Aspose.CAD for .NET 1.1.0 Release notes

Aspose.CAD for .Net has been updated to version 1.1.0 and we are pleased to announce it. The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.CAD.

Features and Improvements

CADNET-112Find or search text in the DWG fileNew Feature
CADNET-111Support to retrieve block attribute values from within a dwg and its external referencesNew Feature
CADNET-16Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formatsNew Feature
CADNET-118Msi misses End User Agreement linkEnhancement
CADNET-109Cad export to Bmp fails with out of memory exceptionEnhancement
CADNET-88Unable to access Face3D Objects in DXF fileEnhancement

Usage Examples

CADNET-112 Find or search text in the DWG file

 using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Image.Load(fileName))


    // search for text in the file

    foreach (CadBaseEntity entity in cadImage.Entities)


        // please, note: we iterate through CadText entities here, but some other entities

        // may contain text also, e.g. CadMText and others

        if (entity.GetType() == typeof(CadText))


            CadText text = (CadText)entity;




    // search for text on specific layout - DWG case

    // get all layout names and link each layout with corresponding block with entities

    CadLayoutDictionary layouts = cadImage.Layouts;

    string[] layoutNames = new string[layouts.Count];

    int i = 0;

    foreach (CadLayout layout in layouts.Values)


        layoutNames[i++] = layout.LayoutName;

        System.Console.WriteLine("Layout " + layout.LayoutName + " is found");

        // find block, applicable for DWG only

        CadBlockTableObject blockTableObjectReference = null;

        foreach (CadBlockTableObject tableObject in cadImage.BlocksTables)


            if (string.Equals(tableObject.HardPointerToLayout, layout.ObjectHandle))


                blockTableObjectReference = tableObject;




        // Collection cadBlockEntity.Entities contains information about all entities on specific layout

        // if this collection has no elements it means layout is a copy of Model layout and contains the same entities

        CadBlockEntity cadBlockEntity = cadImage.BlockEntities[blockTableObjectReference.BlockName];

    // search for text on specific layout - DXF case

    //// get all layout names and separate entities between layouts by their soft owners

    //CadLayoutDictionary layouts = cadImage.Layouts;

    //string[] layoutNames = new string[layouts.Count];

    //int i = 0;

    //Dictionary<string, List<CadBaseEntity>> entitiesOnLayouts = new Dictionary<string, List<CadBaseEntity>>();

    //foreach (CadLayout layout in layouts.Values)


    //    layoutNames[i++] = layout.LayoutName;

    //    System.Console.WriteLine("Layout " + layout.LayoutName + " is found");

    //    entitiesOnLayouts.Add(layout.BlockTableRecordHandle, new List<CadBaseEntity>());


    //foreach (CadBaseEntity entity in cadImage.Entities)


    //    entitiesOnLayouts[entity.SoftOwner].Add(entity);


    // export to pdf

    CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions();

    rasterizationOptions.PageWidth = 1600;

    rasterizationOptions.PageHeight = 1600;

    rasterizationOptions.AutomaticLayoutsScaling = true;

    rasterizationOptions.CenterDrawing = true;

    // please, note: if cadBlockEntity collection mentioned above (for dwg) for selected layout or

    // entitiesOnLayouts collection by layout's BlockTableRecordHandle (for dxf) is empty

    // - export result file will be empty and you should draw Model layout instead

    rasterizationOptions.Layouts = new[] { "Layout1" };

    PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();

    pdfOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions;

    cadImage.Save(outPath, pdfOptions);


CADNET-111 Support to retrieve block attribute values from within a dwg and its external references

 string fileName = "BlockRef.dwg";

using (CadImage image = (CadImage)Image.Load(fileName))


    bool isExternalReferenceFoundCorrectly = image.BlockEntities["Drawing1"].XRefPathName == @".\Drawing1.dwg";


CADNET-16 Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formats

 using Aspose.CAD;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn;


string file = "Nikon_D90_Camera.dgn";

using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))


    Image image = Image.Load(stream);

    DgnImage dgnImage = (DgnImage)image;

    DgnFileVersion version = dgnImage.Version;


CADNET-16 Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formats

 using Aspose.CAD;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn.DgnElements;


string file = "Nikon_D90_Camera.dgn";

using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))


    Image image = Image.Load(stream);

