Python via JPype

Installation and Configuration

Python binaries are available from You need to download and install it before using Aspose.BarCode.

Python developers need to install JPype to make use of Java from Python. You can download JPype from

Download the latest version of Aspose.BarCode for Java, extract files and copy the lib folder with JAR files to the root folder of your project.

Python Code to Generate Barcode via JPype

The below Python code will use JPype and use Aspose.BarCode for Java class BarcodeGenerator to generate a barcode and save the barcode image to disk.


 import jpype
 import os.path
 jarpath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), "lib")
 jpype.startJVM(jpype.getDefaultJVMPath(), "-Djava.ext.dirs=%s" % jarpath)
 \# Create an instance of type com.aspose.barcode.BarCodeBuilder 
 BarCodeBuilder = jpype.JClass("com.aspose.barcode.BarCodeBuilder")
 builder = BarCodeBuilder()
 \# Set code text
 \# Save the barcode image"e:\\data\\aspose\\Temp\\testpythonjava.png")