ترتيب مخصص في جدول محوري
ترتيب مخصص في جدول محوري
من خلال استخدام واجهة برمجة تطبيقات Aspose.Cells، يمكنك ترتيب الجداول المحورية حسب قيم الحقول. يحمل كود المثال التالي الملف الإكسل العيني ويضيف ثلاثة جداول محورية. الجدول المحوري الأول بدون ترتيب مخصص، والجدول المحوري الثاني مرتبًا حسب قيم الحقل “مأكولات بحرية” والجدول المحوري الثالث مرتبًا حسب قيم حقل العمود “28/07/2000”.
يمكن تنزيل ملف المصدر وملفات الإخراج التجريبية من هنا لاختبار الشيفرة التجريبية:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET | |
//Source directory | |
string sourceDir = RunExamples.Get_SourceDirectory(); | |
string outputDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory(); | |
Workbook wb = new Workbook(sourceDir + "SamplePivotSort.xlsx"); | |
// Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet | |
Worksheet sheet = wb.Worksheets[0]; | |
PivotTableCollection pivotTables = sheet.PivotTables; | |
// source PivotTable | |
// Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet | |
int index = pivotTables.Add("=Sheet1!A1:C10", "E3", "PivotTable2"); | |
//Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable | |
PivotTable pivotTable = pivotTables[index]; | |
// Unshowing grand totals for rows. | |
pivotTable.RowGrand = false; | |
pivotTable.ColumnGrand = false; | |
// Dragging the first field to the row area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, 1); | |
PivotField rowField = pivotTable.RowFields[0]; | |
rowField.IsAutoSort = true; | |
rowField.IsAscendSort = true; | |
// Dragging the second field to the column area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, 0); | |
PivotField colField = pivotTable.ColumnFields[0]; | |
colField.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"; | |
colField.IsAutoSort = true; | |
colField.IsAscendSort = true; | |
// Dragging the third field to the data area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, 2); | |
pivotTable.RefreshData(); | |
pivotTable.CalculateData(); | |
// end of source PivotTable | |
// sort the PivotTable on "SeaFood" row field values | |
// Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet | |
index = pivotTables.Add("=Sheet1!A1:C10", "E10", "PivotTable2"); | |
// Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable | |
pivotTable = pivotTables[index]; | |
// Unshowing grand totals for rows. | |
pivotTable.RowGrand = false; | |
pivotTable.ColumnGrand = false; | |
// Dragging the first field to the row area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, 1); | |
rowField = pivotTable.RowFields[0]; | |
rowField.IsAutoSort = true; | |
rowField.IsAscendSort = true; | |
// Dragging the second field to the column area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, 0); | |
colField = pivotTable.ColumnFields[0]; | |
colField.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"; | |
colField.IsAutoSort = true; | |
colField.IsAscendSort = true; | |
colField.AutoSortField = 0; | |
//Dragging the third field to the data area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, 2); | |
pivotTable.RefreshData(); | |
pivotTable.CalculateData(); | |
// end of sort the PivotTable on "SeaFood" row field values | |
// sort the PivotTable on "28/07/2000" column field values | |
// Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet | |
index = pivotTables.Add("=Sheet1!A1:C10", "E18", "PivotTable2"); | |
// Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable | |
pivotTable = pivotTables[index]; | |
// Unshowing grand totals for rows. | |
pivotTable.RowGrand = false; | |
pivotTable.ColumnGrand = false; | |
// Dragging the first field to the row area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, 1); | |
rowField = pivotTable.RowFields[0]; | |
rowField.IsAutoSort = true; | |
rowField.IsAscendSort = true; | |
rowField.AutoSortField = 0; | |
// Dragging the second field to the column area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, 0); | |
colField = pivotTable.ColumnFields[0]; | |
colField.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"; | |
colField.IsAutoSort = true; | |
colField.IsAscendSort = true; | |
// Dragging the third field to the data area. | |
pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, 2); | |
pivotTable.RefreshData(); | |
pivotTable.CalculateData(); | |
// end of sort the PivotTable on "28/07/2000" column field values | |
//Saving the Excel file | |
wb.Save(outputDir + "out_java.xlsx"); | |
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions(); | |
options.OnePagePerSheet = true; | |
wb.Save(outputDir + "out_java.pdf", options); |