Aspose.Cells for Java 2.1.2 Release Notes

We are happy to announce Aspose.Cells for Jav!

What’s changed:

  • Provides Chart-to-Image feature. Imports RichText from SpreadSheetML template file. Supports to export Name object with external references for SpreadSheetML file. Exports Pictures in PageSetup for Excel 2007 files. Imports TextBox controls from Excel 2007 files. Provides support to set record limit when importing data from ResultSet for Smart Markers. Sets the position of a Shape to the center of given range. Supports to add calculated field for a PivotTable. Supports to get/set VeryHidden property for a Worksheet. Adds new formula to the supported formulas list: FREQUENCY Recognizes the file format automatically for LightCells API. Enhances style’s model for performance consideration. Improves the API regarding Comment for performance consideration. Enhances the performance of reading large Excel 2007 files. Boosts the performance of LightCells API for large Excel 2007 files. Reading operation for a document’s properties is enhanced. Importing CSV files operation is enhanced. 67 fixes and enhancements.

Issues Resolved in Aspose.Cells for Java 2.1.2

Issue IDComponentSummary
6245xlsGather styles
6362xlsCopy style when inserting rows/columns
11871xlsCopy cell range
11890htmlRead Conditional formatting
11891chartLogarithmicBase property of ValueAxis
11911SpreadSheetMLSave style
11928xlsRead template file
11943SpreadSheetMLRead special file generated by OWC
11973SpreadSheetMLRead special file generated by OWC
12006CSVRead csv file
12032FormulaEngineCOUNTIF formula
12034xlsAuto fit columns
12056FormulaEngineIF formula
12080chartFormatted value of ChartFrame
12105xlsRead row height
12128chartGet marker
12138chartRead marker
12184xlsCopy formulas
12229SpreadSheetMLRead rich text
12238xlsxPerformance of reading template file
12238xlsxPerformance of reading template file
12243chartASeries’s type
12253xlsHyperlink’s link type
12317chartTitle’s text
12493xlsxRead Conditional formatting
12498chartChartPoints and LegendEntries collection
12575chartPlotArea’s size
12622xlsxRead shared formula
12625xlsxRead chart
12667xlsDatetime value
12684CSVRead number
12717xlsPicture with Mac OS
12727xlsRead document properties
12750xlsGet hyperlink of shape
12870xlsxRead drawing object
12880Chart2ImageDraw chart
12894PivotTableaddCalculateField() method
12915xlsxSave String value
12957SpreadSheetMLSave document properties
12971xlsVeryHidden property of worksheet
13012Chart2ImageUnsupported Font in special environment
13101xlsxRead PageSetup and style
13270xlsPosition shape
13385xlsCopy AutoFilter
13386xlsxSave xlsx file
13403xlsSave style
13418xlsRead AutoFilter
13448Smart MarkerRecord limit for ResultSet datasource
13614xlsxPicture in PageSetup
13639xlsCreate TextBox
13679xlsxRead xlsx file with Apache zip tool
13725chartCopy Axis
13735xlsFormulas of FormatConditions/Validations
13736xlsDate format
13821xlsPerformance of creating Comment
14056chartGradient fill
14108xlsCopy PageBreaks
14116xlsDelete data
14246xlsCopy PageSetup

Notable changes for users:

In old versions, Cell.getStyle()/Row.getStyle()/Column.getStyle() methods might cause Cell/Row/Column maintain their own Style object. Modification of the returned Style object for getStyle() later will change the Cell/Row/Column’s style directly.

From this version, all Style objects that set to Cell/Row/Column will be gathered for performance considerations and Cell/Row/Column will only maintain a style reference. Modification of the returned Style object for getStyle() later will not change the Cell/Row/Column’s style. To make the modification take effect, users need to call setStyle() for Cell/Row/Column after the style is modified.

This rule is required for Style.getFont()/getColor()/getPatternColor()/getBorderColor() methods too. In old versions, modification of the returned Font/Color object might cause the style change directly. In the new version, after making changes for the Font/Color object, users need to call Style.setFont()/setColor()/setPatternColor()/setBorderColor() to make the modification take effect.
