Aspose.BarCode for Java 16.11 Release Notes

Aspose.BarCode for Java has been updated to version 16.11 and we are pleased to announce it. The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.BarCode.

Features and Improvements

BARCODENET-36304Add support of the new BarCode type: Codablock FNew Feature
BARCODENET-36340Add support GS1 for CodablockFNew Feature
BARCODENET-36356Add support of AI 8012New Feature
BARCODENET-36357Add support of the classification of the encode types (symbologies)New Feature
BARCODENET-36349Add support of more than 64 types to the encoder APINew Feature
BARCODENET-36239Implement saving to CMYK formatNew Feature
BARCODENET-36240Add support to read barcode in CMYKNew Feature
BARCODENET-33878Slow recognition speed when reading QR codes from multi-page TiffEnhancement
BARCODENET-33909Can’t recognize QR codes through free QR scanner apps available on the app storeEnhancement
BARCODENET-36344Correct the bits in datamatrix recognitionEnhancement
BARCODENET-36234Exception while trying to generate PDF417 barcodeEnhancement
BARCODENET-36348PDF417 coded Barcode recognition is not workingEnhancement
BARCODENET-36347Improve recognition rotated MicroQr barcodesEnhancement

Usage examples:

BARCODENET-36349 Add support of more than 64 Symbologies to the Encoder API

How to build a barcode:

 BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder("3-5-7-11", EncodeTypes.CODE_128);"barcode.png");

Another sample:

 BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder();



How to obtain all the EncodeTypes:

 BaseEncodeType[] allTypes = EncodeTypes.getAllEncodeTypes();

How to parse EncodeTypes from the string:

 BaseEncodeType[] symbology = new BaseEncodeType[1];

boolean successful = false;

successful  = EncodeTypes.parse("Code128", symbology);


successful = EncodeTypes.tryParse("Index:33;Name:DataMatrix", symbology);


BARCODENET-36357 Add support of the classification of the encode types (symbologies)

How to get the Type2D symbologies only:

 for(BaseEncodeType encodeType : EncodeTypes.getAllEncodeTypes())


    if (encodeType.getClassification() == BarcodeClassifications.Type2D)














BARCODENET-36304 Add support of the new BarCode type: Codablock F

Sample generation code:

 BarCodeBuilder b = new BarCodeBuilder();

b.setCodeText("CODABLOCKF 01234567890123456789012digits";


Sample generation code with specific rows and columns:

 BarCodeBuilder b = new BarCodeBuilder();

b.setCodeText("CODABLOCKF 01234567890123456789012digits");





 String filename = "Codablock-F_Example.png";

BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, DecodeType.CODABLOCK_F);

while (


    System.out.println(reader.getCodeType() + ": " + reader.getCodeText());



 CodablockF: Codablock-F Example

Sample generation code:

 BarCodeBuilder b = new BarCodeBuilder();



ImageIO.write(b.getBarCodeImage(), "PNG", new File("GS1CodablockF.png"));

Sample recognition code:

 String filename = "GS1CodablockF.png";

BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, DecodeType.CODABLOCK_F);

while (reader.Read())


    System.out.println(reader.getCodeType() + ": " + reader.getCodeText());



 CodablockF: (01)03412345678900(17)010200

BARCODENET-33909 Can’t recognize QR codes through free QR scanner apps available on the app store QRCodeComparison.pdf has resolution 96. Size of the small barcode is 132x121 px. But the dimension is 125. It is not really recognizable without zoom.

Size of the larger barcode is 264x242 px.

Recommended size has been calculated with the formula: (assuming the scanning distance is about 6 inch.) recommended size of QR = (6*125)/250 = 3 inches. Size of large image (old code) is 2.75 inches. Size of small image (new code) is 1.38 inches. The formula was taken from the following web-page

Method GetOnlyBarcodeImage uses 1px module by default, so the output image is too small.

Both methods builder.Save() and builder.GetOnlyBarCodeImage() can generate QR with large codetext.

To generate readable size barcode with GetOnlyBarCodeImage function, use scale parameter.

