Getting Started

Aspose.Cells for Go via C++ integration

Welcome to Aspose.Cells for Go via C++! This cross-platform solution supports both Windows and Linux. To get started, execute a code file that uses the package.


Running Aspose.Cells for Go via C++ in your project

  1. Create a directory for your project and a main.go file within. Add the following code to your main.go.

package main

import (
 . ""

func main() {
 lic, _ := NewLicense()
 workbook, _ := NewWorkbook()
 worksheets, _ := workbook.GetWorksheets()
 worksheet, _ := worksheets.Get_Int(0)
 cells, _ := worksheet.GetCells()
 cell, _ := cells.Get_String("A1")
 cell.PutValue_String_Bool("Hello World!", true)
 style, _ := cell.GetStyle()
 color, _ := NewColor()


  1. Initialize project go.mod

go mod init main

  1. Fetch the dependencies for project.

go mod tidy

  1. Set your PATH to point to the shared libraries in Aspose.Cells for Go via C++ in your current command shell. Replace your_version with the version of Aspose.Cells for Go via C++ you are running.

set PATH=%PATH%;%GOPATH%/pkg/mod/

Or in your powershell

$env:Path = $env:Path+ ";${env:GOPATH}\\aspose-cells\aspose-cells-go-cpp\v25@v25.1.0\lib\win_x86_64\"

You may also copy the DLL files from the above path to the same place as your project executable.

  1. Run your created application.

go run main.go