Generate Multiple MacroPdf417 BarCodes for Large or Multiple Code Text Values in Ruby
Aspose.BarCode - Generate Multiple MacroPdf417 Barcodes for Large or Multiple Code Text Values
To Generate Multiple MacroPdf417 Barcodes for Large or Multiple Code Text Values using Aspose.Barcode Java for Ruby, simply invoke GenerateMultipleMacroPdf417Barcodes module. Here you can see example code.
Ruby Code
data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))) + '/data/'
\# Instantiate barcode object
builder = Rjb::import('com.aspose.barcode.BarCodeBuilder').new
\# Create array for storing multiple barcodes
i = 1
size = 4
list_code_text = ["code-1", "code-2", "code-3", "code-last"]
str_file_id = 1
\# Check the listbox for getting codetext and generating the barcodes
for i in 1..4
builder.setCodeText(list_code_text[i - 1])
# fileID should be same for all the generated barcodes
# Assign segmentID in increasing order (1,2,3,....)
# Save the barcode (fileid_segmentid.png) + "#{i}.png")
\# Display Status
puts "Saved Images Successfully."
Download Running Code
Download Generate Multiple MacroPdf417 Barcodes for Large or Multiple Code Text Values (Aspose.BarCode) from any of the below mentioned social coding sites: