Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 20.3 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-41325Cell.getValidation method returns null for ODSNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43137Light Cells API: processing sheets in a specific orderNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43135Remove ActiveXControl from Picture shapeNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43141Add ThreadedComment.CreatedTime propertyNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43074XLSX to PDF, Difference in PDF output when using Oracle JDK vs Open JDKEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-43076Set image type EMF in the rendered HTML fileEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-43113Conversion to PDF - java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input stringEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-43114Conversion to PDF - Invalid formula:"‘APRIL’‘12’.A1:‘APRIL’‘12’.I23"Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43117Conversion to PDF - hex is not a valid hex number!Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43118Conversion to PDF -  java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “341,403,811.74”Enhancement
CELLSJAVA-43083Opacity is not being applied to column chartsBug
CELLSJAVA-41879%of, %of Row, %of ParentRowTotal, %ParentTotal, etc. are not working in pivot excel outputBug
CELLSJAVA-43062Cell’s default background color is wrong in output HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-43063SheetRender.toImage() output is incorrectBug
CELLSJAVA-43070calculateFormula() does not calculate valueBug
CELLSJAVA-43086Percent Format Style is applied incorrectly under Norwegian LocaleBug
CELLSJAVA-43082Smaller font rendered in each first row of the tableBug
CELLSJAVA-41360Cells with formulas are displayed inside the PDF while they are not displayed inside the ODSBug
CELLSJAVA-42786ODS to XLSX - line graph loses lines and legends entriesBug
CELLSJAVA-42788ODS to XLSX - circle becomes squareBug
CELLSJAVA-43073DataMashup information not accessible in the workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-43092Cannot process Excel fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43077Exception “Unexpected image type” raised while rendering worksheet to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-43096Program hangs while converting Excel file to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-43107Conversion to PDF - com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Shape to image Error!Bug
CELLSJAVA-43108Conversion to PDF - com.aspose.cells.CellsExceptionBug
CELLSJAVA-43088Radar chart is not rendered in the output file in XLSX to PDF conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-43099Worksheet image is not rendering properlyBug
CELLSJAVA-43093ActiveX control is not detected in XLS file formatBug
CELLSJAVA-43104Issues with getShowTabs and setShowTabsBug
CELLSJAVA-43121OOM trying to get number of pages in XLSBug
CELLSJAVA-43125Form and ActiveX objects are duplicatedBug
CELLSJAVA-42068GIF in the worksheet is wrong when the workbook is converted to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-43127Excel Pivot Table is not automatically refreshed while the file first get openBug
CELLSJAVA-43129Chinese text is garbled in HTML to XLS conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-43139The charts in the sheet are not refreshed when rendering worksheet to imageBug
CELLSJAVA-43148Chart label position errorBug
CELLSJAVA-43124On conversion to PDF two columns are cut off the tableBug
CELLSJAVA-43091Data labels on Donuts chart are overlapped in PDF fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43132Datalabels missing from some charts while exporting chart to an imageBug
CELLSJAVA-43143After WorkbookDesigner.process, Chart output is null in HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-43098Replacing embedded object with a picture does not work for XLS file formatBug
CELLSJAVA-43122Issue with Threaded comments’ order after import to Office365 XLSX file formatBug
CELLSJAVA-43134The string value of a cell is empty in Apple Numbers'09 Bug
CELLSJAVA-43144IsItalic property detected differently than MS Excel (Java)Bug
CELLSJAVA-43094Exception when loading an XLSX file formatException
CELLSJAVA-43100Exception “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” when calling  Workbook.calculateFormula() in an Excel fileException
CELLSJAVA-43123ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while using MEMORY_PREFERENCEException
CELLSJAVA-43105Conversion to PDF -  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 60Exception
CELLSJAVA-43106Conversion to PDF - java.lang.IllegalArgumentExceptionException
CELLSJAVA-43109Conversion to PDF - java.lang.NullPointerExceptionException
CELLSJAVA-43111Conversion to PDF - com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Invalid data!Exception
CELLSJAVA-43112Conversion to PDF - java.lang.NullPointerExceptionException
CELLSJAVA-43115Conversion to PDF - java.lang.NegativeArraySizeExceptionException
CELLSJAVA-43116Conversion to PDF - java.lang.IllegalStateException: The structured storage seems to be corrupt.Exception
CELLSJAVA-43120java.lang.NumberFormatException while converting workbook to PDFException
CELLSJAVA-43140IllegalArgumentException while calling calculateFormula()Exception
CELLSJAVA-43110Conversion to PDF - java.lang.NullPointerExceptionException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds ReplaceOptions.RegexKey property.

Indicates whether the searched key is regex. If true then the searched key(to be replaced part) will be taken as user-specified regex.

Deletes obsolete ValidationCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Validation) method.

Use ValidationCollection.Add(CellArea) method instead.

Adds PowerQueryFormula.FormulaDefinition property.

Gets the definition of the power query formula.

Adds DBConnection.PowerQueryFormula property.

Gets the definition of power query formula.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportHeadings property.

Indicates whether exporting headings when saving the file to HTML. The default value is false. If you want to import the HTML file to excel, please keep the default value.

Adds XAdESType class

Type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES).

Adds DigitalSignature.XAdESType property

Gets and sets the type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES). The default value is None(XAdES is off).

Adds FormulaParseOptions.Parse property.

Indicates whether parse the formula while setting a formula expression to the cell. The default is true. If false, then the input formula expression will be kept as it is for the cell until the user calls other methods to parse them or parsed formula data is required by other operations such as calculating formulas.

Adds Workbook.ParseFormulas(bool ignoreError) method.

Parses all formulas which have not been parsed when they were loaded or set to a cell.

Adds PivotTable.ExternalConnectionDataSource property.

Gets the external connection data source.

Adds FileFormatType.Numbers35 enum.

Represents the Number 3.5 files since office 2014. Only for throwing the file format when reading.

Adds LoadOptions.CheckDataValid property.

Indicates whether to check the invalid data when loading the files.

Add property LoadFilter.SheetsInLoadingOrder

Users may override this property to specify the sheets and order to be loaded while importing workbook from a template file.

Deletes obsolete TickLabels.Background property

Use TickLabels.BackgroundMode property instead.

Obsoletes TickLabels.TextDirection property and adds TickLabels.ReadingOrder property

Use TickLabels.ReadingOrder property instead.

Obsoletes TickLabels.DirectionTypeproperty and adds enum ChartTextDirectionType

Represents the direction of text.

Adds Shape.RemoveActiveXControl() method.

Removes ActiveX data from the shape.

Adds ThreadedComment.CreatedTime property.

Gets and sets the created time of threaded comments.

Adds Worksheet.UniqueId property.

Gets and sets the unique id of the worksheet.

Adds enum IconSetType.ColorSmilies3 and IconSetType.Smilies3.

Represents the 3smiles icon set conditional formattings. Only for .ods file.s

Adds enum TimePeriodType.LastYear,TimePeriodType.NextYear and ThisYear.

Represents the last year, next year and this year conditional formattings. Only for .ods files.

Adds WorksheetCollection.RefreshPivotTables() method.

Refreshing all pivot tables in the file.
