'rvm:'.

     * For example if a property is rvm:Refno=345, the exported attribute will be Refno = 345, the prefix is stripped.


    public String getAttributePrefix();


     * Sets the prefix of which attributes that will be exported, the exported property will contains no prefix, custom properties with different prefix will not be exported, default value is 'rvm:'.

     * For example if a property is rvm:Refno=345, the exported attribute will be Refno = 345, the prefix is stripped.

     * @param value New value


    public void setAttributePrefix(String value);

    private String attributePrefix;


     * Gets the file name of attribute list file, exporter will generate a name based on the .rvm file name when this property is undefined, default value is null.


    public String getAttributeListFile();


     * Sets the file name of attribute list file, exporter will generate a name based on the .rvm file name when this property is undefined, default value is null.

     * @param value New value


    public void setAttributeListFile(String value);


     * Gets whether to export the attribute list to an external .att file, default value is false.


    public boolean getExportAttributes();


     * Sets whether to export the attribute list to an external .att file, default value is false.

     * @param value New value


    public void setExportAttributes(boolean value);

Código de muestra

 Scene scene = new Scene();

        Node node = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("Box", new Box());

        node.setProperty("rvm:Refno", "=3462123");

        node.setProperty("rvm:Description", "This is the description of the box");

        RvmSaveOptions opt = new RvmSaveOptions();

        //The RVM attribute's prefix is rvm:, all properties that starts with rvm: will be exported to .att file(the prefix will be removed)



        scene.save("test.rvm", opt);

Propiedades de la propiedad agregada a class com.aspose.threed.A3DObject


     * Gets the collection of all properties.


    public PropertyCollection getProperties();

Added clase com aspose! threed! PropertyCollection


 * The collection of properties


public class PropertyCollection implements Iterable<Property>



     * Gets the count of declared properties.


    public int size();


     * Gets the property by index.

     * @param idx 


    public Property get(int idx);


     * Finds the property.

     * It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty)

     * or native property(Identified by its name)

     * @param property Property name.

     * @return The property.


    public Property findProperty(String property);


     * Gets the value of the property by property name.

     * @param property The name of the property


    public Object get(String property);


     * Sets the value of the property by property name.

     * @param property The name of the property

     * @param value New value


    public void set(String property, Object value);


     * Removes a dynamic property.

     * @param property Which property to remove

     * @return true if the property is successfully removed


    public boolean removeProperty(Property property);


     * Removes a dynamic property.

     * @param property Which property to remove

     * @return true if the property is successfully removed


    public boolean removeProperty(String property);


     * Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.



    public Iterator<Property> iterator();


Código de muestra

Escena de escena = nueva escena ("Cámara. fbx");

Material material = escena getRootNode() getChildNodes() a (0) getMaterial();

PropertyCollection accesorios = material getProperties();

// Enumere todas las propiedades usando foreach

Para (Prop de propiedad: accesorios)


System fuera! printf("% s = % s \ n" prop getName() prop getValue();


// O usando ordinal para bucle

(Int = 0;< props.size(); i++)


                Property prop = props.get(i);

                System.out.printf("%s = %s", prop.getName(), prop.getValue());


            //Get property value by name

            Object diffuse = props.get("Diffuse");


            //modify property value by name

            props.set("Diffuse", new Vector3(1, 0, 1));

            //Get property instance by name

            Property pdiffuse = props.findProperty("Diffuse");


            //Since Property is also inherited from A3DObject

            //It's possible to get the property of the property

            System.out.printf("Property flags = %s\n", pdiffuse.getProperty("flags"));

            //and some properties that only defined in FBX file:

            System.out.printf("Label = %s\n", pdiffuse.getProperty("label"));

            System.out.printf("Type Name = %s\n", pdiffuse.getProperty("typeName"));

            //so traversal on property's property is possible

            for(Property pp : pdiffuse.getProperties())


                System.out.printf("Diffuse.{0} = {1}", pp.getName(), pp.getValue());

