Ürünlerimize göz atın

Aspose.3D for Java 22.3 lease elease Notes

Improvements ve Changes

THREEDNET-110307mlarge büyük örgü U3D/PDF dosya ihracatıVement mprovement
THREEDNET-1081Scenes dd sahneler birleştirmek için basitleştirilmiş fonksiyonlarVement mprovement
THREEDNET-1077Draenerated glTF, draco sıkıştırma etkinleştirildiğinde glTF validator’u geçemez.Bug düzeltme

API değişiklikleri

Acom.aspose.threed.Scene sınıfına yeni statik yöntemler verdi:

     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param format File format.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param format File format.
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, FileFormat format) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, LoadOptions options) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given stream
     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
    public static Scene fromStream(Stream stream) throws IOException;

These aşırı yükler, doğrudan bir akımdan bir sahne oluşturmaya izin verir, Scene. Open’den daha fazla seçenek kalıplanır.

        //Before 22.3, load a scene from stream:
        //var scene = new Scene();

        //Now we load a scene from stream
        var scene = Scene.fromStream(stream);

Acom.aspose.threed.Scene sınıfına yeni statik yöntemler verdi:

     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param format File format.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param format File format.
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, FileFormat format) throws IOException;

     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;

     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, LoadOptions options) throws IOException;

     * Opens the scene from given path
     * @param fileName File name.
     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken) throws IOException;
     * Opens the scene from given path
     * @param fileName File name.
    public static Scene fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException;

These aşırı yükler, doğrudan dosya isminden bir sahne oluşturmaya izin verir, Scene. Open’den daha fazla seçenek kalıplanır.

To bir fileName paramter ile Scene eski kurucu şimdi eski olarak işaretlenmiş ve gelecekte kaldırılacak.

        //Before 22.3, load a scene from file:
        //var scene = new Scene();

        //Now we load a scene from file
        var scene = Scene.fromFile("fileName");

Aaspose.threed.Node sınıfına yeni statik yöntemler verdi:

     * Detach everything under the node and attach them to current node.
     * @param node 
    public void merge(Node node);

Tonun yeni yöntemi, her şeyi başka bir düğümden geçerli düğüme birleştirmeye izin verir.

File1 ve file2’yi birleştirmek için yeterli kod:

        var scene1 = Scene.fromFile("file1");
        var scene2 = Scene.fromFile("file2");
        scene1.save("output.fbx", FileFormat.FBX7700_BINARY);
