نسخ أوراق العمل بين دفاتر العمل

توفر Aspose.Cells طريقة ، Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Copy() المستخدمة لنسخ البيانات والتنسيق من ورقة عمل مصدر إلى ورقة عمل أخرى داخل أو بين دفاتر العمل. تأخذ الطريقة كائن ورقة العمل المصدر كمعلمة.

يظهر المثال التالي كيفية نسخ ورقة عمل من دفتر عمل إلى دفتر عمل آخر.

 string FilePath = @"..\..\..\Sample Files\";

string FileName = FilePath + "Copy Sheet between Workbook.xlsx";

//Create a new Workbook.

Workbook excelWorkbook0 = new Workbook();

//Get the first worksheet in the book.

Worksheet ws0 = excelWorkbook0.Worksheets[0];

//Put some data into header rows (A1:A4)

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


    ws0.Cells[i, 0].PutValue(string.Format("Header Row {0}", i));


//Put some detail data (A5:A999)

for (int i = 5; i < 1000; i++)


    ws0.Cells[i, 0].PutValue(string.Format("Detail Row {0}", i));


//Define a pagesetup object based on the first worksheet.

PageSetup pagesetup = ws0.PageSetup;

//The first five rows are repeated in each page...

//It can be seen in print preview.

pagesetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$5";

//Create another Workbook.

Workbook excelWorkbook1 = new Workbook();

//Get the first worksheet in the book.

Worksheet ws1 = excelWorkbook1.Worksheets[0];

//Name the worksheet.

ws1.Name = "MySheet";

//Copy data from the first worksheet of the first workbook into the

//first worksheet of the second workbook.


//Save the excel file.


تحميل رمز عينة

يظهر المثال التالي كيفية نسخ ورقة عمل من دفتر عمل إلى دفتر عمل آخر.

 //Create a new Workbook.

Workbook excelWorkbook0 = new Workbook();

//Get the first worksheet in the book.

Worksheet ws0 = excelWorkbook0.Worksheets[0];

//Put some data into header rows (A1:A4)

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


	ws0.Cells[i, 0].PutValue(string.Format("Header Row {0}", i));


//Put some detail data (A5:A999)

for (int i = 5; i < 1000; i++)


	ws0.Cells[i, 0].PutValue(string.Format("Detail Row {0}", i));


//Define a pagesetup object based on the first worksheet.

PageSetup pagesetup = ws0.PageSetup;

//The first five rows are repeated in each page...

//It can be seen in print preview.

pagesetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$5";

//Create another Workbook.

Workbook excelWorkbook1 = new Workbook();

//Get the first worksheet in the book.

Worksheet ws1 = excelWorkbook1.Worksheets[0];

//Name the worksheet.

ws1.Name = "MySheet";

//Copy data from the first worksheet of the first workbook into the

//first worksheet of the second workbook.


//Save the excel file.


تحميل رمز عينة