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Aspose.Cells for Java 8.6.1 Release Notes
The following is a list of improvements and changes in this release of Aspose.Cells
\1) Aspose.Cells
Other Improvements and Changes
(CELLSJAVA-41528) - XLSB becomes corrupted after re-saving with Aspose.Cells
(CELLSJAVA-41499) - Cell reference hyperlinks do not work in resultant HTML
(CELLSJAVA-41487) - Calculating the named range formula results in #NAME?
(CELLSJAVA-41518) - Acrobat Reader shows There was an error processing a page. There was a problem reading this document (135) error, while loading Aspose.Cells generated PDF
(CELLSJAVA-41515) - Data Label is overlapping the Data Point while rendering Chart to PDF
(CELLSJAVA-41513) - Aspose.Cells is unable to convert the excel file having a chart into pdf
(CELLSJAVA-41504) - Y-axis value is missing in the rendered chart image when converting to PDF file format
(CELLSJAVA-41501) - X-Axis values in the chart are inappropriate in the output PDF/ image
(CELLSJAVA-41500) - Chart border breaks at few locations in the output PDF/Image file
(CELLSJAVA-41494) - Words appear to be concatenated in PDF/Image output of excel chart
(CELLSJAVA-41493) - Long hyphens don’t display appropriately in PDF/Image output of excel chart
(CELLSJAVA-41484) - Less Chart Points returned than Points
(CELLSJAVA-41475) - Chart’s Axis Linked Source property is reset while converting XLSX to XLS
(CELLSJAVA-41541) - Font Size is not preserved while converting XML Spreadsheet 2003 to other formats
(CELLSJAVA-41537) - Ruby is not copied with Range.copy()
(CELLSJAVA-41534) - Loss of custom bin and metadata information during Workbook.copy()
(CELLSJAVA-41531) - ActiveXControl text alignment is swapped
(CELLSJAVA-41525) - Range does not update after inserting rows
(CELLSJAVA-41522) - Conditionalformatting copy issue
(CELLSJAVA-41507) - Calculation problem while calculating formula based on Named Range
(CELLSJAVA-41502) - Incorrect RadioButon height is returned
(CELLSJAVA-41488) - Drop down validation not getting applied to more than one region when spreadsheet is saved as XLS
(CELLSJAVA-41483) - Macro code replacement crushes an XLS file if it contains cyrillic names
(CELLSJAVA-41461) - Column widths change after re-save with Display set to 125%
(CELLSJAVA-41454) - Contents of the xl/drawings/vmlDrawing.vml file changed after re-saving the spreadsheet
(CELLSJAVA-41440) - Horizontal alignment issue when loading a file
(CELLSJAVA-41436) - Some extra formatted cells in column W of the PDF file
(CELLSJAVA-41435) - Some extra formatted cells at the bottom of column P and Q in the PDF
(CELLSJAVA-41434) - Output PDF has formatting applied that is not present in Excel
(CELLSJAVA-41350) - Changing the font of the cell or part of the text in a cell does not take effect
(CELLSJAVA-41529) - Exception: “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” occurred on loading an XLSB file
(CELLSJAVA-41511) - Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “Infinity” when merging Excel documents
(CELLSJAVA-41524) - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 14, Size: 14, while copying workbooks
\2) Aspose.Cells Grid Suite
Other Improvements and Changes
(CELLSJAVA-41519) - List menu move to incorrect position
(CELLSJAVA-41495) - Horizontal scroll bar does not move
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds enum HtmlLinkTargetType and HtmlSaveOptions.LinkTargetType.
It’s used to set the type of target attribute in HTML
are also included in this Aspose.Cells for Java v8.6.1.