 String text = "";

for (int i = 0; i < 4296; i++)


    text += "A";


BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder(text, Symbology.QR);

int scale = 2;

BufferedImage bitmap = builder.getOnlyBarCodeImage(scale);

ImageIO.write(bitmap, "PNG", new File("scaled.png"));

BARCODENET-36344 Correct the bits in datamatrix recognition Code sample

 String filename ="DataMatrix10.tiff";

BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename);

while (


      System.out.println("-- Symbol:" + reader.getCodeType() + " Code :" + reader.getCodeText());




 -- Symbol:DataMatrix Code :424D4A414E31364252435467303318443847AAC44B7A7D0138A6909EFCB580BEE0FDBF22D5A8F3007322

BARCODENET-36234 Exception while trying to generate PDF417 barcode The first Code sample:

BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder();

barCodeBuilder.setCodeText(“1F7D07D7-3E81-4DE4-AEA7-58DDE1D93857\r\n\r\n;L;L SFSDF FDSLKKPPÊFMKJ KJSDF; K F DSHFKDSLKF JJ2,;LL;0932=09=**&$#@$#@#(*& DSFKDJFDS;LFSAKJDF;LLKJF\r\nHELLO WORLD”);




 Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeException : Unsupported char in Text mode: Ê at index 59

The second Code sample:

 BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder();




BARCODENET-36348 PDF417 coded Barcode recognition is not working

 String filename = "barcode_pdf417.tif";

BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, DecodeType.PDF_417);

int counter = 0;

while (



	byte[] bytes = reader.getCodeBytes();

	System.out.println(counter + " " +reader.getCodeType() + " bytes: ");

	for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)


		if (i % 16 == 0 && i > 0)


		System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(bytes[i] & 0xff));







