Save 3D Document

List of 3D supported formats (export)

Aspose.3D for Java API has support of saving 3D scene in various type of 3D documents. The supported writable file formats are as follows:

  1. FBX 7.2 (ASCII, Binary)
  2. FBX 7.3 (ASCII, Binary)
  3. FBX 7.4 (ASCII, Binary)
  4. FBX 7.5 (ASCII, Binary)
  5. STL (ASCII, Binary)
  6. WavefrontOBJ
  7. Discreet3DS
  8. Universal3D
  9. Collada
  10. glTF
  11. GLB
  12. Draco
  13. GLTF 2.0 (ASCII, Binary)
  14. RVM (Text, Binary)

Export 3D document

Aspose.3D for Java API has support of saving a 3D scene in various types of 3D document.

Saving a 3D Scene: Programming Samples

// The path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Load a 3D document into Aspose.3D
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Open an existing 3D scene + "document.fbx");
// Save Scene to a stream
try (MemoryStream dstStream = new MemoryStream()) {, FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
// Save Scene to a local path + "output_out.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);