Congelar y descongelar paneles

Congelar filas y columnas

Para congelar un número específico de filas y columnas:

  1. Agregue el control Aspose.Cells.GridWeb a un Formulario Web.
  2. Acceder a una hoja de cálculo.
  3. Congelar un número de filas y columnas.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Get user inputs for row, column, number of rows and number of columns
int row = Convert.ToInt16(txtRow.Text.Trim());
int column = Convert.ToInt16(txtColumn.Text.Trim());
int noOfRows = Convert.ToInt16(txtNoOfRows.Text.Trim());
int noOfColumns = Convert.ToInt16(txtNoOfColumns.Text.Trim());
// Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active
GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];
// Freeze desired rows and columns
sheet.FreezePanes(row, column, noOfRows, noOfColumns);

Descongelar filas y columnas

Para descongelar filas y columnas:

  1. Agregue el control Aspose.Cells.GridWeb a un Formulario Web.
  2. Acceder a una hoja de cálculo.
  3. Descongelar filas y columnas.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active
GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];
// Unfreezing rows and columns