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Aspose.3D for Java 22.3 Notes de Libération

Améliorations et changements

THREEDNET-1103Améliorez le maillage important en U3D/PDF d’exportation de fichiersAmélioration
THREEDNET-1081Ajouter des fonctions simplifiées pour la fusion de scènesAmélioration
THREEDNET-1077Le glTF généré ne peut pas passer le validateur glTF lorsque la compression draco est activée.Correction de bogue

API changements

Ajout de nouvelles méthodes statiques à la classe com.aspose.threed.Scene:

     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param format File format.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param format File format.
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream) throws IOException;

Ces surcharges permettent de construire une scène directement à partir d’un flux, avec plus d’options héritées de Scene.Open.

        //Before 22.3, load a scene from stream:
        //var scene = new Scene();

        //Now we load a scene from stream
        var scene = Scene.fromStream(stream);

Ajout de nouvelles méthodes statiques à la classe com.aspose.threed.Scene:

     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param format File format.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param format File format.
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format) throws IOException;

     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;

     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options) throws IOException;

     * Opens the scene from given path
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given path
     * @param fileName File name.
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException;

Ces surcharges permettent de construire une scène directement à partir du nom de fichier, avec plus d’options héritées de la scène. Ouvrez.

L’ancien constructeur de Scene avec un paramter FileName est maintenant marqué comme obsolète et sera supprimé à l’avenir.

        //Before 22.3, load a scene from file:
        //var scene = new Scene();

        //Now we load a scene from file
        var scene = Scene.fromFile("fileName");

Ajout de nouvelles méthodes statiques à la classe aspose.threed.Node:

     * Detach everything under the node and attach them to current node.
     * @param node 
    public void merge(Node node);

Cette nouvelle méthode permet de tout fusionner d’un autre nœud au nœud actuel.

Exemple de code pour fusionner file1 et file2:

        var scene1 = Scene.fromFile("file1");
        var scene2 = Scene.fromFile("file2");
        scene1.getRootNode().merge(scene2.getRootNode());"output.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7700_BINARY);
