Convertire in file Mhtml in Jython

Aspose.Cells - Convertire in file Mhtml

Per aggiungere documenti utilizzando Aspose.Cells Java per Jython. Qui puoi vedere il codice di esempio.

Codice Jython

 from aspose-cells import Settings

from com.aspose.cells import Workbook

from com.aspose.cells import HtmlSaveOptions

from com.aspose.cells import SaveFormat

class ConvertingToMhtmlFiles:

    def __init__(self):

        dataDir = Settings.dataDir + 'WorkingWithFiles/ConvertingToMhtmlFiles/'

        saveFormat = SaveFormat

        #Specify the file path

        filePath = dataDir + "Book1.xlsx"

        #Specify the HTML saving options

        sv = HtmlSaveOptions(saveFormat.M_HTML)

        #Instantiate a workbook and open the template XLSX file

        wb = Workbook(filePath)

        #Save the MHT file + ".out.mht", sv)

        # Print message

        print "Excel to MHTML conversion performed successfully."

if __name__ == '__main__':        


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