Formatear celdas de hojas de cálculo en un libro de trabajo
Este artículo muestra cómo:
- Usar estilos para formatear rápidamente los datos.
- Formatear celdas en filas y columnas.
- Usar bordes y colores para enfatizar los datos.
- Aplicar formatos numéricos para enfatizar los datos.
- Use fuentes y atributos para resaltar datos.
- Formatee datos en un rango denominado.
- Cambie la alineación y orientación de los datos.
- Establezca la altura de fila y el ancho de columna.
El proyecto de ejemplo realiza todas estas tareas y proporciona a los desarrolladores una descripción detallada de cómo crear un libro de trabajo, agregar datos y aplicar formato usando Aspose.Cells.
Formato de datos
El formato se utiliza para distinguir entre diferentes tipos de información y mostrar datos de manera clara.
Un formato representa un estilo y se define como un conjunto de características, como fuentes y tamaños de fuente, formatos de números, bordes de celdas, sombreado de celdas, sangría, alineación y orientación del texto. Los bordes proporcionan otras formas de resaltar información. Un borde es una línea dibujada alrededor de una celda o grupo de celdas.
Los formatos de números también hacen que los datos sean más significativos. Al aplicar diferentes formatos de números, puede cambiar la apariencia de los números sin cambiar el número que representa.
Aspose.Cells le permite dibujar bordes alrededor de celdas y rangos fácilmente. También le permite aplicar fuentes y sombrear celdas. El componente es lo suficientemente eficiente como para formatear una fila o columna completa, establecer alineaciones, envolver y rotar texto en celdas. Aspose.Cells también admite todos los formatos de números admitidos por Microsoft Excel.
Este artículo muestra cómo crear una aplicación de consola en Visual Studio.Net que genera un informe de ventas anual. El libro de trabajo se crea desde cero, luego se insertan los datos y se formatea la hoja de cálculo. Mostramos cómo crear una aplicación de consola simple que crea un libro de Excel (también se puede usar un archivo de plantilla), inserta los datos de ventas en la primera hoja de cálculo, formatea los datos y guarda un archivo de Excel.
A continuación se detallan los pasos sobre cómo crear una hoja de cálculo y formatear diferentes celdas en diferentes filas y columnas de una hoja de trabajo.
- Descargue e instale Aspose.Cells:
- Descargar Aspose.Cells for .NET.
- Instálelo en su equipo de desarrollo.
- Cree un proyecto y agregue referencias:
- Inicia Visual Studio.Net.
- Cree una nueva aplicación de consola.
- Agregue una referencia a Aspose.Cells, por ejemplo…\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells\Bin\Net1.0\Aspose.Cells.dll
- Agrega el siguiente código al proyecto:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
/// <summary> | |
/// AsposeFormatWorksheet | |
/// Use Aspose.Cells to perform the task | |
/// </summary> | |
class FormatWorksheetCells | |
{ | |
/// <summary> | |
/// The main entry point for the application. | |
/// </summary> | |
[STAThread] | |
public static void Run() | |
{ | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); | |
string filename = dataDir + "FormatWorksheet.xls"; | |
CreateSalesReport(filename); | |
} | |
private static void CreateSalesReport(string filename) | |
{ | |
/* | |
* Uncomment the code below when you have purchased license | |
* for Aspose.Cells. You need to deploy the license in the | |
* same folder as your executable, alternatively you can add | |
* the license file as an embedded resource to your project. | |
*/ | |
Aspose.Cells.License cellsLicense = new | |
Aspose.Cells.License(); | |
cellsLicense.SetLicense("Aspose.Cells.lic"); | |
// Create a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
/* | |
* Note: Since Excel color palette has 56 colors on it. | |
* The colors are indexed 0-55. | |
* Please check: http:// | |
* If a color is not present on the palette, we have to add it | |
* To the palette, so that we may use. | |
* Add a few custom colors to the palette. | |
*/ | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255), 55); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105), 54); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 200), 53); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72), 52); | |
CreateReportData(workbook); | |
CreateCellsFormatting(workbook); | |
// Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; | |
// Name the worksheet. | |
worksheet.Name = "Sales Report"; | |
// Save the excel file. | |
workbook.Save(filename); | |
} | |
private static void CreateReportData(Workbook workbook) | |
{ | |
// Obtain the cells of the first worksheet. | |
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; | |
// Input the title on B1 cell. | |
cells["B1"].PutValue("Western Product Sales 2006"); | |
// Insert some column headings in the second row. | |
Cell cell = cells["B2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("January"); | |
cell = cells["C2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("February"); | |
cell = cells["D2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("March"); | |
cell = cells["E2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("April"); | |
cell = cells["F2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("May"); | |
cell = cells["G2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("June"); | |
cell = cells["H2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("July"); | |
cell = cells["I2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("August"); | |
cell = cells["J2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("September"); | |
cell = cells["K2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("October"); | |
cell = cells["L2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("November"); | |
cell = cells["M2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("December"); | |
cell = cells["N2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("Total"); | |
// Insert product names. | |
cells["A3"].PutValue("Biscuits"); | |
cells["A4"].PutValue("Coffee"); | |
cells["A5"].PutValue("Tofu"); | |
cells["A6"].PutValue("Ikura"); | |
cells["A7"].PutValue("Choclade"); | |
cells["A8"].PutValue("Maxilaku"); | |
cells["A9"].PutValue("Scones"); | |
cells["A10"].PutValue("Sauce"); | |
cells["A11"].PutValue("Syrup"); | |
cells["A12"].PutValue("Spegesild"); | |
cells["A13"].PutValue("Filo Mix"); | |
cells["A14"].PutValue("Pears"); | |
cells["A15"].PutValue("Konbu"); | |
cells["A16"].PutValue("Kaviar"); | |
cells["A17"].PutValue("Zaanse"); | |
cells["A18"].PutValue("Cabrales"); | |
cells["A19"].PutValue("Gnocchi"); | |
cells["A20"].PutValue("Wimmers"); | |
cells["A21"].PutValue("Breads"); | |
cells["A22"].PutValue("Lager"); | |
