Aspose.Cells for Java 18.4 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-42523Use FIPS compliant version of Bouncy Castle in Aspose.Cells APIsNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-42572Formula should not contain more than 8192 charactersEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42569Unable to access horizontal category axis labels items of Chart in XLSEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42580Get/set Language document propertyEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42565Foreground color vs Background color vs Fill color - Use a single method that takes two argumentsEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42528” is not a valid HTML5 and self-closing tag and web browsers misrepresent its contentsEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42413Insert SVG image type into worksheet cells by Aspose.CellsEnhancement 
CELLSJAVA-42551Some shapes are not correct in the output PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42578Conditional formatting is lost while saving Excel to HTMLBug 
CELLSJAVA-42571Output HTML does not match with MS-ExcelBug 
CELLSJAVA-42553Links to named area are wrong after export to HTML Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42530Pivot Tables and corresponding Charts do not have correct Date formatBug 
CELLSJAVA-42527Chart has many values in x-axis and values are overlapping over each otherBug 
CELLSJAVA-42581Aspose.Cells returns wrong value of cell A2Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42583XML map does not create table properlyBug 
CELLSJAVA-42577Get/extract values (0 for 0 and blank for blank) using DataPoint.getYValue() method for a given chartBug 
CELLSJAVA-42566Inversion of subtitles (legend entries) in MS Excel chartBug 
CELLSJAVA-42560Arrows are missing in PNG output of Excel ChartBug 
CELLSJAVA-42508Java method ‘Shape.toImage’ works differently with the same method in .NETBug 
CELLSJAVA-42573Aspose.Cells 18.3 rotation for a TextBox is not working for EXCEL_97_TO_2003 save formatBug
CELLSJAVA-42570Blank new line appears inside the TextBox after processing and saving the Excel fileBug 
CELLSJAVA-42563Exception “java.lang.NullPointerException” when digital signing an XLSX fileException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds new item “CrossHideRight” for HtmlCrossType enum

Displays HTML cross string and hides the right string when the text is overlapped.

Adds new item “TSV” for LoadFormat, SaveFormat and FileFormatType enums

Represents a TSV(Tab-separated values) file, same with the “TabDelimited”.

Adds enum ImageType

Represents the type of the image.

Adds MsoTextFrame.RotateTextWithShape and ShapeTextAlignment.RotateTextWithShape properties

Indicates whether the text rotates with the shape.

Adds OleObject.ImageType and Picture.ImageType properties

Gets the image format of the picture.

Obsoletes OleObject.ImageFormat and Picture.ImageFormat properties

Use OleObject.ImageType and Picture.ImageType properties instead.

Adds an overload AutoFilter.Refresh (System.Boolean) method

Gets all hidden rows’s indexes and refreshes the auto-filter.

Adds overload Cell.GetHtmlString(System.Boolean) method

Gets the HTML string which contains data and some formats in this cell.

Adds BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Language property

Gets and sets the language of the file.

Adds Style.SetPatternColor(Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType,System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color)

Sets the pattern and color of the cell

Adds ChartPoint.XValueType property

Gets X value type of the chart point.

Adds ChartPoint.YValueType property

Gets Y value type of the chart point.

Adds enum PageLayoutAlignmentType

Represents page layout alignment types.

Adds Chart.ToPdf(System.IO.Stream,System.Single,System.Single,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType) method

Creates the chart’s PDF with desired page size and saves it to a stream.

Adds Chart.ToPdf(System.String,System.Single,System.Single,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType) method

Creates the chart’s PDF with desired page size and saves it to a file.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.OutputBlankPageWhenNothingToPrint property

Indicates whether to output a blank page when there is nothing to print.
