Aspose.BarCode for .NET 7.0.0 Release Notes

The following is a list of improvements and changes in this release of Aspose.BarCode.

New Features

BARCODENET-34174 Implement Compact PDF417 decoding

BARCODENET-34053 Add encoding support of Micro QR code


BARCODENET-34185 Same size OneCode barcodes are being generated

BARCODENET-34171 Can’t recognize small Code128 barcodes

BARCODENET-34159 Can’t recognize all code 128 codes from the JPG file

BARCODENET-34157 Detected barcode region points are incorrect

BARCODENET-34155 Recognize code128 with skipped bars

BARCODENET-34133 Can’t recognize all code 128 codes from the JPG file

BARCODENET-34130 Can’t recognize PDF417 code from the PDF file

BARCODENET-34129 Can’t recognize PDF417 code from the PNG file

BARCODENET-33987 XDimension property is not working as expected

BARCODENET-33935 There is no barcode, but can recognize Code128 code

BARCODENET-33930 Parcels always start with 99.42 whereas Aspose SwissPostParcel symbology adds 98 in start

BARCODENET-33929 Can’t recognize QR code from the PDF document

BARCODENET-33922 Incorrect recognition of Code128 from the JPEG file

BARCODENET-33913 Can’t recognize QR barcode from the PNG image

BARCODENET-33901 Can’t recognize all Code128 barcodes from a PDF

BARCODENET-33891 Can’t recognize Code128 barcode from the PDF document

BARCODENET-33890 Can’t recognize Code128 barcode from the PDF document

BARCODENET-33889 Can’t recognize Code128 barcode from the PDF document

BARCODENET-33824 Incorrect detection of DataMatrix symbology and code text of Code128 symbology

BARCODENET-33921 Incorrect recognition of Code128 from the JPEG file

Public API changes and usage examples

BARCODENET-34053 Add encoding support of Micro QR code


Added new property QREncodeType to BarCodeBuilder. The property works as QR / MicroQR selector. Select ForceQR(default) for standard QR symbols, Auto for MicroQR.

Added new Enum QREncodeType:

Auto - mode starts barcode version negotiation from MicroQR V1

ForceQR – mode starts barcode version negotiation from QR V1

ForceMicroQR - mode starts barcode version negotiation from from MicroQR V1 to V4. If data cannot be encoded into MicroQR, exception is thrown.

Example how to encode MicroQR

 BarCodeBuilder builder =



builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;

builder.QREncodeMode = QREncodeMode.Auto;

builder.QREncodeType = QREncodeType.Auto;

builder.CodeText =



builder.QRErrorLevel = QRErrorLevel.LevelL;

Bitmap lBmp = builder.GenerateBarCodeImage();


Example how to encode QR

BarCodeBuilder builder =



builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;

builder.QREncodeMode = QREncodeMode.Auto;

builder.QREncodeType = QREncodeType.ForceQR;

builder.CodeText =



builder.QRErrorLevel = QRErrorLevel.LevelL;

Bitmap lBmp = builder.GenerateBarCodeImage();




Added new property ECIEncoding to BarCodeBuilder. It is used to tell the barcode reader details about the used references for encoding the data in the symbol by the Extended Channel Interpretation Identifiers. Current implementation consists all well-known charset encodings. Currently, it is used only for QR 2D barcode.

Added new property ECIEncoding to BarCodeBuilder. It is used to tell the barcode reader details about the used references for encoding the data in the symbol by the Extended Channel Interpretation Identifiers. Current implementation consists all well-known charset encodings. Currently, it is used only for QR 2D barcode.

