Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 8.9.0 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-41664Exporting DataBars based on Conditional Formatting to HTMLNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-40746Support ColorScale, DataBar, IconSet while exporting XLSX to HTMLNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-41820Worksheet has no method calcualteFormula(String formula, CalculationOptions options)New Feature 
CELLSJAVA-40544Performance bottleneck on Workbook.calculateFormulaEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-41817Setting ShowAllItems for PivotField does not seem to take effectBug 
CELLSJAVA-41810Text is getting congested and overlapping in the EMF imageBug 
CELLSJAVA-41801Text labels are overlapping in the EMF imageBug 
CELLSJAVA-41834Exception is thrown on copying workbookBug 
CELLSJAVA-41819Spreadsheet to HTML: Alignment of Text in a Shape is wrong after copying theme from source spreadsheetBug 
CELLSJAVA-41824Graph is not rendered in the output PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41805X-axis labels missing in Chart’s PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41767Incorrect number-format of X-axis labels in Chart’s PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41640Long hyphens don’t display appropriately in the output PDF/Image for the chartBug 
CELLSJAVA-41604Horizontal Grid-Lines of chart are not appearing properly in PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41832Few chart bars are missing while rendering worksheet to imageBug 
CELLSJAVA-41837Add Chart.toPDF(, com.aspose.cells.PdfSaveOptions)Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41839A named range is created when Cells.copyRow() method is used within a named rangeBug 
CELLSJAVA-41838When applying autoSizeColumns on the sheet, the column is not widened properlyBug 
CELLSJAVA-41835CellsException while saving spreadsheet to PDFException 
CELLSJAVA-41826NaN ExceptionException 
CELLSJAVA-41848Certain data labels are missing while rendering chart to imageBug 
CELLSJAVA-41850CellsException: Cell has been removed: D9 with MemorySetting.MEMORY_PREFERENCEException 
CELLSJAVA-41844Exception: “Shape to image Error !” when rendering a worksheet to imageException 
CELLSJAVA-41866How to set Legend Entry Properties for Text OptionsNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-41865Create TextBox in which each line is having different Horizontal AlignmentNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-41873Conversion to HTML renders redundant empty rowsBug 
CELLSJAVA-41869Text alignment is changed after re-saving a template XLS fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-41854Excel file with DataBars not converted to HTML properlyBug 
CELLSJAVA-41851Pivot Chart created with Aspose.Cells does not display in Excel 2016 for MACBug 
CELLSJAVA-41840Aspose.Cells appends null at the end of the path for resources HTMLBug 
CELLSJAVA-41878LightCells APIs only generates events for the first column of the rowBug 
CELLSJAVA-41859Cell borders appear after resaving XLSBug 
CELLSJAVA-41888Logo image is lost while converting XLS to PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41874Character position is different in the rendered PDF from an XLS fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-41852Text overlapping when worksheet is converted to EMF on LinuxBug 
CELLSJAVA-41823Text density and line breaks are different as compared to Excel generated PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41822Text is getting trimmed and overlapped while rendering spreadsheet to PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41856Problems rendering chart to PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41855Opening and saving the Excel file changes the trend linesBug 
CELLSJAVA-41890Workbook save twice, the content saved second time will be different from the first timeBug 
CELLSJAVA-41884Issue with PageBreaks which are not sorted before saving to Excel fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-41876File corrupt if opened, saved, re-opened and saved by Aspose.Cells APIsBug 
CELLSJAVA-41867Chart axis values changed after re-saving an XLS fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-41861NullReferenceException while loading an Excel XLS fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-41298Not getting accurate information about WordArt shape formatting from Aspose.Cells APIsBug 
CELLSJAVA-40366Issue with embedded icon - not printingBug 
CELLSJAVA-41883CellsException: Unknown add-in function type: 9, at Workbook.calculateFormulaException 
CELLSJAVA-41858CellsException: Error in calculating Cell[0BMW CAN Bus Codes V0.4!R4], at Workbook.calculateFormulaException 
CELLSJAVA-41870java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at while re-saving XLSException 
CELLSJAVA-41864Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid encoding: null on re-saving an XLS fileException 
CELLSJAVA-41901Bars are moving upward in the output PDF Enhancement 
CELLSJAVA-41909Specifying Custom Number Decimal and Group Separators for Workbook doesn’t workBug 
CELLSJAVA-41895Formula calculation result differs from Excel native calculationBug 
CELLSJAVA-41917Checkboxes are not rendering correctly when using SheetRender.toImage() methodBug 
CELLSJAVA-41903Character orientation is different while rendering to PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41896Some characters are missing or not pasted right in Excel to PDF conversionBug 
CELLSJAVA-41740Some of the DataBar images are blankBug 
CELLSJAVA-41769Bars of the graph not aligned properly with cells in PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41905Misaligned bars after rendering spreadsheet to EMFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41894Character spaces problem while rendering spreadsheet to PDFBugs
CELLSJAVA-41893Background image is distorted or blurry in the output PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41892Background image is stretched in output PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-41916Broken external formula references while using Cells.copyColumnsBug 
CELLSJAVA-41915Corrupted XLSX file after text replaceBug 
CELLSJAVA-41912Problem with removeFormula on a spreadsheet referencing Named RangesBug 
CELLSJAVA-41899Cannot detect XLSX load format with FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormatBug 
CELLSJAVA-41328Loss of text block in frenchCommonWords.xlsxBug 
CELLSJAVA-40307Text Overflow checkBug 
CELLSJAVA-41919CellsException: 2"=“Stra?e zu breit”,", at Workbook ctorException 
CELLSJAVA-41914java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 while getting font of cellException 
CELLSJAVA-41920StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 7, while exporting chart to imageException 
CELLSJAVA-41913Exception: “IllegalArgumentException: length” on loading an Excel (XLS) fileException 
CELLSJAVA-41911Exception: “Error in Cell: … -Invalid formula” while loading an Excel file via Aspose.Cells APIsException 
CELLSJAVA-41906Workbook constructor throws Exception: “java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String”Exception 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Android. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds WorkbookSetting.PaperSize property.

