Technical Support
Aspose.CAD for Python Support
To contact support use Aspose.Forums, this forum provides an opportunity to contact any Aspose product including Aspose.CAD for Python.
Aspose.CAD for Python Free Support Forum
If you have questions or need help with Aspose.CAD for Python, first follow these steps:
Make sure that you are using the latest version of the Aspose.CAD for Python package, to check all available versions you can go to the download link for Aspose.CAD for Python.
If you have problems, first check the documentation or try to find information on Aspose.Forums, you may find a solution to your problem.
By posting your question on the Aspose.CAD Forum, know that the Aspose.CAD for Python team will do their best to get back to you within hours.
In order for your request to be resolved as quickly as possible, please provide a detailed description of your problem.
Report an Issue or Feature Request
When posting a problem, question, or request about Aspose.CAD for Python functionality, to ensure that the problem is solved in the best possible way, follow these steps:
- Provide a detailed description of your issue.
- Include original documents or code snippets. If you have several files you want to provide, pack them into an archive.
- Report only one issue, if you want to report multiple issues, questions, or feature requests, please create a separate request.