إضافة صفحات عمل جديدة إلى دفتر العمل وتنشيط ورقة في VSTO و Aspose.Cells

نصيحة للترحيل:

  1. إضافة صفحات عمل جديدة إلى ملف Microsoft Excel الحالي.
  2. ملء البيانات في خلايا كل صفحة عمل جديدة.
  3. تنشيط ورقة في دفتر العمل.
  4. حفظ كملف Microsoft Excel.

أدناه، توجد مقاطع رمز متوازية لـ VSTO (C#) و Aspose.Cells for .NET (C#) تظهر كيفية تنفيذ هذه المهام.


 //intiate application object

Excel.Application excelApp = Application;

//Specify the template excel file path.

string myPath = "Book1.xls";

//Open the excel file.

excelApp.Workbooks.Open(myPath, Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

Missing.Value, Missing.Value);

//Declare a Worksheet object.

Excel.Worksheet newWorksheet;

//Add 5 new worksheets to the workbook and fill some data

//into the cells.

for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++){

                //Add a worksheet to the workbook.

                newWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelApp.Worksheets.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value,

                Missing.Value, Missing.Value);

                //Name the sheet.

                newWorksheet.Name = "New_Sheet" + i.ToString();

                //Get the Cells collection.

                Excel.Range cells = newWorksheet.Cells;

                //Input a string value to a cell of the sheet.

                cells.set_Item(i, i, "New_Sheet" + i.ToString());


//Activate the first worksheet by default.


//Save As the excel file.


//Quit the Application.



 //Instantiate an instance of license and set the license file

//through its path

Aspose.Cells.License license = new Aspose.Cells.License();


//Specify the template excel file path.

string myPath = "Book1.xls";

//Instantiate a new Workbook.

//Open the excel file.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(myPath);

//Declare a Worksheet object.

Worksheet newWorksheet;

//Add 5 new worksheets to the workbook and fill some data

//into the cells.

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){

                //Add a worksheet to the workbook.

                newWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets[workbook.Worksheets.Add()];

                //Name the sheet.

                newWorksheet.Name = "New_Sheet" + (i + 1).ToString();

                //Get the Cells collection.

                Cells cells = newWorksheet.Cells;

                //Input a string value to a cell of the sheet.

                cells[i, i].PutValue("New_Sheet" + (i + 1).ToString());


//Activate the first worksheet by default.

workbook.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = 0;

//Save As the excel file.


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