Added new Enum ECIEncodings:

Added new Enum ECIEncodings:

ISO_8859_1 - ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin alphabet No. 1 encoding. ECI Id:"\000003";

ISO_8859_2 - ISO/IEC 8859-2 Latin alphabet No. 2 encoding. ECI Id:"\000004";

ISO_8859_3 - ISO/IEC 8859-3 Latin alphabet No. 3 encoding. ECI Id:"\000005";

ISO_8859_4 - ISO/IEC 8859-4 Latin alphabet No. 4 encoding. ECI Id:"\000006";

ISO_8859_5 - ISO/IEC 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic alphabet encoding. ECI Id:"\000007";

ISO_8859_6 - ISO/IEC 8859-6 Latin/Arabic alphabet encoding. ECI Id:"\000008";

ISO_8859_7 - ISO/IEC 8859-7 Latin/Greek alphabet encoding. ECI Id:"\000009";

ISO_8859_8 - ISO/IEC 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew alphabet encoding. ECI Id:"\000010";

ISO_8859_9 - ISO/IEC 8859-9 Latin alphabet No. 5 encoding. ECI Id:"\000011";

ISO_8859_10 - ISO/IEC 8859-10 Latin alphabet No. 6 encoding. ECI Id:"\000012";

ISO_8859_11 - ISO/IEC 8859-11 Latin/Thai alphabet encoding. ECI Id:"\000013";

ISO_8859_13 - ISO/IEC 8859-13 Latin alphabet No. 7 (Baltic Rim) encoding. ECI Id:"\000015";

ISO_8859_14 - ISO/IEC 8859-14 Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic) encoding. ECI Id:"\000016";

ISO_8859_15 - ISO/IEC 8859-15 Latin alphabet No. 9 encoding. ECI Id:"\000017";

ISO_8859_16 - ISO/IEC 8859-16 Latin alphabet No. 10 encoding. ECI Id:"\000018";

Shift_JIS - Shift JIS (JIS X 0208 Annex 1 + JIS X 0201) encoding. ECI Id:"\000020";

Win1250 - Windows 1250 Latin 2 (Central Europe) encoding. ECI Id:"\000021";

Win1251 - Windows 1251 Cyrillic encoding. ECI Id:"\000022";

Win1252 - Windows 1252 Latin 1 encoding. ECI Id:"\000023";

Win1256 - Windows 1256 Arabic encoding. ECI Id:"\000024";

UTF16BE - ISO/IEC 10646 UCS-2 (High order byte first) encoding. ECI Id:"\000025";

UTF8 - ISO/IEC 10646 UTF-8 encoding. ECI Id:"\000026";

US_ASCII - ISO/IEC 646:1991 International Reference Version of ISO 7-bit coded character set encoding. ECI Id:"\000027";

Big5 - Big 5 (Taiwan) Chinese Character Set encoding. ECI Id:"\000028";

GB18030 - GB (PRC) Chinese Character Set encoding. ECI Id:"\000029";

EUC_KR - Korean Character Set encoding. ECI Id:"\000030";

Example how to use ECI encoding

BarCodeBuilder builder =



builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;

builder.QREncodeMode = QREncodeMode.ECIEncoding;

builder.QREncodeType = QREncodeType.ForceQR;

builder.ECIEncoding = ECIEncodings.UTF8;

builder.CodeText =



builder.QRErrorLevel = QRErrorLevel.LevelL;

Bitmap lBmp = builder.GenerateBarCodeImage();


Added changes to Enum QREncodeMode:

Added changes to Enum QREncodeMode:

Auto - encode codetext as is non-unicode charset. If there is any unicode character, the codetext will be encoded with value which is set in CodeTextEncoding.;

Auto - encode codetext as is non-unicode charset. If there is any unicode character, the codetext will be encoded with value which is set in CodeTextEncoding.;

Bytes - encode codetext as plain bytes. If it detects any unicode character, the character will be encoded as two bytes, lower byte first;

Bytes - encode codetext as plain bytes. If it detects any unicode character, the character will be encoded as two bytes, lower byte first;

Utf8BOM - encode codetext with UTF8 encoding with first ByteOfMark character;

Utf8BOM - encode codetext with UTF8 encoding with first ByteOfMark character;

Utf16BEBOM - encode codetext with UTF8 encoding with first ByteOfMark character. It can be problems with some barcode scaners;

Utf16BEBOM - encode codetext with UTF8 encoding with first ByteOfMark character. It can be problems with some barcode scaners;

ECIEncoding - encode codetext with value set in the ECIEncoding property. It can be problems with some old (pre 2006) barcode scaners.