cells["A23"].PutValue("Gravad"); | |
cells["A24"].PutValue("Telino"); | |
cells["A25"].PutValue("Pavlova"); | |
cells["A26"].PutValue("Total"); | |
// Input porduct sales data (B3:M25). | |
cells["B3"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["C3"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D3"].PutValue(6010); | |
cells["E3"].PutValue(7230); | |
cells["F3"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G3"].PutValue(5030); | |
cells["H3"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I3"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["J3"].PutValue(9000); | |
cells["K3"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["L3"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["M3"].PutValue(5510); | |
cells["B4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C4"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["D4"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["E4"].PutValue(5300); | |
cells["F4"].PutValue(7400); | |
cells["G4"].PutValue(7030); | |
cells["H4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["I4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J4"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["K4"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["L4"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["M4"].PutValue(2510); | |
cells["B5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C5"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D5"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E5"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["F5"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G5"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["I5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["J5"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["K5"].PutValue(2200); | |
cells["L5"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["M5"].PutValue(2310); | |
cells["B6"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["C6"].PutValue(1300); | |
cells["D6"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["E6"].PutValue(2600); | |
cells["F6"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G6"].PutValue(2030); | |
cells["H6"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["I6"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J6"].PutValue(6500); | |
cells["K6"].PutValue(5600); | |
cells["L6"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["M6"].PutValue(5110); | |
cells["B7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["C7"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["D7"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E7"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["F7"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G7"].PutValue(2030); | |
cells["H7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J7"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K7"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["L7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["M7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["B8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["C8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["D8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["E8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["F8"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G8"].PutValue(5030); | |
cells["H8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I8"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["J8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["K8"].PutValue(5200); | |
cells["L8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["M8"].PutValue(2510); | |
cells["B9"].PutValue(4100); | |
cells["C9"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D9"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E9"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["F9"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["G9"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H9"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I9"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["J9"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["K9"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["L9"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["M9"].PutValue(2110); | |
cells["B10"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C10"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["D10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E10"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F10"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G10"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["H10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["K10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["L10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["M10"].PutValue(3510); | |
cells["B11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["C11"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D11"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["E11"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["F11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["G11"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H11"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I11"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["J11"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["L11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["M11"].PutValue(4510); | |
cells["B12"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C12"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E12"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["F12"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G12"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["H12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J12"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["K12"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["L12"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["M12"].PutValue(5110); | |
cells["B13"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["D13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["E13"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F13"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["G13"].PutValue(3730); | |
cells["H13"].PutValue(3800); | |
cells["I13"].PutValue(3600); | |
cells["J13"].PutValue(2600); | |
cells["K13"].PutValue(4600); | |
cells["L13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["M13"].PutValue(2660); | |
cells["B14"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["C14"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["D14"].PutValue(3333); | |
cells["E14"].PutValue(2330); | |
cells["F14"].PutValue(3430); | |
