Skapa en Fish-eye linseffekt på 3D scen och spara i en bild

Skapa en Fisheye-linseffekt

I den här artikeln skapar vi en kamera och två Ljus objekt för att fånga scenen, också skapa en rendering mål, skapa en visningsplats och utför Fisheye projektion efter bearbetning med kubenkartan som inmatning och slutligen spara texten Fisheye. - Ja, jag vet inte. execute-metoden Renderer-klass gör det möjligt att utföra efterbehandlingseffekten och spara resultatet för att göra mål.


Detta kodexempel skapar en Fisheye linseffekt på 3D scen och spara i bildformat.


import aspose.threed as a3d
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
from aspose.pydrawing.imaging import ImageFormat

#load the scene

scene = a3d.Scene.from_file("test.glb");

#create a camera for capturing the cube map

cam = a3d.entities.Camera(a3d.entities.ProjectionType.PERSPECTIVE)

cam.near_plane = 0.1
cam.far_plane = 200
cam.rotation_mode = a3d.entities.RotationMode.FIXED_DIRECTION

scene.root_node.create_child_node(cam).transform.set_translation(5, 6, 0)

#create two lights to illuminate the scene

light = a3d.entities.Light()
light.light_type = a3d.entities.LightType.POINT

scene.root_node.create_child_node(light).transform.set_translation(-10, 7, -10)

light = a3d.entities.Light()
light.color = a3d.utilities.Vector3(Color.cadet_blue)

scene.root_node.create_child_node(light).transform.set_translation(49, 0, 49)

#create a renderer

with a3d.render.Renderer.create_renderer() as renderer:

    #Create a cube map render target with depth texture, depth is required when rendering a scene.
    rt = renderer.render_factory.create_cube_render_texture(a3d.render.RenderParameters(False), 512, 512)

    #create a 2D texture render target with no depth texture used for image processing
    final = renderer.rendere_factory.create_render_texture(a3d.render.RenderParameters(False, 32, 0, 0), 1024, 1024)

    #a viewport is required on the render target
    rt.create_viewport(cam, RelativeRectangle.from_scale(0, 0, 1, 1))


    #execute the fisheye projection post-processing with the previous rendered cube map as input
    #the fisheye can have field of view more than 180 degree, so a cube map with all direction is required.

    fisheye = renderer.get_post_processing("fisheye")

    # we can change the fov to 360 instead of the default value 180.

    fisheye.find_property("fov").Value = 360.0

    #Specify the cube map rendered from the scene as this post processing's input

    fisheye.input = rt.targets[0]

    #Execute the post processing effect and save the result to render target final

    renderer.execute(fisheye, final)

    #save the texture into disk

    final.targets[0].save("fisheye.png", ImageFormat.PNG)