
DGN-Format Zeichnen als Teil von DWG

Aspose.CAD für .NET ermöglicht es Entwicklern, eine DWG Datei mit eingebettetem DGN zu exportieren. Im Folgenden ist der Code dargestellt, der zeigt, wie auf die DGN in einer DWG-Datei zugegriffen wird, während die DWG-Datei exportiert wird.


// The path to the documents directory.
string MyDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_ConvertingCAD();
string[] sourceFilePaths = new[]
MyDir + "conic_pyramid.dxf",
MyDir + "Bottom_plate.dwg"
foreach (var sourceFilePath in sourceFilePaths)
string extension = Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);
using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
List<string> layouts = GetNotEmptyLayouts(cadImage, extension);
const double Epsilon = 0.00001;
foreach (string layout in layouts)
System.Console.WriteLine("Layout= " + layout);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(MyDir + "layout_" + extension + "_" + layout + ".jpg", FileMode.Create))
JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
CadRasterizationOptions options = new CadRasterizationOptions();
options.Layouts = new string[] { layout };
CadLayout l = cadImage.Layouts[layout];
if ((Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.Y) < Epsilon && Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.X) < Epsilon)
|| (Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.Y + 1E+20) < Epsilon
|| Math.Abs(l.MaxExtents.X + 1E+20) < Epsilon)
|| (Math.Abs(l.MinExtents.Y - 1E+20) < Epsilon
|| Math.Abs(l.MinExtents.X - 1E+20) < Epsilon))
// do nothing, we can automatically detect size
// we can not rely on PlotPaperUnits here too because it is PlotInInches by default
double sizeExtX = l.MaxExtents.X - l.MinExtents.X;
double sizeExtY = l.MaxExtents.Y - l.MinExtents.Y;
if (l.PlotPaperUnits == CadPlotPaperUnits.PlotInInches)
options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
options.PageWidth = CommonHelper.INtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
if (l.PlotPaperUnits == CadPlotPaperUnits.PlotInMillimeters)
options.PageHeight = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtY, CommonHelper.DPI);
options.PageWidth = CommonHelper.MMtoPixels(sizeExtX, CommonHelper.DPI);
options.PageHeight = (float)sizeExtY;
options.PageWidth = (float)sizeExtX;
jpegOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = options;
cadImage.Save(fs, jpegOptions);
private static List<string> GetNotEmptyLayouts(Image cadImage, string extension)
List<string> nonEmptyLayouts = new List<string>();
if (cadImage == null)
return nonEmptyLayouts;
switch (extension)
case ".dwg":
nonEmptyLayouts = GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDwg((CadImage)cadImage);
case ".dxf":
nonEmptyLayouts = GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDxf((CadImage)cadImage);
return nonEmptyLayouts;
private static List<string> GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDwg(CadImage cadImage)
List<string> notEmptyLayouts = new List<string>();
foreach (CadLayout layout in cadImage.Layouts.Values)
foreach (CadBlockTableObject tableObject in cadImage.BlocksTables)
if (string.Equals(tableObject.HardPointerToLayout.Value, layout.ObjectHandle, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (cadImage.BlockEntities.ContainsKey(tableObject.BlockName))
CadBlockEntity cadBlockEntity = cadImage.BlockEntities[tableObject.BlockName];
if (cadBlockEntity.Entities.Length > 0)
return notEmptyLayouts;
private static List<string> GetNotEmptyLayoutsForDxf(CadImage cadImage)
List<string> notEmptyLayouts = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, string> layoutBlockHandles = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (CadLayout layout in cadImage.Layouts.Values)
if (layout.BlockTableRecordHandle != null)
layoutBlockHandles.Add(layout.BlockTableRecordHandle, layout.LayoutName);
foreach (CadBaseEntity entity in cadImage.Entities)
if (layoutBlockHandles.ContainsKey(entity.SoftOwner.Value))
string layoutName = layoutBlockHandles[entity.SoftOwner.Value];
if (!notEmptyLayouts.Contains(layoutName))
return notEmptyLayouts;