1 Pdf417 bytes:

78 9c ed 7d 49 93 e4 36 92 ee 59 f5 2b c2 fa d2

dd f6 94 55 c4 c6 45 a6 8e b1 ac ad a5 96 6a 31

95 5a 7a 4f 97 31 66 04 33 83 aa 08 46 1a c9 a8

ed 87 bc d3 1c f5 1b de a9 6f f5 c7 1e b8 83 0c

80 74 44 70 cb 54 cd 4c f7 54 06 1d c0 07 a7 2f

80 c3 1d fc f6 bf 3e ec b6 8b 77 5e 18 f9 fb e0

1f 7f 45 0f 8d bf 2e bc 60 b5 5f fb c1 cd 3f fe

fa ef 9f 9f 5f d8 7f fd af e5 83 6f a3 e8 ed 37

3b 2f 8a dc 1b 6f b1 f3 83 7d f8 4b de e4 2f e8

2f 0b de 45 10 7d e3 ad 36 86 f5 8f bf 6c e2 f8

f6 9b 47 8f de bf 7f ff 90 ff f2 70 b5 79 94 3e

7e e4 3d f9 ee c2 30 0c eb e2 fa 91 29 36 b1 3b

9b d8 bc 09 11 9a 20 a3 ab 09 32 1a a3 20 d4 d9

04 f1 26 b6 d0 84 d2 ae 26 94 f2 26 54 6c 62 76

36 31 1b 73 71 3a 39 e6 58 8f 70 d1 80 bf 85 0e

72 84 9c aa 7f 37 ac 51 47 37 15 71 74 73 11 bb

1f d6 de 6a eb 86 6e cc 5f e4 85 1f 3f e2 dd 91

0b e3 51 f9 46 3f 44 7e ad 83 f7 e4 e1 3e bc 79

84 39 b7 1e fd ef 17 3f be 59 6d bc 9d 7b e1 07

51 ec 06 2b ef 2f cb 07 5f a5 72 b2 f1 dc b5 17

f2 bf b2 3f 57 6e 10 ef 83 67 1f 62 2f 48 24 26

f9 fd ab 6f dd 30 27 ab ff 9e 3e 88 f6 87 70 e5

bd f9 18 c5 de 2e fb 35 fb 39 fb e1 4d ec 1d bc

70 71 79 7b eb 05 9f bc ed 76 71 79 88 22 2f 0c

37 fb b5 17 7c fb a8 22 ac 5a e6 e2 bd e4 c0 8d

0b e3 21 ff df 94 ae f8 b9 22 0c bd ad e7 46 de

53 37 f6 72 62 c4 ff 2f 25 16 1f 55 0d 76 5c 51

ae fd 55 ca c1 bc 15 32 2f b8 c4 62 9a b6 3a 7a

9e 4d f2 91 74 96 49 87 eb fd ea b0 f3 82 f8 47

3f 8a 97 af 42 ff c6 0f dc ed 22 f0 57 9b 78 e1

1e a2 1b ef fa f3 7f b6 db d8 8b 16 19 1f bc f0

ed f6 f3 1f e1 21 b8 89 ae f7 e1 ee c0 5f 67 da

7b ad 1f 79 ef 3f ee 37 01 ef f2 bd e7 47 8b 5f

f6 61 e0 ee bc ff 7e 8d 16 2f 1f 7e bd b8 0d f7

8b cb f0 ca f3 e3 1b ef 8a 33 fb 6f bf f9 d7 d7

fc ff a3 bf 9f d5 39 ee a9 f3 c7 5e c4 45 cf 0f

fc 1b 3e ef c5 e7 ff 24 bd bc f1 e3 4f 09 17 2e

16 3f bb 37 37 de 96 8b d6 d7 0b 6e a4 de bb db

38 f9 9d 4b 79 b4 d9 73 c3 e5 86 de 82 03 7b 58

8d fb 90 80 47 be 3c 5c f3 f7 b5 dd 26 e3 7e 3a

2c 9e f9 c1 db cf ff 09 ae b9 08 27 6f 67 11 79

db ab 28 fe fc 47 b0 f6 6f 78 cf cf c2 f7 5e 98

fe 10 fb 37 6f f9 84 cb 31 f1 59 73 ad 86 4d 47

fd 61 bf dd 7a 6f 63 ff dd d7 fc 9f bb 9d cb 47

8f 2f 16 87 60 bd e0 ed ae 5d de 3c 58 fc d3 e3

d8 b6 bc 2b 37 05 5b e2 d0 98 3b 00 c9 4f 9c d6

0b 1e bd ce 34 5a 18 87 3c 84 cf f8 72 bb bd fe

fc c7 76 cb 59 b8 78 ec

2 Pdf417 bytes:

f9 5b ee 72 02 ce ec dd e2 57 2f 8c 39 84 d0 4f

a6 c0 95 f7 93 c7 d5 22 e0 02 f6 b7 a7 5e ec fa

5b ce 7f df db 78 9c ee 66 cb 99 cd 51 9e 36 b7

47 e2 5b ce e6 c9 e5 38 e6 ca 26 ce b7 98 9a 79

16 03 f9 04 e3 f0 f3 1f 7c aa 2e 17 a1 80 ab b3

1b 70 1e 2e 9e 73 65 e6 d3 e6 52 bc e0 5a c2 df

a5 97 b0 f3 4d 2a 5f ef f6 61 c4 ed 30 87 f0 e6

