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Aspose.CAD for Java 22.11 - Release Notes

CADJAVA-10829DXF to JPEG results in a cropped image in Amazon Linux 2Enhancement
CADJAVA-10827Implement conversion of DWG format from Inverter to standard DWG formatEnhancement
CADJAVA-10826Implement change of ViewPort properties and entity position when converting to a standard DWG file.Enhancement
CADJAVA-10825DWG to PDF - modelspace rotation impacts on layout rendering?Enhancement
CADJAVA-10835Aspose.CAD 22.6: Wrong layout when converting particular Dwg to PdfEnhancement
CADJAVA-10839Fix opcode calculation error for AcDbObjects sectionFeature
CADJAVA-10821Implement writing properties of CadPolyline3D and Cad3DVertex objectsFeature