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Aspose.3D for .NET 18.2 - February 2018

Ther ther vements mprovements ve Changes

THREEDNET-335Lement hanhanhannel’e Targets eklemeNew özelliği
THREEDNET-348Skeleton dd iskelet desteği/morphing animasyon ihracatıNew özelliği
THREEDNET-332Ndd Ncurve curve curve curve eğrisi için destekNew özelliği
THREEDNET-333Ndd dd surface surface yüzey için Add desteğiNew özelliği
THREEDNET-338Pdd Pre/Post tation otation desteğiNew özelliği
THREEDNET-351Cannot, sahnenin görüntüsünde şeffaflık oluşturmazEnhancement
THREEDNET-334Null utput FBX-boş işaretçi hatası oluştuBug

Public API ve Backwards uyumlu Changes

See API halka yapılan herhangi bir değişiklik listesi, Aspose.3D for .NET için yapılan herhangi bir geriye dönük olmayan uyumlu değişimin yanı sıra eklenen, yeniden adlandırılmış, kaldırılmış veya kullanımdan kaldırılmış üyeler. If listelenen herhangi bir değişiklik hakkında endişeleriniz var, lütfenAspose.3D destek forumu.

Dds dds üyeleri Aspose.ThreeD.Deformers. Bbir sınıf


 /// <summary>

/// Gets the weight for control point specified by index

/// </summary>

/// <param name="index">Control point's index</param>

/// <returns>the weight at specified index, or 0 if the index is invalid</returns>

public double GetWeight(int index)

/// <summary>

/// Sets the weight for control point specified by index

/// </summary>

/// <param name="index">Control point's index</param>

/// <param name="weight">New weight</param>

public void SetWeight(int index, double weight)

/// <summary>

/// Gets the count of weight, this is automatically extended by <see cref="SetWeight"/>

/// </summary>

int WeightCount{ get;}

/// <summary>

/// Gets or sets the transform matrix of the bone.

/// </summary>

Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Matrix4 BoneTransform{ get;set;}

Dds dds üyeleri Aspose.ThreeD.Deformers. Morpharargethanhannel sınıfı


 /// <summary>

/// Gets the weight for the specified target, if the target is not belongs to this channel, default value 0 is returned.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="target"></param>

/// <returns></returns>

public double GetWeight(Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.Geometry target)

/// <summary>

/// Sets the weight for the specified target, default value is 1, range should between 0~1

/// </summary>

/// <param name="target"></param>

/// <param name="weight"></param>

public void SetWeight(Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.Geometry target, double weight)

Sınıf Aspose.ThreeD.Entities. Nurbsururve


 /// <summary>

/// Evaluate the nurbs curve

/// </summary>

/// <param name="steps">The evaluation frequency between two neighbor knots, default value is 20</param>

/// <returns>Points in the curve</returns>

public Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector4[]Evaluate(double delta)

/// <summary>

/// Evaluate the curve's point at specified position

/// </summary>

/// <param name="u">The position in the curve, between 0 and 1</param>

/// <returns></returns>

public Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector4 EvaluateAt(double u)

Sample kodu:


 public static void Main(string[]args)


    NurbsCurve curve = new NurbsCurve();

    curve.ControlPoints.AddRange(new Vector4[]{

        new Vector4(-28.0118217468262, 53.0359077453613, 0, 1),

        new Vector4(8.95330429077148, 64.7735290527344, 0, 1),

        new Vector4(35.7778739929199, 42.424259185791, 0, 1),

        new Vector4(24.8725852966309, -4.86993026733398, 0, 1),

        new Vector4(-35.7778739929199, -34.192684173584, 0, 1),

        new Vector4(-18.6066780090332, -57.1458396911621, 0, 1),

        new Vector4(17.733715057373, -64.7735290527344, 0, 1)


    curve.KnotVectors.AddRange(new double[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1});

    foreach (var pt in curve.Evaluate())





Dds dds üyeleri Aspose.ThreeD.Entities. Nurbsururve sınıfı


 /// <summary>

/// Convert the nurbs surface to the mesh

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

public Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.Mesh ToMesh()

Dds dds üyeleri Aspose.ThreeD.Transform sınıfına

S07FBX dosyaları, düğümler için sıfır olmayan bir ön/post rotasyon değeri içerir, bu iki özellik bunları kullanıcıya çıkarır ve bunları manipüle etmenize izin verir.


 /// <summary>

/// Gets or sets the pre-rotation represented in degree

/// </summary>

Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector3 PreRotation{ get;set;}

/// <summary>

/// Gets or sets the post-rotation represented in degree

/// </summary>

Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector3 PostRotation{ get;set;}

Dds dds üyeleri Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities. athathathtils sınıfı


 /// <summary>

/// Convert a number from radian to degree

/// </summary>

/// <param name="x">The x component in radian value.</param>

/// <param name="y">The y component in radian value.</param>

/// <param name="z">The z component in radian value.</param>

/// <returns>The degree value.</returns>

public static Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector3 ToDegree(double x, double y, double z)

/// <summary>

/// Convert a vector from degree to radian

/// </summary>

/// <param name="x">The x component in degree value.</param>

/// <param name="y">The y component in degree value.</param>

/// <param name="z">The z component in degree value.</param>

/// <returns>The radian value.</returns>

public static Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector3 ToRadian(double x, double y, double z)

The eski kod örneği:


 MathUtils.ToDegree(new Vector3(x, y, z));

MathUtils.ToRadian(new Vector3(x, y, z));

It şimdi şu şekilde basitleştirilebilir:


 MathUtils.ToDegree(x, y, z);

MathUtils.ToRadian(x, y, z);

Member Aspose.ThreeD.Formats. GLptions aveaveaveptions ptions olarak güncellendi

Old tanımı

 System.Func<Aspose.ThreeD.Shading.Material, Aspose.ThreeD.Shading.Material> MaterialConverter{ get;set;}

New tanımı

 //New definition

Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.MaterialConverter MaterialConverter{ get;set;}

Mo MaterialConverter tanımı eski unc unc için aynı imzaya sahiptir<Material, Material>:


 /// <summary>

/// Custom converter to convert the geometry's original material to GLTF's PBR material.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="mat">Old material instance</param>

/// <returns>New material instance</returns>

public delegate Material MaterialConverter(Material mat);

Dds dds yeni bir sınıf Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.VertexElementVector4

This sınıfı VertexElementNormal, VertexElementVertexColor, VertexElementBinormal, VertexElementTangent, Vertex. lement. and ve VertexElementSpecular yeni taban sınıfıdır. It kullanıcının yan kodunu etkilemez.

Member Aspose.ThreeD olarak değiştirildi. Entities. ururbsCurve sınıfı

Old tanımı

 System.Collections.Generic.List<double> KnotVectors{ get;}

New tanımı

 IArrayList<double> KnotVectors{ get;}

Member Aspose.ThreeD olarak değiştirildi. Entities. Nurbsireirection sınıfı

Old tanımı

 System.Collections.Generic.List<double> KnotVectors{ get;}

New tanımı

 IArrayList<double> KnotVectors{ get;}