cells["G14"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["H14"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["I14"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["J14"].PutValue(1509); | |
cells["K14"].PutValue(4503); | |
cells["L14"].PutValue(1503); | |
cells["M14"].PutValue(3113); | |
cells["B15"].PutValue(2010); | |
cells["C15"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["D15"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["E15"].PutValue(2320); | |
cells["F15"].PutValue(3410); | |
cells["G15"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H15"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I15"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["J15"].PutValue(2520); | |
cells["K15"].PutValue(2520); | |
cells["L15"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["M15"].PutValue(5120); | |
cells["B16"].PutValue(2220); | |
cells["C16"].PutValue(1200); | |
cells["D16"].PutValue(3220); | |
cells["E16"].PutValue(1320); | |
cells["F16"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["G16"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["H16"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["I16"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["J16"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["K16"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["L16"].PutValue(1100); | |
cells["M16"].PutValue(5210); | |
cells["B17"].PutValue(1444); | |
cells["C17"].PutValue(1540); | |
cells["D17"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["E17"].PutValue(2340); | |
cells["F17"].PutValue(1440); | |
cells["G17"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["H17"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I17"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J17"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K17"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["L17"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M17"].PutValue(5550); | |
cells["B18"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C18"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["D18"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E18"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F18"].PutValue(3330); | |
cells["G18"].PutValue(5330); | |
cells["H18"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["I18"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["J18"].PutValue(2540); | |
cells["K18"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["L18"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M18"].PutValue(2110); | |
cells["B19"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C19"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["D19"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["E19"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["F19"].PutValue(2330); | |
cells["G19"].PutValue(5230); | |
cells["H19"].PutValue(2400); | |
cells["I19"].PutValue(3240); | |
cells["J19"].PutValue(2240); | |
cells["K19"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["L19"].PutValue(4100); | |
cells["M19"].PutValue(2310); | |
cells["B20"].PutValue(7000); | |
cells["C20"].PutValue(8500); | |
cells["D20"].PutValue(8000); | |
cells["E20"].PutValue(5300); | |
cells["F20"].PutValue(6330); | |
cells["G20"].PutValue(7330); | |
cells["H20"].PutValue(3600); | |
cells["I20"].PutValue(3940); | |
cells["J20"].PutValue(2940); | |
cells["K20"].PutValue(4600); | |
cells["L20"].PutValue(6500); | |
cells["M20"].PutValue(8710); | |
cells["B21"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C21"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D21"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["E21"].PutValue(2200); | |
cells["F21"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["G21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J21"].PutValue(4330); | |
cells["K21"].PutValue(4420); | |
cells["L21"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M21"].PutValue(1330); | |
cells["B22"].PutValue(2050); | |
cells["C22"].PutValue(3520); | |
cells["D22"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["E22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["F22"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["G22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["H22"].PutValue(2010); | |
cells["I22"].PutValue(2210); | |
cells["J22"].PutValue(2230); | |
cells["K22"].PutValue(4240); | |
cells["L22"].PutValue(3330); | |
cells["M22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["B23"].PutValue(1222); | |
cells["C23"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["D23"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["E23"].PutValue(2770); | |
cells["F23"].PutValue(3011); | |
cells["G23"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["H23"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["I23"].PutValue(9000); | |
cells["J23"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["K23"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["L23"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["M23"].PutValue(6333); | |
cells["B24"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["C24"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["D24"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E24"].PutValue(1300); | |
cells["F24"].PutValue(1330); | |
cells["G24"].PutValue(1390); | |
cells["H24"].PutValue(1600); | |
cells["I24"].PutValue(1900); | |
cells["J24"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["K24"].PutValue(1650); | |
cells["L24"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["M24"].PutValue(1910); | |
cells["B25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C25"].PutValue(6600); | |
cells["D25"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["E25"].PutValue(8300); | |
cells["F25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["G25"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H25"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["I25"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J25"].PutValue(7000); | |
cells["K25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["L25"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["M25"].PutValue(5500); | |
// Add Monthwise Summary formulas. | |
cells["B26"].Formula = "=SUM(B3:B25)"; | |
cells["C26"].Formula = "=SUM(C3:C25)"; | |
cells["D26"].Formula = "=SUM(D3:D25)"; | |
cells["E26"].Formula = "=SUM(E3:E25)"; | |
cells["F26"].Formula = "=SUM(F3:F25)"; | |
cells["G26"].Formula = "=SUM(G3:G25)"; | |
cells["H26"].Formula = "=SUM(H3:H25)"; | |
cells["I26"].Formula = "=SUM(I3:I25)"; | |
cells["J26"].Formula = "=SUM(J3:J25)"; | |
cells["K26"].Formula = "=SUM(K3:K25)"; | |
cells["L26"].Formula = "=SUM(L3:L25)"; | |
cells["M26"].Formula = "=SUM(M3:M25)"; | |
// Add Productwise Summary formulas. | |
cells["N3"].Formula = "=SUM(B3:M3)"; | |
cells["N4"].Formula = "=SUM(B4:M4)"; | |
