Get all Possible 1D Barcodes from an Image in PHP

Aspose.BarCode - Get all Possible 1D Barcodes from an Image

To Get all Possible 1D Barcodes from an Image using Aspose.Barcode Java for PHP, simply invoke GetAllOneDBarcodes module. Here you can see example code.


 $img = $dataDir . "barcode.jpg";

\# initialize barcode reader

$barcode_reader_type = new BarCodeReadType();

$reader = new BarCodeReader($img, $barcode_reader_type->Code39Standard);

\# Call read method


\# Now get all possible barcodes

$barcodes = $reader->getAllPossibleBarCodes();

$i = 0;

while(java_values($i < strlen($barcodes))) {

\# Display code text, symbology, detected angle, recognition percentage of the barcode

print "Code Text: " . (string)$barcodes[$i]->getCodetext() . " Symbology: " . (string)$barcodes[$i]->getBarCodeReadType() . " Recognition percentage: " . (string)$barcodes[$i]->getAngle().PHP_EOL;

\# Display x and y coordinates of barcode detected

$point = $barcodes[$i]->getRegion()->getPoints();

print "Top left coordinates: X = " . (string)$point[0]->getX() . ", Y = " . (string)$point[0]->getY().PHP_EOL;

print "Bottom left coordinates: X = " . (string)$point[1]->getX() . ", Y = " . (string)$point[1]->getY().PHP_EOL;

print "Bottom right coordinates: X = " . (string)$point[2]->getX() . ", Y = " . (string)$point[2]->getY().PHP_EOL;

print "Top right coordinates: X = " . (string)$point[3]->getX(). ", Y = " . (string)$point[3]->getY().PHP_EOL;



\# Close reader


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