    DgnImage dgnImage = (DgnImage)image;

    foreach (var element in dgnImage.Elements)


        var asDgnPolyLineElement = element as DgnPolyLineElement;

        if (asDgnPolyLineElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnPolyLineElement' type



        var asDgnShapeElement = element as DgnShapeElement;

        if (asDgnShapeElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnShapeElement' type



        var asDgnSplinePoleElement = element as DgnSplinePoleElement;

        if (asDgnSplinePoleElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnSplinePoleElement' type



        var asDgn3DSurfaceElement = element as Dgn3DSurfaceElement;

        if (asDgn3DSurfaceElement != null)


            // Element of 'Dgn3DSurfaceElement' type



        var asDgnArcElement = element as DgnArcElement;

        if (asDgnArcElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnArcElement' type



        var asDgnBSplineCurveElement = element as DgnBSplineCurveElement;

        if (asDgnBSplineCurveElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnBSplineCurveElement' type



        var asDgnCellHeaderElement = element as DgnCellHeaderElement;

        if (asDgnCellHeaderElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnCellHeaderElement' type



        var asDgnCompoundElement = element as DgnCompoundElement;

        if (asDgnCompoundElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnCompoundElement' type



        var asDgnConeElement = element as DgnConeElement;

        if (asDgnConeElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnConeElement' type



        var asDgnCurveLineElement = element as DgnCurveLineElement;

        if (asDgnCurveLineElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnCurveLineElement' type



        var asDgnEllipseElement = element as DgnEllipseElement;

        if (asDgnEllipseElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnEllipseElement' type



        var asDgnLineElement = element as DgnLineElement;

        if (asDgnLineElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnLineElement' type



        var asDgnMultiTextElement = element as DgnMultiTextElement;

        if (asDgnMultiTextElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnMultiTextElement' type



        var asDgnSurfaceElement = element as DgnSurfaceElement;

        if (asDgnSurfaceElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnSurfaceElement' type



        var asDgnTextElement = element as DgnTextElement;

        if (asDgnTextElement != null)


            // Element of 'DgnTextElement' type





CADNET-16 Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formats

 using Aspose.CAD;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Dgn.DgnElements;


string file = "Nikon_D90_Camera.dgn";

using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))


    Image image = Image.Load(stream);

    DgnImage dgnImage = (DgnImage)image;

    foreach (var element in dgnImage.Elements)







CADNET-16 Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formats

 using Aspose.CAD;


string file = "Nikon_D90_Camera.dgn";

bool isDgnV7 = Image.GetFileFormat(file) == FileFormat.DgnV7;

CADNET-16 Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formats

 using Aspose.CAD;

using using Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions;


string file = "Nikon_D90_Camera.dgn";

string outFile = "Nikon_D90_Camera.pdf";

using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))


    var image = Image.Load(stream);

    using (FileStream outStream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create))


        var options = new PdfOptions


            VectorRasterizationOptions = new DgnRasterizationOptions


                PageWidth = 600,

                PageHeight = 300,

                CenterDrawing = true,

                ScaleMethod = ScaleType.None,

                AutomaticLayoutsScaling = false



        image.Save(outStream, options);



CADNET-16 Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF & raster image formats

 using Aspose.CAD;

using Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions;


string file = "Nikon_D90_Camera.dgn";

string outFile = "Nikon_D90_Camera.jpg";

using (FileStream sourceStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open))


    var image = Image.Load(sourceStream);

    using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create))


        ImageOptionsBase options = new JpegOptions();

        options.VectorRasterizationOptions = new DgnRasterizationOptions


            PageWidth = 600,

            PageHeight = 300,

            CenterDrawing = true,

            ScaleMethod = ScaleType.None,

            AutomaticLayoutsScaling = false


        image.Save(stream, options);



CADNET-88 Unable to access Face3D Objects in DXF file .Net

 using Aspose.CAD;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Cad;

using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Cad.CadObjects;


string fileName = "d101_20151112_v3.00t.dxf";

using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage) Image.Load(fileName))


    foreach (CadBaseEntity baseEntity in cadImage.Entities)


        if (baseEntity.GetType() == typeof(Cad3DFace))


            Cad3DFace cad3DFace = (Cad3DFace)baseEntity;

            // compare just first 3DFace entity











