Aspose.CAD for Java 20.4 - Release Notes

CADJAVA-703Converting a particular area of DWG to PDFNew Feature
CADJAVA-698DWG to PDF: Automatically ignoring hidden layers during rendering (C#)New Feature
CADJAVA-697Fix clip for global canvas algorithmEnhancement
CADJAVA-693Object reference exception on exporting IFC to PDFEnhancement
CADJAVA-696DWG to PDF: Some texts are not being printed (C# .NET)Enhancement
CADJAVA-695Layers are not exported correctly in PDF.Enhancement
CADJAVA-694Reading DWG2018 files: regression getting MultiText valuesEnhancement
CADJAVA-690Invalid object type on the export of DWF 3D modelEnhancement
CADJAVA-689Loading DWG file no longer works in 20.1 Enhancement
CADJAVA-685Conversion of DXF to an image shows no diameter signEnhancement
CADJAVA-648DwfImage cannot be cast to CadImageEnhancement
CADJAVA-645Image loading failed: Unable to read DWF contentEnhancement
CADJAVA-633Image saving failed when converting DWG to PDF on LambdaEnhancement
CADJAVA-632Image loading failed when loading DWG on LambdaEnhancement
CADJAVA-631StackOverflowError when converting to PDF on LambdaEnhancement
CADJAVA-572ImageLoadException on loading DWFEnhancement
CADJAVA-566Aspose.CAD throws MS949 Encoding Exception on DWF to PDFEnhancement
CADJAVA-495Exception on loading DWG fileEnhancement
CADJAVA-705Unspecified objects appearing when converting DWG to PDFEnhancement
CADJAVA-691DWG to PDF: Deviation in display and actual CAD contentEnhancement
CADJAVA-483Text overlaps in exported PDFEnhancement

Public API Changes

Added APIs:

No Changes

Removed APIs:

No Changes