f3 1f 87 ad b7 20 ee df eb 1a 5c c9 36 79 78 9e

5a f5 8f 0f 37 f0 69 a9 42 a6 4a 09 3c 6e 07 c3

c5 0f 3e 1f 98 9b 92 38 f4 0e 89 92 bf dd 47 89

74 73 db c2 81 e7 3f 2e d6 dc ce 6e 16 4f 43 9f

3b 32 6e f1 f7 95 54 22 f3 21 3b 63 f4 7f 73 46

84 1b 6e 5f a2 8b 8a 4d e9 93 df bd 35 37 32 c9

63 de e6 3f f1 27 ce b0 d7 f5 a1 31 7b 68 9d f5

62 7e e4 b6 33 88 32 35 cf d4 2e 75 67 9c 2e 71

06 a2 ea 19 27 da b7 6c 9c 4b de b5 bf 4d 5f 3f

1f 8b 8f 91 fc 99 30 f9 19 b7 6c 4d 73 c2 c7 82

33 54 1c 2b 91 a3 cb c4 84 f1 ce 6e bc dd e7 3f

22 ee e0 56 9b 2d 77 ed 57 dc 02 04 9f aa 21 b0

8e 29 39 9a ce da f7 16 31 77 05 9f ff e0 bd fb

a9 69 7c cc 39 76 5d 88 4e 43 4c 9f e7 3e 75 41

bf 5e e4 00 e8 7d 1b ff 87 4a 69 0e 41 c3 83 bd

4c a4 cc 3b 72 63 0d 63 23 41 69 cd 09 a5 92 97

6a 94 e9 af b2 15 aa b0 a4 5d 5e fe f4 ed 23 e1

cf 64 c1 fb 48 b1 e2 4d 9b c5 a1 1b 44 ee ea 78

b1 c8 7e 36 9c 6f 90 f9 0d 17 6e 13 9b ff cb c0

df 18 46 d6 55 b3 49 d9 95 fb 81 5b 14 7f bf 4e

3b c9 69 cb df 0a aa db f4 cf e7 e1 7e 97 8f 95

2d 67 1b 8f ea d4 3f ef 33 5a 84 2f 48 8d 96 3f

78 d0 39 ff e4 cf 6c 65 bb cc 67 90 ff 55 7f f8

94 5b b4 d0 bf 4d a6 d5 b5 a0 97 37 7a 90 b3 ba

dc 6b 64 b8 f6 89 21 8c cb c1 76 ae 1f 24 af bd

7a 73 99 07 e0 ac 74 5f bb 61 cc 85 06 e5 42 99

3e cc 7e ca 4c f5 f7 7c f4 b8 5c bc 17 6b fe 84

6c 7f cd 7f f5 dd ed 4b 2e 5c cb 97 99 1e 64 68

6a 4f 84 16 d7 3e 77 04 e9 8f 95 e6 64 2d aa 27

02 f9 9a bf e9 57 d7 8f fd 30 de e4 3f 7f f5 6d

ba 23 fd e6 a3 e7 86 2f f8 24 37 4f dd 8f 4b e4

58 e5 0e 45 f2 38 ef f0 91 bc c7 74 a0 77 c1 d2

62 26 c2 84 32 d3 b2 1d 2b 23 7e 57 9f 6d bc a9

58 d2 80 73 9b ff fc 84 77 7f b3 0f 3f 2e 5f fc

fb 21 df 36 19 0f 6f fd 75 81 e9 88 46 de c5 d2

c8 61 98 cd 86 b5 89 48 d0 e4 32 da f5 ee d2 c9

b8 eb 75 e8 45 d1 f7 41 b2 59 aa bd d8 74 fb fe

cd 2d b7 32 ee f6 32 a3 12 91 22 43 dd b6 49 f1

a3 1f 78 68 f9 03 df 2d 86 7c 51 14 71 15 e6 f2

bc c0 e9 bc 9a 54 8d 1e e2 fd fb 60 f9 1d 57 b7

c8 3d 14 f4 e9 6f 0d ba

3 Pdf417 bytes:

e8 bd 1f 45 bf f9 b7 4f b8 8e 2c 1d 94 58 0b c9

83 02 ff a3 8e 09 64 1c 97 ce 3e 63 ae aa a5 72

7f 9f 59 f9 63 65 6b 52 a5 64 7e f4 6c 77 bb dd

7f f4 d6 cb 38 3c 78 a9 e9 15 7e ab 51 f2 15 e6

b5 27 a1 ae fd 5e 6b f1 72 1f fc ba 0f df fa c1

cd f2 da dd 46 45 03 e1 e7 82 09 20 c4 ed f6 af

c5 03 94 26 89 2f 44 dd ed 1b ee de 0e d1 cf ee

07 41 fe 10 aa 3f 5d e6 22 d3 fc 59 18 47 de 5b

3a 50 e8 f1 1d 54 32 36 c2 b9 ad 29 7f a9 88 7e

df 5f 2d d3 f5 47 69 90 92 5f aa e7 39 4b c3 65

b6 b3 fa ed 10 b9 f1 a7 ab 2d f7 b1 7c 6d 9b 35

28 49 44 3b fa 31 71 a6 f9 36 30 7f 4d 92 07 55

0b ee ba 5e 1c 02 6e 3b 6f dd ad 1f 7f 14 98 62

58 df ec 84 27 a9 a9 14 15 44 f6 5c 60 90 ac e3

