Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 18.12 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-42745Change returned value for getting Connection pointsNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-42662Provide ability to export range as HTMLNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-42746Data bars are missing when XLSX is converted to HTMLNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-42747Value still exists when XLSX is converted to HTMLNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-42634Convert left right ribbon shape to imageEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42713Aspose.Cells for Java JavaDocs - missing package-list fileEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42528Font is not a valid HTML5 and self-closing tag and web browsers misrepresent its contentsEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42738Wrong count of validation values is read from XLSXEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42734Issue while treating consecutive delimiters as distinctEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42731Date format is incorrect for Japanese localeEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42748LightCells API fails to load huge fileEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-42728An exception(StackOverFlow) raises when saving to PDF outputBug
CELLSJAVA-42729Wrong value calculated by ROUNDUP()Bug
CELLSJAVA-42724Copy a range with PasteType.ALL (Paste options) not copying row heights properlyBug
CELLSJAVA-42722Hyperlink text formatting lost when new text is setBug
CELLSJAVA-42688Invalid Russian date format outputBug
CELLSJAVA-42721Issue with SheetRender fontsBug
CELLSJAVA-42723Exception “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” when rendering MS Excel file to PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-42725Quotes appear in formula when retrieving the cell formula via Aspose.CellsBug
CELLSJAVA-42720Performance degradation when using conditional formattingBug
CELLSJAVA-42737Chart line is missing in XLSX->PNG conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-42735Problem with getActualChartSize methodBug
CELLSJAVA-40861SmartArt doesn’t copy when workbook is copiedBug
CELLSJAVA-42727Text formatting is missing in HTML output of excel rangeBug
CELLSJAVA-42744Icon Sets become misaligned when XLSX is converted to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-42772Exporting named range data is not correctly rendered to HTML (Java)Bug
CELLSJAVA-42753Named Range IssueBug
CELLSJAVA-42764Validation always returns true for ‘getInCellDropDown()’ methodBug
CELLSJAVA-42768Wrong culture custom format gets returned for different locales (Germany, French, Italy and Spain)Bug
CELLSJAVA-42758Excel To PDF conversion - Gauge chart rendering issueBug
CELLSJAVA-42761PDF rendition throws OutOfMemoryError exceptionBug
CELLSJAVA-42759CellsException while converting filesException
CELLSJAVA-42755Exception “NullPointerException” when instantiating the XLSX file(s)Exception
CELLSJAVA-42762NumberFormatException while processing filesException
CELLSJAVA-42774NullPointerException when loading a CSVException
CELLSJAVA-42765Exception “com.aspose.cells.CellsException” when rendering an Excel file to PDF file formatException
CELLSJAVA-42754Exception “IllegalStateException: Invalid encoding: null” when instantiating an XLS file formatException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.WidthScalable property

Indicates whether using scalable unit to describe the column width when exporting file to HTML. The default value is false.

Adds WorkbookDesigner.UpdateEmptyStringAsNull property

Indicates whether processing the empty string value as null.

Updates the returned value of DocumentProperty.ToDateTime() method, BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.CreatedTime, BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastPrinted and BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastSavedTime properties

Returns the time in local time zone.

Requires stronger constraint for user’s input for FormatCondition.Formula1/Formula2

The plain input string cannot be determined whether it should refer to a Name reference or it is just a constant string value. So, now we require the formula must start with ‘=’ sign. For plain string value “sss”, please use format like “="sss"”.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshedByWho property

Gets the name of the user who refreshed the PivotTable last time.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshDate property

Gets the date when the PivotTable was refreshed last time.

Adds CalculationData.CellRow/CellColumn properties

Provides efficient way for user to get cell’s row and column indices instead of fetching the Cell object.

Adds CalculationCell class

Represents the calculation data about one cell being calculated.

Adds AbstractCalculationMonitor.OnCircular(IEnumerator circularCellsData) method

Provides method for user to gather and process circular references.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.TreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne property

Allows user to choose whether consecutive delimiters should be taken as one when importing CSV file.

Adds FormatCondition.SetFormulas(string formula1, string formula2, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) method

Provides efficient and convenient way for user to set formulas for FormatCondition.

Adds Validation.GetListValue(int row, int column) method

Allows user to get the value to produce the list for the Validation of specific cell.

Obsoletes ValidationCollection.Add(Validation validation) method

Use ValidationCollection.Add(CellArea) method instead.

Adds Validation.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Validation,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions) method

Copies validation.

Adds CreatedUniversalTime,LastPrintedUniversalTime and LastSavedUniversalTime properties of BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection

Returns UTC time about the built-in properties.

Adds OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateSmartArt property

Indicates whether updating the smart art.

Adds SmartArtShape class 

Represents the smart art shape.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSingleTab property

Indicates whether exporting the single tab when the file only has one worksheet. The default value is false.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPrintAreaOnly property

Indicates if only exporting the print area to html file. The default value is false.

Deletes obsoleted Workbook.Initialize() method

Use Workbook constructor instead.

Deletes obsoleted Workbook.Styles property

Use Workbook.CreateStyle() to create and manipulate style for workbook instead of StyleCollection.Add(); Use Workbook.GetNamedStyle(string) to get named style instead of StyleCollection

Deletes obsoleted Workbook.CheckWriteProtectedPassword() method

Use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.ValidatePassword method instead.

Adds LoadDataFilterOptions.VBA enum

The option to ignore VBA projects while loading template file.

Adds Style.InvariantCustom property

Gets the culture-independent pattern string for number format(including the pattern string for builtin number).

Adds FindOptions.ValueTypeSensitive property

Indicates whether searched cell value type should be same with the searched key.

Obsoletes FindOptions.SearchNext property

Use FindOptions.SearchBackward property instead, true value for this new property corresponding to false of SearchNext.

Deletes obsoleted Cells.FindString, FindStringStartsWith, FindStringEndsWith, FindStringContains and FindNumber methods

Use Cells.Find(object,Cell,FindOptions) method instead. To get the same result with methods FindNumber, FindString, please set FindOptions.ValueTypeSensitive as true.

Deletes obsoleted Cells.Start property

Use Cells.FirstCell property instead.

Deletes obsoleted Cells.End property

Use Cells.LastCell property instead.

Deletes Cells[int] property

Use Cells.GetEnumerator() method to iterate all cells in this worksheet instead.

Deletes obsoleted Shape.Rotation property

Use Shape.RotationAngle property instead.

Deletes obsoleted Validation.AreaList property

Use Validation.Areas property instead.

Deletes obsoleted Style constructor

Use CellsFactory.CreateStyle() or Workbook.CreateStyle() method instead.

Deletes obsoleted Shape.IsPrinted property

Use Shape.IsPrintable property instead.

Deletes obsoleted PivotItem.Move(int) method

Use PivotItem.Move(int , bool ) method instead.

Deletes obsoleted Cells.ExportDataTable(int, int, int, int,bool, bool),Cells.ExportDataTable(int, int, int, int,object[]), Cells.ExportDataTable(int, int, int, int,bool), Cells.ExportDataTable(DataTable, int, int[],int, bool) and Cells.ExportDataTable(DataTable,int, int, int, bool, bool)methods

Use ExportDataTable(firstRow,firstColumn, totalRows, totalColumns,ExportTableOptions) method instead.
