Barcode Generation Basics - Create Barcodes in JavaScript

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This chapter covers the basics of barcode generation and related topics, including supported barcode types, appearance customization, managing barcode size, customizing barcode text, saving generated barcodes, and more. Find detailed information in the articles below.

Article Description
Set Barcode Size and Resolution Details how to customize barcode measurement units and the resolution of generated images
Adjust Barcode Appearance Explains how to adjust properties like size, rotation angle, padding, borders, and bar width reduction
Manage Barcode Text Covers managing barcode text and captions, including visibility, position, font, spacing, and wrapping
Save Generated Barcodes Describes how to save barcode images to streams, files, or bitmaps in various output formats (raster and vector)
Set Checksum Controls in 1D Barcodes Explains checksum settings for 1D barcodes
Work with Barcode Generation State in XML Describes how to import and export barcode generation state using XML