d2 a9 c9 3c 81 dc 4b 60 71 76 2d ee 21 b3 5c 12

07 81 0b ab 26 73 11 d9 13 89 93 28 5b 1d b9 89

ec 67 5d 47 81 5b 1d 85 a2 4f 91 5d 4a c3 aa 61

04 f0 9d 33 02 47 88 cf 35 02 95 6e 22 90 6e e2

69 74 53 a1 28 58 58 08 6f fc ed 3a 79 74 ba 7e

dc 86 c9 ee 76 bf df 2e fe 86 e8 e2 5f ee 26 f4

fe ae a3 2c 49 0c 60 61 f4 a3 28 d8 30 30 60 45

35 8c a2 94 bc 94 ea c7 6a bf bb 3d 6c 23 be 80

7a b6 3e e4 bd 1a 59 1c 5b f6 48 10 67 65 bf a7

4b 71 fe a4 f6 f2 87 90 07 76 aa 3c a0 de e4 21

b1 9a 5f e4 61 26 f2 60 9e 2a 0f 3d 39 d2 ec 4c

88 7c 91 87 09 e5 81 6f 9b 8a 59 9c e3 31 48 9f

1e 83 de 19 89 40 f7 5e 22 4e f6 19 b4 4f 9f c1

be 48 c4 6c 24 e2 64 af c1 fa f4 1a e6 17 89 38

55 22 d6 7c b7 7f b5 f5 d6 59 70 ef cd e1 f6 76

1f c6 a0 d9 4b 5b 4a 39 b1 16 23 d2 fb 4f 5c 3c

dc ab 4f 87 9b 45 e6 42 d7 b5 d0 73 c9 04 50 f7

e7 6e 16 a3 ac db cb dd fe 10 c4 4b c4 0c 96 6f

07 eb 0f 2a 0e aa d9 35 39 37 d1 cc b8 89 a9 8d

8d 3b cb 4d 3c 33 6e 12 c7 70 c8 9d e5 26 99 19

37 29 36 a8 73 67 b9 49 67 c6 4d 46 ac 33 35 3d

f4 de 79 c1 c1 13 46 28 62 8d 2f 5c 3f f8 49 7c

5a 3b 4e cc c6 41 4b 8c 2c 1b 5b b5 d3 aa e2 91

aa 11 e6 8d 1c 0b 33 49 23 2c 32 41 09 a4 06 f3

8d bf f6 b6 7c 69 04 80 8a 11 2d 4e 95 35 a0 62

52 84 33 bb a1 4a c1 e4 6b bd f4 4d a2 fa 01 6d

7e 7e 97 76 f8 3c 49 8a 5c 22 cb 20 96 9d 1f 50

09 bf d7 56 4d b2 ae 64 a3 60 e5 28 84 da 8e a1

33 0a 06 69 58 2e 4d 52 9d 92 bc ce 2c c3 ed b5

70 60 58 d1 85 cb 17 1f 17 09 ed e2 f1 3e 8a f2

15 4b 3d f4 5b 1f 74 89 6c 8c cd 3c ad 55 94 85

af c4 a6 6d c3 9f 8f 12 77 a3 24 06 b1 ed 69 51

92 6e 94 94 58 0e 9d 16 25 ed 46 c9 1c 6a 1a d3

a2 64 dd 28 4d e6 30 67

4 Pdf417 bytes:

38 94 58 85 f2 b1 97 9c 99 7c e7 6e af 35 f5 88

d9 0c 9f 80 17 0f 81 17 a2 51 28 75 26 f3 c0 0b

d1 2d 93 92 53 e4 61 10 bc 10 2d 33 b1 39 1b fe

42 f4 cd a1 f4 14 db 25 c5 db f0 e8 52 cb 20 ae

07 b9 71 48 9a 88 ca 76 bc 5c 6c e8 1b 81 f0 b7

03 48 6f 98 55 db af 86 ce 51 1b cd 07 b3 6a 93

d3 d0 3b 87 d0 6e bb 36 16 66 d5 56 a2 a1 7b 16

63 dd 1e 6e 2c cc 0c 84 d9 34 21 fa 77 36 66 dc

82 59 30 1d da da c8 30 3e 15 bd 86 05 d1 46 0f

d4 4b 83 e0 53 e5 65 48 f4 40 0d 25 04 e0 c9 c7

47 0f d4 55 8a 08 9a 21 7a a0 d6 3a e9 3e b7 3f

f4 af 92 a4 d6 fa ae 5c 19 42 60 4c b6 c5 46 2d

cd d2 9d b9 89 1c f5 ce bc 81 5c 06 47 05 17 62

15 5f 78 5e ec 07 ea 50 7a c3 aa 50 0e b6 93 bb

6d 18 fa c0 0a b4 21 a6 cd ba 2d e0 d0 58 a1 3e

9d ff cf e4 58 a1 f6 c1 02 ac 99 86 c6 0a b4 06

7c 4f d5 bd 56 3a 03 2b d0 8a 69 6a 19 a6 00 ef

d7 86 a6 5f d4 40 7d 73 2c 34 27 d4 40 cd 63 cc

21 33 42 0d d4 41 c3 99 15 6a a0 36 12 c7 38 1f

75 24 24 12 bf 0a bc 17 6e f0 64 bf bb 75 83 8f

20 27 6d 60 62 63 7d 27 6d 30 cb a0 9d 4e 1a 0a

