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Aspose.Cells for Java 17.1.0 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-42132GetPaperWidth and GetPaperHeight methods added in PageSetup classNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-41950Support Gradient Fill for the WordArt while converting spreadsheets to HTMLNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42129Saving to HTML is wrongBug
CELLSJAVA-42125Gridlines behind Shapes are not exported when converted to HTML Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42110Some CSS rules ignored when importing HTMLBug 
CELLSJAVA-42094Contents are striked through in the converted HTMLBug 
CELLSJAVA-42091Text style of some cells is wrong when saved to HTML Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42088DataBar wrong when cell has background color set Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42018Chart picture is not getting saved when EMF or SVG format is usedBug 
CELLSJAVA-41980HtrmlSaveOptions.ExportGridLines does not seem to be working for a particular spreadsheetBug 
CELLSJAVA-42131Recalculating a number of formulas using Aspose Cells APIs results in “#NUM!” errorBug 
CELLSJAVA-42124Date format problem while importing CSV with ICustomParserBug 
CELLSJAVA-42118Name.getRanges() API produces unexpected resultsBug 
CELLSJAVA-42117Unable to access the instance variable m_LoadDataFilterOptions while overriding the startSheet method of LoadFilter classBug 
CELLSJAVA-41882Cell string value & rounding problem based on different JDK versionsBug 
CELLSJAVA-42142Right-to-left and left-to-right control characters are not rendered correctly in PDF when conversion is done on LinuxBug 
CELLSJAVA-42136Hebrew - In the table the word wrapped lines are aligned to the right in PDF while they should be centered as in ExcelBug 
CELLSJAVA-42113Wrong conversion of Arabic worksheet to SVGBug 
CELLSJAVA-42135Hebrew - Wrapped text is not right-aligned in PDF as in ExcelBug 
CELLSJAVA-42134Hebrew - Series labels when there is a word wrap the characters are not displayed in the right sequenceBug 
CELLSJAVA-42127Shape to image Error while rendering 03.xls to PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42126Shape to image Error while rendering 02.xls to PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42087Chart image in the HTML is wrongBug 
CELLSJAVA-42079Uneven lines’ thickness at intersections while rendering spreadsheet with diagram to PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-42078Chart labels are not displayed/rendered the same (as per the original Excel file) in the output PDF fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-42076Angle of x-axis labels is incorrect in Chart’s PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-42065Incorrect rendering of bar charts while rendering spreadsheet to HTMLBug 
CELLSJAVA-42152Setting formula referring to external workbook creates 3d formulaBug 
CELLSJAVA-42146Unreadable content error in Excel 2007 after resaving a spreadsheetBug 
CELLSJAVA-42121Conditional format expression changes on deleting rowsBug 
CELLSJAVA-42114Cell.getFormula() returns broken formula for a cellBug 
CELLSJAVA-42112Output file gets corrupt after executing DataLabels.setPosition() methodBug 
CELLSJAVA-42108Conditional format priority order changes on Cells.deleteRows() methodBug 
CELLSJAVA-42069Vba module is lost while re-saving an XLSM file on LinuxBug 
CELLSJAVA-42025API adds extra apostrophes to the modified formulaBug 
CELLSJAVA-41984Dynamic formula in designer spreadsheet using {-1} {-2} return Invalid formula errorBug 
CELLSJAVA-41739Transparency of the shapes is reset to 0 while converting XLS to XLSBBug 
CELLSJAVA-42122NullPointerException when opening a large sized Excel fileException 
CELLSJAVA-42123Shape to image error - in rendering an Excel fileException 
CELLSJAVA-42144new Workbook() could throw an exception in Aspose.Cells for Java 16.12.6Exception 
CELLSJAVA-42143Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on methodException 
CELLSJAVA-42137Invalid column index exception on rendering ExcelException 
CELLSJAVA-42111Invalid formula exception for the last cellException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds setter for LoadFilter.LoadDataFilterOptions property to replace m_LoadDataFilterOptions variable.

User may change the LoadDataFilterOptions property in their implementation of LoadFilter to change the behavior of loading workbook.

Adds CellsHelper.SignificantDigits property.

Gets and sets the number of significant digits.

Adds GlowEffect.Color property.

Gets the color of the glow effect.

Adds PageSetup.PaperWidth property.

Represents the width in inches of the paper, considered page orientation.

Adds PageSetup.PaperHeight property.

Represents the height in inches of the paper, considered page orientation.

Adds WorkbookSettings.CheckCustomNumberFormat property.

Indicates whether checking custom number format when setting Style.Custom.

Adds some chart types.

Adds more chart types for MS Office 2016.

Adds DisplayUnitType.Percentage enum.

Represents values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01.
