Aspose.CAD for .NET 16.10 Release notes

Aspose.CAD for .Net has been updated to version 16.10 and we are pleased to announce it. The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.CAD.

Features and Improvements

CADNET-134Integrate metering module to promote new sales model for Aspose.CADNew Feature
CADNET-164Loading DGN file is throwing exceptionEnhancement
CADNET-156Converting DWG to PNG format is producing very small PNG image that is unable to viewEnhancement
CADNET-155Adjust Metered module quota consumption algorythmEnhancement
CADNET-154Fix application menu URLsEnhancement
CADNET-152CAD Hatches Offsetting After Printing PDFEnhancement
CADNET-149Converting DXF to Image is working but producing shapes with very thin lines; not of proper width of linesEnhancement
CADNET-147Make Dgn exporter respects ‘TypeOfEntities’ rasterization propertyEnhancement
CADNET-137Converting DWG to PDF is generating extra page at the end of PDF fileEnhancement
CADNET-136Low quality of pdf files generated by GDI Pdf exporterEnhancement
CADNET-133Review and adapt architecture to CAD domainEnhancement
CADNET-132Compound objects of a DGN drawing are not displayedEnhancement
CADNET-130No GDI Pdf exporter available for DGN formatEnhancement
CADNET-127Add shortcuts to online documentation and other useful aspose resourcesEnhancement
CADNET-126DGN exporter doesn’t respect pen colorEnhancement
CADNET-125Text shifts unexpectedly during Model exportEnhancement
CADNET-122AutomaticLayoutsScaling does not work correctlyEnhancement
CADNET-120Some Patterns are missing while converting DXF to PDF formatEnhancement
CADNET-117GC overhead limit exceeded - exception when loading DWG fileEnhancement
CADNET-108Improve Image.GetFileFormat method to support raster image typesEnhancement
CADNET-106Improve exception text and improve exception architectureEnhancement

Usage Examples

CADNET-164 Loading DGN file is throwing exception

 var file = "DgnFile_v8.dgn";



  // this will throw on drawings stored in version 8 format

  using (var image = (DgnImage)Image.Load(file))




catch (ImageLoadException e)


   Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message == "The Dgn version isn't valid. Only Dgn: V7 are currently supported.");


CADNET-134 Integrate metering module to promote new sales model for Aspose.CAD



  // do some load save operations