0d 32 0d 88 31 7c 76 b3 5f e4 ad 3a 4c 4b 02 3a

4d b4 4f 9e bc ba ce a3 e1 55 7e b6 e2 b9 d4 3a

25 55 49 ca b7 a8 3b ad 21 58 d1 6e af 7a 64 05

41 84 a8 05 7a 0e ac 68 37 82 8a a9 56 59 f8 1a

bc a0 06 75 d4 cb 82 39 f0 a2 dd b4 f6 28 16 0c

93 96 c8 c1 1c 58 d1 6e af fb 14 0b d3 30 a9 7a

65 3b 20 2f 80 1e 6c 1a 13 6a 3b 2d c1 19 dd 09

0e cb 94 f1 8c a9 61 a3 b3 8d e9 48 4c 19 d1 ac

22 62 9e ad 3f 23 71 65 3c 03 4b f9 02 f8 8e 30

65 4c 53 6b d8 c3 71 45 6b 91 6d 9a 48 96 17 d3

bd c8 2e 52 d4 80 8b 6c d8 f2 5a df 57 8e ef 11

a8 83 d4 49 1f f0 c9 f4 37 f5 f1 ec 3e 31 c9 bc

a6 3e a2 75 37 ed 96 98 c9 14 73 1f cf 86 23 83

c0 f6 0b 63 4d 7d 4c 4b 8d 91 3a 79 aa e7 b9 03

7d d6 f8 26 0f 59 c0 38 c2 39 8e ea 34 26 8c b8

e8 75 5a 92 94 a6 65 c2 88 66 d0 26 f4 0c 7d 18

94 0b 63 2e 6a 5b b2 00 a7 65 c2 98 a6 11 59 7d

29 44 91 fb 9b 3f ab a7 2c 4b 5d 41 7a 59 5f 87

09 cc 12 8d 91 61 2c 91 c5 f7 ac 29 6d f5 5b 8d

2f 5e b8 e2 1d ba 37 de d2 ce fa 14 7e 39 ee b2

c8 69 b6 a9 29 74 2a 64 34 7f 55 5c 81 d1 36 ad

73 26 de 6e f6 aa 49 12 03 e5 a9 5e 3d 4e 1c f3

ad 2e 9e 68 e2 ed a6 ae 9a 24 25 16 33 fb 9e 38

61 86 41 27 9a 78 bb 75 ab 26 c9 ec e2 20 b5 c7

89 53 d3 b1 ac 89 26 de 6e d1 aa 49 9a c4 c0 b4

ef 89 33 83 22 67 88 89 03 cd ba a6 99 33 d3 22

0b 08 0b 4c b8 99 33 10

BARCODENET-36347 Improve recognition rotated MicroQr barcodes Code sample:

 String filename = "Micro_QR_Example_rotated.png";

BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, DecodeType.MICRO_QR);

while (


    System.out.println("-- Symbol: " + reader.getCodeType() + " Code: " + reader.getCodeText());




 -- Symbol: MicroQR Code:

BARCODENET-36239 Implement saving to CMYK format New public method saveAsTiffInCMYK() has been added to the BarCodeBuilder.

Sample code:

 BarCodeBuilder barcode = new BarCodeBuilder("1234567890", Symbology.Code39Standard);


Sample code with parameters:

 BarCodeBuilder barcode = new BarCodeBuilder("1234567890", Symbology.QR);






BARCODENET-36240 Add support to read barcode in CMYK Code sample 1:

 BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("code39Standard_in_cmyk.tiff");

while (


    System.out.println(reader.getCodeType() + ": " + reader.getCodeText());


Result 1:

Code39Standard: 1234567890

Code sample 2:

 BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("qr_in_cmyk.tiff");

while (


   System.out.println(reader.getCodeType() + ": " + reader.getCodeText());


Result 2:

QR: 1234567890

Also works with jpg files in CMYK.

Code sample:

 BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("aztec_in_cmyk_converted.jpg");

while (


   System.out.println(reader.getCodeType() + ": " + reader.getCodeText());



Aztec: 1234567890 in CMYK