ECIEncoding - encode codetext with value set in the ECIEncoding property. It can be problems with some old (pre 2006) barcode scaners.

ExtendedCodetext - encode codetext in Extended Channel mode which supports FNC1 first position, FNC1 second position and multi ECI modes.

ExtendedCodetext - encode codetext in Extended Channel mode which supports FNC1 first position, FNC1 second position and multi ECI modes.


Value ExtendedCodetext in QREncodeMode gives ability to Encode multi-ECI and FNC1 in first and second position.

Extended Channel mode which supports FNC1 first position, FNC1 second position and multi ECI modes.

It is better to use QrExtCodetextBuilder for extended codetext generation.

Use Display2DText property to set visible text to removing managing characters.

Encoding Principles:

All symbols "\" must be doubled " 

All symbols "\" must be doubled "

" in the codetext.

FNC1 in first position is set in codetext as as "<FNC1>"

FNC1 in second position is set in codetext as as "<FNC1(value)>". The value must be single symbols (a-z, A-Z) or digits from 0 to 99.

Group Separator for FNC1 modes is set as 0x1D character '\u001D'

If you need to insert "<FNC1>" string into barcode write it as "<\FNC1>"

ECI identifiers are set as single slash and six digits identifier "\000026" - UTF8 ECI identifier

TO disable current ECI mode and convert to default JIS8 mode zero mode ECI indetifier is set. "\000000"

All unicode characters after ECI identifier are automatically encoded into correct character codeset.

All unicode characters after ECI identifier are automatically encoded into correct character codeset.

Simplify codetext generation for ExtendedCodetext.

To simplify Extended Codetext generation new class QrExtCodetextBuilder was added.

To simplify Extended Codetext generation new class QrExtCodetextBuilder was added.


Clear() - clears extended codetext items.

AddPlainCodetext(System.String) - adds plain codetext to the extended codetext items.

AddECICodetext(Aspose.BarCode.ECIEncodings,System.String) - Adds codetext with Extended Channel Identifier.

AddFNC1FirstPosition()-adds FNC1 in first position to the extended codetext items.

AddFNC1SecondPosition(System.String) - adds FNC1 in second position to the extended codetext items.

AddFNC1GroupSeparator()-Adds Group Separator (GS - '\u001D') to the extended codetext items.

GetExtendedCodetext()\- generates extended codetext from generation items list.

Example how to use FNC1 first position in Extended Mode

//create codetext

QrExtCodetextBuilder lTextBuilder =











//generate codetext

string lCodetext = lTextBuilder.GetExtendedCodetext();


BarCodeBuilder builder =



builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;

builder.QREncodeMode = QREncodeMode.ExtendedCodetext;

builder.QRErrorLevel = QRErrorLevel.LevelL;

builder.CodeText = lCodetext;

builder.Display2DText =

"My Text"


Bitmap lBmp = builder.GenerateBarCodeImage();

Example how to use FNC1 second position in Extended Mode

//create codetext

QrExtCodetextBuilder lTextBuilder =









//generate codetext

string lCodetext = lTextBuilder.GetExtendedCodetext();


BarCodeBuilder builder =



builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;

builder.QREncodeMode = QREncodeMode.ExtendedCodetext;

builder.QRErrorLevel = QRErrorLevel.LevelL;

builder.CodeText = lCodetext;

builder.Display2DText =

"My Text"


Bitmap lBmp = builder.GenerateBarCodeImage();

Example how to use multi ECI mode in Extended Mode

//create codetext

QrExtCodetextBuilder lTextBuilder =

















//generate codetext

string lCodetext = lTextBuilder.GetExtendedCodetext();


BarCodeBuilder builder =



builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;

builder.QREncodeMode = QREncodeMode.ExtendedCodetext;

builder.QRErrorLevel = QRErrorLevel.LevelL;

builder.CodeText = lCodetext;

builder.Display2DText =

"My Text"


Bitmap lBmp = builder.GenerateBarCodeImage();

Hints and tips

MicroQR cannot support ECI and FNC1 modes. In this way if you want to generate MicroQR code you must use current modes of QREncodeMode:


