Read Non-typical Barcodes
Read Inverted Barcode Images
Aspose.BarCode for C++ enables reading barcode images with inverted colors. To do this, it is required to enable a special parameter called AllowInvertImage.
Read Colored Barcodes on Colored Background
To read colored barcodes on a colored background, Aspose.BarCode for C++ provides a special parameter called AllowComplexBackground that attempts to distinguish the colored background from barcode labels through color quantization and then subtract it. It should be noted that enabling this parameter results in considerable deceleration of recognition speed and thus should be used in special cases only.
Read Industrial Data Matrix Barcodes
Industrial Data Matrix barcodes often have dotted patterns or other decoration elements and are placed onto metallic surfaces, in this way, creating embossed indelible barcode labels. To facilitate the recognition of such barcodes, it is possible to enable a special parameter called AllowDatamatrixIndustrialBarcodes that allows reading dashed labels in a slow mode.