Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 20.12 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-43322Shape.getWorksheet() property requiredNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43367Support calculating ISFORMULA functionNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43191Provide means to handle scenarios when specifying incorrect font typesEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-40913Arrow direction has changed in the resultant PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-43282Refresh pivot not working and corrupts the output fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43286Aspose.Cells conflicts with HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType.REMOVE settingsBug
CELLSJAVA-43302Issue with getting Cells valueBug
CELLSJAVA-43308HTML to excel conversion with wrapText propertyBug
CELLSJAVA-43318Cell value issue after pivot table refreshBug
CELLSJAVA-43299Issue with getting the Cell valueBug
CELLSJAVA-43284Chart not printed while using Aspose.Cells for a particular physical printerBug
CELLSJAVA-43273Text in Legend items is cut in the output imageBug
CELLSJAVA-43274Difference in chart bar outline colorBug
CELLSJAVA-43276Line break issues while converting XLSX to PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-43278Strikethrough in Excel is not displayed in PDF fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43304Some Datalabels of the chart are missing in the output PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-43311Chart X-Axis Labels are Vertical Instead of Diagonal when Converted to ImageBug
CELLSJAVA-40992Issue with chart text position when re-saving an Excel fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43294Conditional formatting color theme not working properlyBug
CELLSJAVA-43307Resizing Issue with Embedded OLE Object when copying worksheetBug
CELLSJAVA-43319Issue of getting cell value with formulaBug
CELLSJAVA-43330Issue after resaving XLSB file - corrupted fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43333Images and text positioning wrong when rendering Excel as HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-43321AutoFilter issue - blank rows are displayedBug
CELLSJAVA-43335Deadlock occurred while calculating formulas on workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-43313Chart label changes its position when printedBug
CELLSJAVA-433140/100% line not printed for 100% Pie chartsBug
CELLSJAVA-43316Various issues when printing chartsBug
CELLSJAVA-40582Smart art text is not rendered correctly to PDF/imageBug
CELLSJAVA-41639Column widths are not preserved when converting from “XML Spreadsheet 2003” format to XLSX formatBug
CELLSJAVA-43315Converting XLS to XLSX makes the file corrupt & gives “Shape to Image” error on converting the output XLSX to PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-43334AutoFilter on Table issueBug
CELLSJAVA-43338Difference in output while converting Excel file to PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-43346Output file is corrupt when adding more than 12 fields in the pivot table page filtersBug
CELLSJAVA-43351Background colour of header table is not right while converting to pdfBug
CELLSJAVA-43358Text is missing while HTML to Excel conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-43341Extra empty columns while exporting CSV with LightCellsDataProviderBug
CELLSJAVA-43352Excel file converted to PDF produces an issue of large numbersBug
CELLSJAVA-43339Image is misplaced while converting source file to pdfBug
CELLSJAVA-43340Missing contents in XLS to PDF conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-43336Chart legend entries are rendered too far to the leftBug
CELLSJAVA-43356Empty values/gaps on a chart are not respected when in between 2 valuesBug
CELLSJAVA-43344Current User name is shown as author of last commentBug
CELLSJAVA-43349Hidden rows are not maintained from XML to XLS/XLSX conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-43361Incorrect cell color on xls to xlsx conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-43366SetAsTotal property does not updateBug
CELLSJAVA-43296ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while refreshing pivot tableException
CELLSJAVA-43298Aspose.Cells 20.8: Exception when save to PDF.Exception
CELLSJAVA-43348XLSB to PDF conversion: CellsException: -2147483648Exception
CELLSJAVA-43343Exception when exporting a file to PDF that does not have a selected item for a shapeException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds ExceptionType.Permission enum

Represents ExceptionType.Permission.

Adds ExternalConnection.PowerQueryFormula property.

Gets the definition of power query formula.

Adds FileFormatUtil.VerifyPassword method.

Verifies whether the password is valid for the file.

Adds VbaProject.Copy() method.

Copies VBA project.

Adds XlsSaveOptions.MatchColor property.

Indicates whether matching color if the color is not in the palette when saving .xls file.

Deletes obsoleted Series.Line property.

Use Series.Border property instead.

Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.IsProtectedByRMS() method

Use FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat().IsProtectedByRMS property instead.

Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.DetectLoadFormat() and CellsHelper.DetectFileFormat() method

Use FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat() instead.

Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.FontDir property.

Use FontConfigs.SetFontsFolder(string, bool) instead.

Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.FontDirs property.

Use FontConfigs.SetFontFolders(string[], bool) instead.

Deletes obsoleted CellsHelper.FontFiles property.

Use FontConfigs.SetFontSources(FontSourceBase[]) instead.

Adds CellsHelper.IsCloudPlatform property.

Indicates whether running on the could platform.

Adds Shape.Worksheet property.

Gets the worksheet which contains this shape.

Adds SaveOptions.SortExternalNames property.

Indicates whether sorting external names when saving .xlsx files.

Adds ListObject.Filter() method.

Filters the table.

Adds override XmlMapCollection.Clear() method.

Clears all xml maps.

Adds SaveFormat.Docx enum.

Represents that saving as .docx files.

Adds ImageType.OfficeCompatibleEmf enum.

Windows Enhanced Metafile which is more compatible with Office.

Adds Cell.SetDynamicArrayFormula(string arrayFormula, FormulaParseOptions options, bool calculate) method.

Supports to set dynamic array formula and spill into neighboring cells if possible.

Adds Workbook.RefreshDynamicArrayFormulas(bool calculate) method.

Supports to refresh dynamic array formulas and spill into neighboring cells according to current data.

Adds Cell.Comment property.

Gets the comment of the cell.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportExtraHeadings property

Indicates whether exporting extra headings when the length of text is longer than max display column. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFormula property

Indicates whether exporting formula when saving file to html. The default value is true. If you want to import the output html to excel, please keep the default value.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.MergeEmptyTdForcely property

Indicates whether merging empty TD element forcely when exporting file to html. The size of html file will be reduced significantly after setting value to true. The default value is false. If you want to import the html file to excel or export perfect grid lines when saving file to html, please keep the default value.

Adds LoadOptions.AutoFilter property

Indicates whether auto filtering the data when loading the files. Sometimes although autofilter is set, the corresponding rows is not hidden in the file.Now only works for SpreadSheetML file.

Adds WorkbookSettings.Author property

Gets and sets the author of the workbook.

Adds MultipleFilterCollection.Add() method.

Adds filter string of auto filter.
