Applying Style on a Row or Column

Applying Style on a Column

To apply a custom style on a column using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:

  • Access any desired Worksheet
  • Access a Column on which we want to apply a Style
  • Get Style of the Column
  • Set Style properties according to your custom needs
  • Finally, set Style of the Column with the updated one

There are many useful properties and methods offered by Style object that can be used by developers to customize the style according to their requirements.

Applying Style on a Row

To apply a custom style on a row using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop, please follow the steps below:

  • Access any desired Worksheet
  • Access a Row on which we want to apply a Style
  • Get Style of the Row
  • Set Style properties according to your custom needs
  • Finally, set Style of the Row with the updated one

There are many useful properties and methods offered by Style object that can be used by developers to customize the style according to their requirements.

 // Accessing the worksheet of the Grid that is currently active

Worksheet sheet = gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet();

// Accessing the first row of the worksheet

Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Data.GridRow row = sheet.Rows[0];

// Getting the Style object for the row

Style style = row.GetStyle();

// Setting Style properties i.e. border, color, alignment, background color etc.

style.SetBorderLine(BorderType.Right, BorderLineType.Thick);

style.SetBorderColor(BorderType.Right, Color.Blue);

style.HAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentType.Centred;

style.Color = Color.Yellow;

// Setting the style of the row with the customized Style object
