Work with text

Work with text

Almost all drawings contain text objects and these examples show how to perform operations with them. There are different types of entities for DWG/DXF that can store text, they are CadText,CadMText,CadAttDef, CadAttrib. Two last types are typically related to CadInsertObject and stored inside it or in the corresponding block.

Here are some examples describing operations with text.

Search for the text

This example shows how to find text values in the DWG/DXF file and may be used also for replacing of text values.

import aspose.cad as cad
from aspose.pycore import cast
if __name__ == '__main__':
image = cad.fileformats.cad.CadImage.load(file)
castedImage = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.CadImage, image)
for entity in castedImage.entities:
if entity.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.TEXT:
text = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.CadText, entity)
if entity.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.MTEXT:
mtext = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.CadMText, entity)
if entity.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.ATTRIB:
attrib = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.attentities.CadAttrib, entity)
if entity.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.ATTDEF:
attDef = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.attentities.CadAttDef, entity)
if entity.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.INSERT:
insert = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.CadInsertObject, entity)
for block in castedImage.block_entities.values:
if block.original_block_name ==
for blockEntity in block.entities:
if blockEntity.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.ATTDEF:
attDef = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.attentities.CadAttDef, blockEntity)
for e in insert.child_objects:
if e.type_name == cad.fileformats.cad.cadconsts.CadEntityTypeName.ATTRIB:
attrib = cast(cad.fileformats.cad.cadobjects.attentities.CadAttrib, e)