Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.11 Release Notes

CELLSNET-46377Check if a cell has circular formulaNew Feature 
CELLSNET-46399Exception occurred while calling PivotTable.RefreshData()New Feature 
CELLSNET-46394Fetch Pivot Table refresh date similar to Interop.ExcelNew Feature 
CELLSNET-46261Replacement of the texts in SmartArt doesn’t workNew Feature 
CELLSNET-46435GetValidationValue returns wrong value for large numbersEnhancement 
CELLSNET-46117Text position changes a bit on ungrouping the shapeEnhancement 
CELLSNET-46400It hangs while calling PivotTable.RefreshDataPerformance
CELLSNET-46441Cell.GetDisplayStyle() hangs for a cellPerformance
CELLSNET-46423Formatting issues while converting XLSX to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-46410Pivot table format gets messed up after refreshBug 
CELLSNET-46404Processing diagrams same way as images when saving HTMLBug 
CELLSNET-46388File is corrupt after loading and re-saving an XLSX file formatBug 
CELLSNET-46387Problem sorting pivot tableBug 
CELLSNET-46366Borders and background colors are missing while converting the HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-46365Referenced CSS style sheets ignored while opening HTML Bug 
CELLSNET-46431VLookup formula result is different than MS Excel resultBug 
CELLSNET-46430Array formula is not working after Workbook.Combine in XLSX to XLSB conversionBug 
CELLSNET-46428Name.RefersTo is not retrieving the correct valueBug 
CELLSNET-46413Creating XLSX with conditional formatting produces corrupted fileBug 
CELLSNET-46403Array formula is not working after Workbook.Combine to save to XLSB file formatBug 
CELLSNET-46396Workbook saved as SVG is corrupted as it is actually TIFF fileBug 
CELLSNET-46420Graph in PDF getting spike issueBug 
CELLSNET-46411It hangs while converting XLSX to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-46408Data markers are missing in the output chart image from MS Excel fileBug 
CELLSNET-46393Axis labels misaligned after converting MS Excel chart to PNG image formatBug 
CELLSNET-46359Variation in the font-size for labels in the chart in the output SVG fileBug 
CELLSNET-46433Conditional formatting are deleted while deleting named rangeBug 
CELLSNET-46427MS Excel reports a problem after open/save with Aspose.CellsBug 
CELLSNET-46421Document CreatedTime property changes after saved into the streamBug 
CELLSNET-46417Wrap text not working along with an empty line above the textBug 
CELLSNET-46416Charts data lost while loading and saving the XLSX fileBug 
CELLSNET-46409Problem with Dropdown list after converting from XMLBug 
CELLSNET-46407Initialization of workbook takes too long when loading an XLSM file formatBug 
CELLSNET-46397Graph title is lost while converting XLS to XLSMBug 
CELLSNET-46401ArgumentException while working with generated HTML fileException 
CELLSNET-46426Exception while calling AutoFitColumns()Exception
CELLSNET-46415CellsException exception during save when ParsingFormulaOnOpen is falseException 
CELLSNET-46422Exception while processing smart tagsException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshedByWho property

Gets the name of the user who refreshed the PivotTable last time.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshDate property

Gets the date when the PivotTable was refreshed last time.

Adds CalculationData.CellRow/CellColumn properties

Provides efficient way for user to get cell’s row and column indices instead of fetching the Cell object.

Adds CalculationCell class

Represents the calculation data about one cell being calculated.

Adds AbstractCalculationMonitor.OnCircular(IEnumerator circularCellsData) method

Provides method for user to gather and process circular references.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.TreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne property

Allows user to choose whether consecutive delimiters should be taken as one when importing CSV file.

Adds FormatCondition.SetFormulas(string formula1, string formula2, bool isR1C1, bool isLocal) method

Provides efficient and convenient way for user to set formulas for FormatCondition.

Adds Validation.GetListValue(int row, int column) method

Allows user to get the value to produce the list for the Validation of specific cell.

Obsoletes ValidationCollection.Add(Validation validation) method

Use ValidationCollection.Add(CellArea) method instead.

Adds Validation.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Validation,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions) method

Copies validation.

Adds CreatedUniversalTime ,LastPrintedUniversalTime and LastSavedUniversalTime properties of BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection

Returns UTC time about the builtin properties.

Adds OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateSmartArt property

Indicates whether updating the smart art.

Adds SmartArtShape class

Represents the smart art shape.