cells["N5"].Formula = "=SUM(B5:M5)"; | |
cells["N6"].Formula = "=SUM(B6:M6)"; | |
cells["N7"].Formula = "=SUM(B7:M7)"; | |
cells["N8"].Formula = "=SUM(B8:M8)"; | |
cells["N9"].Formula = "=SUM(B9:M9)"; | |
cells["N10"].Formula = "=SUM(B10:M10)"; | |
cells["N11"].Formula = "=SUM(B11:M11)"; | |
cells["N12"].Formula = "=SUM(B12:M12)"; | |
cells["N13"].Formula = "=SUM(B13:M13)"; | |
cells["N14"].Formula = "=SUM(B14:M14)"; | |
cells["N15"].Formula = "=SUM(B15:M15)"; | |
cells["N16"].Formula = "=SUM(B16:M16)"; | |
cells["N17"].Formula = "=SUM(B17:M17)"; | |
cells["N18"].Formula = "=SUM(B18:M18)"; | |
cells["N19"].Formula = "=SUM(B19:M19)"; | |
cells["N20"].Formula = "=SUM(B20:M20)"; | |
cells["N21"].Formula = "=SUM(B21:M21)"; | |
cells["N22"].Formula = "=SUM(B22:M22)"; | |
cells["N23"].Formula = "=SUM(B23:M23)"; | |
cells["N24"].Formula = "=SUM(B24:M24)"; | |
cells["N25"].Formula = "=SUM(B25:M25)"; | |
// Add Grand Total. | |
cells["N26"].Formula = "=SUM(N3:N25)"; | |
} | |
private static void CreateCellsFormatting(Workbook workbook) | |
{ | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl0 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set a custom shading color of the cells. | |
stl0.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255); | |
stl0.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl0.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"; | |
stl0.Font.Size = 18; | |
stl0.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
stl0.Font.IsBold = true; | |
stl0.Font.IsItalic = true; | |
// Define a style flag struct. | |
StyleFlag flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
flag.FontItalic = true; | |
// Get the first row in the first worksheet. | |
Row row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[0]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl0, flag); | |
// Obtain the cells of the first worksheet. | |
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; | |
// Set the height of the first row. | |
cells.SetRowHeight(0, 30); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl1 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the rotation angle of the text. | |
stl1.RotationAngle = 45; | |
// Set the custom fill color of the cells. | |
stl1.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl1.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color = Color.White; | |
stl1.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; | |
stl1.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; | |
stl1.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; | |
stl1.Font.Size = 10; | |
stl1.Font.Color = Color.White; | |
stl1.Font.IsBold = true; | |
// Set a style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.LeftBorder = true; | |
flag.Rotation = true; | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.HorizontalAlignment = true; | |
flag.VerticalAlignment = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[1]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl1, flag); | |
// Set the height of the second row. | |
cells.SetRowHeight(1, 48); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl2 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom cell shading color. | |
stl2.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255); | |
stl2.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl2.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"; | |
stl2.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
stl2.Font.Size = 10; | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
// Get the first column in the first worksheet. | |
Column col = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Columns[0]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
col.ApplyStyle(stl2, flag); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl3 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom cell filling color. | |
stl3.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl3.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
cells["A2"].SetStyle(stl3); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl4 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom font text color. | |
stl4.Font.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl4.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl4.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl4.ForegroundColor = Color.White; | |
stl4.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
// Set custom number format. | |
stl4.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
// Set a style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.NumberFormat = true; | |
flag.BottomBorder = true; | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl5 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
stl5.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl5.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl5.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 200); | |
stl5.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
// Set custom number format. | |
stl5.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
stl5.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
// Create a named range of cells (B3:M25)in the first worksheet. | |
Range range = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.CreateRange("B3", "M25"); | |
// Name the range. | |
range.Name = "MyRange"; | |
// Apply the style to cells in the named range. | |
range.ApplyStyle(stl4, flag); | |
// Apply different style to alternative rows in the range. | |
for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) | |
{ | |
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) | |
{ | |
if (i % 2 == 0) | |
{ | |
range[i, j].SetStyle(stl5); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl6 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom fill color of the cells. | |
stl6.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl6.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl6.Font.Name = "Arial"; | |
stl6.Font.Size = 10; | |
stl6.Font.Color = Color.White; | |
stl6.Font.IsBold = true; | |
// Set the custom number format. | |
stl6.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
// Set the style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
flag.NumberFormat = true; | |
// Get the 26th row in the first worksheet which produces totals. | |
row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[25]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl6, flag); | |
// Now apply this style to those cells (N3:N25) which has productwise sales totals. | |
for (int i = 2; i < 25; i++) | |
{ | |
cells[i, 13].SetStyle(stl6); | |
} | |
// Set N column's width to fit the contents. | |
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.SetColumnWidth(13, 9.33); | |
} | |
} |