Lavorare con GridJs lato server
Lavorare con GridJs lato server
0. imposta il percorso della cartella corretta in Config
per il file cache del foglio di lavoro.
per i file immagine in cache nel foglio di lavoro.
Per i dettagli sullo storage, consulta questa guida
1. Implementa GridCacheForStream
Per lo storage in file locale, ecco un esempio:
public class LocalFileCache : GridCacheForStream | |
{ | |
public LocalFileCache() | |
{ | |
string streampath = Path.Combine(Config.FileCacheDirectory, "streamcache"); | |
if (!Directory.Exists(streampath)) | |
{ | |
//create cache directory if not exists | |
Directory.CreateDirectory(streampath); | |
} | |
} | |
/// <summary> | |
/// Implement this method to savecache,save the stream to the cache object with the key id. | |
/// </summary> | |
/// <param name="s">the source stream </param> | |
/// <param name="uid">he key id.</param> | |
public override void SaveStream(Stream s, String uid) | |
{ | |
String filepath = Path.Combine(Config.FileCacheDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "streamcache", uid.Replace('/', '.')); | |
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Create)) | |
{ | |
s.Position = 0; | |
s.CopyTo(fs); | |
} | |
} | |
/// <summary> | |
/// Implement this method to loadcache with the key uid,return the stream from the cache object. | |
/// </summary> | |
/// <param name="uid">the key id</param> | |
/// <returns>the stream from the cache</returns> | |
public override Stream LoadStream(String uid) | |
{ | |
String filepath = Path.Combine(Config.FileCacheDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "streamcache", uid.Replace('/', '.')); | |
FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open); | |
return fs; | |
} | |
/// <summary> | |
/// implement the url in action controller to get the file | |
/// </summary> | |
/// <param name="uid">the key id</param> | |
/// <returns></returns> | |
public override String GetFileUrl(string uid) | |
{ | |
return "/GridJs2/GetFile?id=" + uid; | |
} | |
} |
Per lo storage lato server, forniamo anche un esempio. Please check:
2. Ottieni json dal file del foglio di calcolo.
GridJsWorkbook wbj = new GridJsWorkbook();
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
String ret =wbj.ExportToJson();
3. Ottieni le immagini/forme dal file del foglio di calcolo
//Gridjs will automatically zip all the images/shapes into a zip stream and store it in cache using the cache implemention.
//GridJsWorkbook.CacheImp.SaveStream(zipoutStream, fileid);
//get the fileid in the cache,uid is the unique id for the spreadsheet instance, sheetid is the sheet index,
String fileid=(uniqueid + "." + (sheetid + ''))
//get the zip file stream by the fileid
Stream s=GridJsWorkbook.CacheImp.LoadStream(fileid), mimeType, fileid.Replace('/', '.')
4. Aggiorna il file del foglio di calcolo in cache
GridJsWorkbook gwb = new GridJsWorkbook();
//p is the update json,uid is the unique id for the spreadsheet
String ret = gwb.UpdateCell(p, uid);
5. Salva il file del foglio di calcolo in cache
GridJsWorkbook wb = new GridJsWorkbook();
//p is the update json,uid is the unique id for the spreadsheet
wb.MergeExcelFileFromJson(uid, p);
wb.SaveToCacheWithFileName(uid, filename,password);
Per ulteriori informazioni, puoi controllare l’esempio qui: