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Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 21.3 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-43375Check Excel VBA passwordNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43400Support UNIQUE() functionNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-42863Fetch chart sub titleNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-43401Support unified formatting result for Japanese era for all JDKsEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-43398Conditional formatting is not rendered properly in ODS to HTML conversionEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-43371XLSX to PDF conversion hangsBug
CELLSJAVA-43353Different diagrams on excel to pdfBug
CELLSJAVA-43377Images placement issues while converting Excel to HtmlBug
CELLSJAVA-43381DAYS function calculation errorBug
CELLSJAVA-43342Combo chart can?t display correctly in excel to pdfBug
CELLSJAVA-43354Percentages was not showed at the small histogramsBug
CELLSJAVA-40264Error with form controls or ActiveX controls when saving as EXCEL_97_TO_2003Bug
CELLSJAVA-43372Corrupted file created while converting ODS to XLSXBug
CELLSJAVA-43378Display as blank changes from true to false after cloning the workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-43382Copy produces corrupted workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-43364Issue when saving chart having image in the marker to imageBug
CELLSJAVA-43389Workbook/Worksheet Password Protection settings lost when saving as XLSB file formatBug
CELLSJAVA-43392Copying sheet produces corrupt workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-43388The output file is corrupt after copying workbookBug
CELLSJAVA-43406Issues while converting HTML to ExcelBug
CELLSJAVA-43399CalculateFormula() creates lot of error type values #VALUEBug
CELLSJAVA-43362Percentage issue for labels when printing chartsBug
CELLSJAVA-43384Percentages issue for some labels when rendering to PDF and printing chartsBug
CELLSJAVA-43402Generate exact chart image from Excel fileBug
CELLSJAVA-43408Top of chart gets cut off and slanted line goes upBug
CELLSJAVA-43379Exception raised while saving workbook as HTMLException
CELLSJAVA-43376Exception “java.lang.ClassCastException: Overflow in int to byte conversion. int value: 144” on loading an XLSX fileException
CELLSJAVA-43387Exporting single sheet to HTML raises ExceptionException
CELLSJAVA-43412CellsException in xlsx to html conversionException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Obsoleted PdfSaveOptions(SaveFormat) constructor.

Use PdfSaveOptions() constructor instead.

Obsoleted XlsbSaveOptions(SaveFormat) constructor.

Use XlsbSaveOptions() constructor instead.

Obsoleted XlsSaveOptions(SaveFormat) constructor.

Use XlsSaveOptions() constructor instead.

Obsoleted SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions(SaveFormat) constructor.

Use SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions() constructor instead.

Adds Chart.GetChartDataRange() method.

Gets the data range source of the chart.

Adds Chart.SwitchRowColumn() method.

Switches row/column of the chart’s data range source.

Adds OleObject.SetEmbeddedObject() method.

Sets embedded object .

Adds VbaProject.ValidatePassword() method.

Validates the password of VBA project.

Deletes obsoleted ChartPoint.MarkerBackgroundColor and Series.MarkerBackgroundColor properties , adds Marker.BackgroundColor property.

Uses Marker.BackgroundColor instead.

Deletes obsoleted ChartPoint.MarkerForegroundColor and Series.MarkerForegroundColor properties , adds Marker.ForegroundColor property.

Uses Marker.ForegroundColor instead.

Deletes obsoleted ChartPoint.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType and Series.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType properties , adds Marker.BackgroundColorSetType property.

Uses Marker.BackgroundColorSetType instead.

Deletes obsoleted ChartPoint.MarkerForegroundColorSetType and Series.MarkerForegroundColorSetType properties , adds Marker.ForegroundColorSetType property.

Uses Marker.ForegroundColorSetType instead.

Deletes obsoleted ChartPoint.MarkerSize and Series.MarkerSize properties.

Uses Marker.MarkerSize instead.

Deletes obsoleted ChartPoint.MarkerStyle and Series.MarkerStyle properties.

Uses Marker.MarkerStyle instead.

Changes behavior of Cells.DeleteBlankRows()/Cells.DeleteBlankRows(DeleteOptions)

In old versions, we delete all column settings while deleting blank rows if the worksheet is empty(no cells data). This make it impossible for user to delete blank rows only and keep all column settings. From 21.2, we do not clear column settings any more. If user needs to delete column settings for empty worksheet, he should check there is no data in sheet and then clear the ColumnCollection manually. In old versions, we do not delete blank rows under shape. This make it impossible for user to delete all blank rows as they expect. From 12.2, we delete those blank rows under shape together with other common blank rows.

Obsoleted Range.CellCount property.

Please use Range.RowCount and Range.ColumnCount to get the total cell count instead.

Adds AutoFilter.ShowFilterButton property.

Indicates whether showing filter button of auto filter.

Deletes SeriesCollection.SecondCatergoryData property.

Please use SeriesCollection.SecondCategoryData property instead.

Deletes StyleModifyFlag.Spacing enum.

It’s not used.

Adds SignatureLine.Id property.

Gets or sets identifier for this signature line.

Adds DigitalSignature.Id property.

Specifies a UUID which can be cross-referenced with the UUID of the signature line stored in the document content.

Adds DigitalSignature.ProviderId property.

Specifies the class ID of the signature provider.

Adds DigitalSignature.Image property.

Specifies an image for the digital signature.

Adds DigitalSignature.Text property.

Specifies the text of actual signature in the digital signature.

Adds Cells.ClearMergedCells() method.

Removes all merged cells.

Adds Workbook.RemovePersonalInformation() method.

Removes all personal information.

Adds WorkbookSettings.ForceFullCalculate property.

Property instructs ms excel to fully calculate every time when a calculation is triggered.

Adds DocxSaveOptions(Boolean) constructor.

Represents options of saving .docx files.

Deletes obsoleted WorkbookSettings.IsWriteProtected property.

Use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.IsWriteProtected property instead.

Deletes obsoleted WorkbookSettings.RecommendReadOnly property.

Use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.RecommendReadOnly property instead.

Deletes obsoleted WorkbookSettings.WriteProtectedPassword property.

Use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.Password property instead.
