






  1. 1900年の日付システム。最初の日付は1900年1月1日で、そのシリアル値は1です。最後の日付は9999年12月31日で、そのシリアル値は2,958,465です。この日付システムはワークブックのデフォルトで使用されます。
  2. 1904年の日付システム。最初の日付は1904年1月1日で、そのシリアル値は0です。最後の日付は9999年12月31日で、そのシリアル値は2,957,003です。ワークブックでこの日付システムを使用するには、Workbook.Settings.Date1904プロパティをtrueに設定します。


//Instantiating an Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Settings.Date1904 = false;
//Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet
Worksheet ws = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cells cells = ws.Cells;
DateTime dateData = new DateTime(2023, 11, 23);
//Setting the DateTime value to the cells
Cell a1 = cells["A1"];
// Check if the cell contains a numeric value
if (a1.Type == CellValueType.IsNumeric)
Console.WriteLine("A1 is Numeric Value: " + a1.DoubleValue);
workbook.Settings.Date1904 = true;
Console.WriteLine("use The 1904 date system====================");
//Setting the DateTime value to the cells
Cell a2 = cells["A2"];
a2.Value = dateData;
// Check if the cell contains a numeric value
if (a2.Type == CellValueType.IsNumeric)
Console.WriteLine("A2 is Numeric Value: " + a2.DoubleValue);

A1 is Numeric Value: 45253
use The 1904 date system====================
A2 is Numeric Value: 43791



//Instantiating an Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
//Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet
Worksheet ws = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cells cells = ws.Cells;
//Setting the DateTime value to the cells
Cell a1 = cells["A1"];
// Check if the cell contains a numeric value
if (a1.Type == CellValueType.IsNumeric)
Console.WriteLine("A1 is Numeric Value: " + a1.IsNumericValue);
Style a1Style = a1.GetStyle();
// Set custom Datetime style
a1Style.Custom = "mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss";
// Check if the cell contains a DateTime value
if (a1.Type == CellValueType.IsDateTime)
Console.WriteLine("Cell A1 contains a DateTime value.");
Console.WriteLine("Cell A1 does not contain a DateTime value.");
//Setting the DateTime value to the cells
Cell a2 = cells["A2"];
a2.Value = DateTime.Now;
// Check if the cell contains a numeric value
if (a2.Type == CellValueType.IsNumeric)
Console.WriteLine("A2 is Numeric Value: " + a2.IsNumericValue);
Style a2Style = a2.GetStyle();
// Set the display format of numbers and dates.
a2Style.Number = 22;
// Check if the cell contains a DateTime value
if (a2.Type == CellValueType.IsDateTime)
Console.WriteLine("Cell A2 contains a DateTime value.");
Console.WriteLine("Cell A2 does not contain a DateTime value.");


A1 is Numeric Value: True
Cell A1 contains a DateTime value.
A2 is Numeric Value: True
Cell A2 contains a DateTime value.



//Instantiating an Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
//Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet
Worksheet ws = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cells cells = ws.Cells;
//Setting the DateTime value to the cells
Cell a1 = cells["A1"];
// Check if the cell contains a numeric value
if (a1.Type == CellValueType.IsNumeric)
Console.WriteLine("A1 is Numeric Value: " + a1.IsNumericValue);
Style a1Style = a1.GetStyle();
// Set custom Datetime style
a1Style.Custom = "mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss";
// Check if the cell contains a DateTime value
if (a1.Type == CellValueType.IsDateTime)
Console.WriteLine("Cell A1 contains a DateTime value.");
// Get the DateTime value
DateTime dateTimeValue = a1.DateTimeValue;
// Now, you can use dateTimeValue as needed
Console.WriteLine("A1 DateTime Value: " + dateTimeValue);
// Output date formatted string
Console.WriteLine("A1 DateTime String Value: " + a1.StringValue);
Console.WriteLine("Cell A1 does not contain a DateTime value.");
//Setting the DateTime value to the cells
Cell a2 = cells["A2"];
a2.Value = DateTime.Now;
// Check if the cell contains a numeric value
if (a2.Type == CellValueType.IsNumeric)
Console.WriteLine("A2 is Numeric Value: " + a2.IsNumericValue);
Style a2Style = a2.GetStyle();
// Set the display format of numbers and dates.
a2Style.Number = 22;
// Check if the cell contains a DateTime value
if (a2.Type == CellValueType.IsDateTime)
Console.WriteLine("Cell A2 contains a DateTime value.");
// Get the DateTime value
DateTime dateTimeValue = a2.DateTimeValue;
// Now, you can use dateTimeValue as needed
Console.WriteLine("A2 DateTime Value: " + dateTimeValue);
// Output date formatted string
Console.WriteLine("A2 DateTime String Value: " + a2.StringValue);
Console.WriteLine("Cell A2 does not contain a DateTime value.");


A1 is Numeric Value: True
Cell A1 contains a DateTime value.
A1 DateTime Value: 11/23/2023 5:59:09 PM
A1 DateTime String Value: 11-23-23 17:59:09
A2 is Numeric Value: True
Cell A2 contains a DateTime value.
A2 DateTime Value: 11/23/2023 5:59:09 PM
A2 DateTime String Value: 11/23/2023 17:59