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Aspose.BarCode for Java 6.8.0 Release Notes
Aspose.BarCode for Java has been updated to version 6.8.0 and we are pleased to announce it.
The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.BarCode.
New Features
BARCODJAVA-33462 Add support for Databar stacked codes generation/recognition
BARCODJAVA-33459 String index out of range error message while generating a Code128 symbology
BARCODJAVA-24787 code39 barcode not found from scanned tif image
BARCODJAVA-33475 Move Java APIs Code Baseline to JDK 1.6
BARCODJAVA-33461 Incorrect recognition of a linear code from JPG image
BARCODJAVA-33457 Can’t recognize Code39 codes from the JPG file
BARCODJAVA-33455 Can’t recognize PDF417 barcode from the TIF image
BARCODJAVA-33454 Can’t recognize PDF417 barcode from the TIF image
BARCODJAVA-33478 Cropped text after resolution changing
BARCODENET-34021 Incorrect GS1Code128 bars pattern/sequence
BARCODENET-34047 InvalidOperationException while recognizing an Interleaved2of5 code
BARCODENET-34046 Can’t read Code39 from the tif file
BARCODENET-34044 Can’t recognize QR code form the PDF document
BARCODENET-34043 Incorrect recognition of Code128 code from the jpg image
BARCODENET-34032 Performance issue while reading PDF417 and Code128 codes
BARCODENET-34030 Incorrect GS1Code128 bars sequence
BARCODENET-34008 Add support to encode PatchCode symbology
BARCODENET-33817 Can’t generate a Databar Expanded code with a specified string
BARCODENET-33406 Unable to recognize second EAN13 barcode from jpg image
BARCODENET-34085 Can’t recognize Code128 code from the TIF image
BARCODENET-34084 Incorrect recognition of Code128 code from the tif image
BARCODENET-34074 Incorrect type recognition of UPC and EAN barcodes
BARCODENET-34073 Multiple incorrect recognitions of a single Pharmacode
BARCODENET-34072 Incorrect recognition of Pharmacode from the JPG image
BARCODENET-34041 Can’t read Code128 barcode from JPG image
BARCODENET-34027 Incorrection recognition of PDF417 code from the tif format
BARCODENET-34025 Can’t put two FNC1 characters in type GS1 DataMatrix
BARCODENET-33867 Can’t recognize PDF417 code from png image
BARCODENET-33866 Can’t recognize PDF417 code from png image
BARCODENET-33865 Can’t recognize PDF417 code from png image
BARCODENET-33791 Can’t recognize DataMatrix code from a tif file
BARCODENET-33790 Incorrect recognition of Code128 codes from a tif file
BARCODJAVA-33479 Include “End User Agreement.html” file in Non-MSI packages