It’s used to set paper size of the default printer as default paper size of the workbook.

Adds LoadDataFilterOptions class and LoadOptions.LoadDataFilterOptions property

It’s used to specify what kind of data should be loaded when building the workbook from template file. Filtering loaded data can improve the performance for user’s special purpose, especially when using LightCells APIs.

Adds Worksheet.CalculateFormula(string formula, CalculationOptions opts) method

It’s used to calculate given formula directly with user’s custom options.

Obsoleted Shape.TextFrame property.

Use Shape.TextBody.TextAlignment property instead.

Adds Shape.TextBody property.

Presents the setting of the shape’s text.

Adds DeleteOptions class

Represents the setting of deleting rows/columns.

Adds override Cells.DeleteBlankColumns(DeleteOptions options) and Cells.DeleteBlankColumns(DeleteOptions options) method.

Deletes blank rows or columns with setting.

Adds Cell.GetCharacters(flag) method

Returns all Characters objects.

Adds OleObject.AutoLoad property

Specifies whether the host application for the embedded object shall be called to load the object data automatically when the parent workbook is opened.

Adds HTMLLoadOptions.SupportDivTag property

Indicates whether support the layout of

tag when the HTML file contains
tags.The default value is false.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportGridLines property

Indicating whether export the grid lines.The default value is false.

Adds ShapeTextAlignment.TextShapeType property

Specifies the preset geometry that will be used for a shape warp on a piece of text.

Adds LoadOptions.SetPaperSize(PaperSizeType type) method

Sets the default print paper size from default printer’s setting.

Deletes obsoleted Workbook.Decrypt() method.

Please set the WorkbookSettings.Password as null.

Adds ListObject.Comment property.

Gets and sets the comment of the table.

Adds ShapeCollection.AddActiveXControl() method.

Adds ActiveX control.

Adds HTMLLoadOptions.DefaultFontName property

Specifies the default font name for exporting HTML, the default font will be used when the font of style does not exist. If this property is null, Aspose.Cells will use universal font which has the same family with the original font, the default value is null.

Adds PivotTable.IsExcel2003Compatible property

Specifies whether the PivotTable is compatible with Excel2003 when refreshing PivotTable. If true, a string must be less than or equal to 255 characters, so if the string is greater than 255 characters, it will be truncated. If false, a string will not have the aforementioned restriction.The default value is true.

Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.DefaultFont property

When characters in the Excel are unicode and not to be set with correct font in cell style, they may appear as block in pdf,image. Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these characters. If this property is not set, Aspose.Cells will use System default font to show these unicode characters.
