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Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.9 Release Notes

CELLSNET-47567Support Get/Set the slicer shape propertiesNew Feature
CELLSNET-47549Client api for add /remove comments for GridWebNew Feature
CELLSNET-47555Chart does not allow treating #N/A as empty cells when saving as PDFEnhancement
CELLSNET-47579Kaiti font is not properly renderedEnhancement
CELLSNET-47154Query tables are not loaded from ODS fileEnhancement
CELLSNET-47556Enhancement for freezing and splitting worksheetEnhancement
CELLSNET-47570Macros should removed when combining/copying workbooksEnhancement
CELLSNET-47543Issue with Smart Markers having conditional formatting appliedBug
CELLSNET-47561Currency with custom format is shown outside of cell in HTMLBug
CELLSNET-47562Saving empty sheet with exported grid lines settings to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-47569Pivot Table isn’t properly shown after XLSX to PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-47475CalculateFormula() calculates differently than MS ExcelBug
CELLSNET-47531Formulas containing names that don’t exist show up as WorkbookName!NameBug
CELLSNET-47545Custom negative number rendered incorrectly to PDFBug
CELLSNET-47548Issue with importing text file with double quotesBug
CELLSNET-47558Custom negative numbers (using Switzerland region) rendered incorrectly to PDFBug
CELLSNET-47075Need to sync scrolling of two grids just like excel’s SyncScrollingSideBySide.Bug
CELLSNET-47559Unable to select cells using keyboard arrow keys when sheet set as readonlyBug
CELLSNET-47360Transparent marker points in chart in the Excel file are getting distorted in the output PDFBug
CELLSNET-47565Foreground footer image becomes backgroundBug
CELLSNET-46502XLSX to TIFF conversion results in a black boxBug
CELLSNET-46821Converting worksheet to TIFF - Image is blacked outBug
CELLSNET-47458Shape distortion after conversion to PDF fileBug
CELLSNET-47551X-axis not correct while converting Excel chart to PDFBug
CELLSNET-47546Delete blank rows/columns corrupts Excel documentBug
CELLSNET-47552Wrong PowerQueryFormula.FormulaDefinitionBug
CELLSNET-47573Unable to produce desired formatting using shiftBug
CELLSNET-47574XLS to HTML produces empty fileBug
CELLSNET-47581MaxColumn is set to Column XFD after calling InsertCutCells()Bug
CELLSNET-47586Workbook with Waterfall chart cannot be opened using Excel 2016 after copyBug
CELLSNET-47547Exception raised while adding slicer for tableException
CELLSNET-47553Exception when saving an XLS file to XLSXException
CELLSNET-47563Exception “File is corrupted” when loading an XLS file formatException
CELLSNET-47580ArgumentOutOfRangeException when converting excelException
CELLSNET-47592Exception when converting particular XLSX to XLSException
CELLSNET-47557Some properties are missing when combining workbooksRegression

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds AbstractCalculationEngine.ProcessBuiltInFunctions property

For performance and user’s convenience consideration, we added this property and made its default value as false so user can concentrate on those functions that have not been supported by built-in engine. If user’s existing implementation of AbstractCalculationEngine changed some built-in functions’ calculation, user should override this property to make it as true from 20.9.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.HasTextQualifier property

Denotes whether there is text qualifier for cell values in the template file.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.TextQualifier property

Specifies the text qualifier for cell values in the template file.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ImageScalable property

Indicates whether to use scalable unit to describe the image width. The default value of the property is true.

Adds Slicer.AlternativeText property

Gets or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the Slicer object.

Adds Slicer.ColumnWidthPixel property

Gets or sets the width in unit of pixels for each column of the slicer.

Adds Slicer.HeightPixel property

Gets or sets the height of the specified slicer, in pixels.

Adds Slicer.IsLocked property

Indicates whether the slicer shape is locked.

Adds Slicer.IsPrintable property

Indicates whether the slicer object is printable.

Adds Slicer.LeftPixel property

Gets or sets the horizontal offset of slicer shape from its left column, in pixels.

Adds Slicer.LockedAspectRatio property

Indicates whether locking aspect ratio.

Adds Slicer.Placement property

Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it. The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.

Adds Slicer.RowHeightPixel property

Returns or sets the height, in pixels, of each row in the specified slicer.

Adds Slicer.Title property

Specifies the title of the current Slicer object.

Adds Slicer.TopPixel property

Gets or sets the vertical offset of slicer shape from its top row, in pixels.

Adds Slicer.WidthPixel property

Gets or sets the width of the specified slicer, in pixels.

Adds Worksheet.PaneState property and PaneStateType enum.

Represents the state of pane in the worksheet.

Adds OdsLoadOptions.RefreshPivotTables property.

Indicates whether refreshing pivot table when loading .ods files.

Adds FilterColumn.IsDropdownVisible property.

Indicates whether the AutoFilter button for this column is visible.

Obsoletes Filter.Visibledropdown property.

Use FilterColumn.IsDropdownVisible instead.

Adds CopyOptions.KeepMacros property.

Indicates whether keeping the macors in the target workbook. It only effects when original workbook does not contains macros.

Adds overload Workbook.Copy(Workbook,CopyOptions) method.

Copies workbook with options.

Adds WarningType.InvalidAutoFilterRange enum.

Represents the warning type that the range could not autofiltered.

Adds Chart.DisplayNaAsBlank property.

Indicates whether displaying #N/A as blank value.

Adds CrossType.Minimum enum.

Represents the axises cross at the minimum value.

Adds XlsbSaveOptions.ExportAllColumnIndexes property.

Indicates whether exporting column indexes for all cells.
