Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.3 Release Notes

CELLSNET-46598Add Name.GetReferredAreas (Boolean recalculate) method to give richer data (including external references and linked data)New Feature
CELLSNET-46580Incorrect rendering of rotated shapes in Shape to image conversionBug
CELLSNET-46587Pivot Table breaks when deleting rows and columnsBug
CELLSNET-46608Pivot table filters are cleared after load and saveBug
CELLSNET-46623Issues in embedded shared file URLs while converting Excel file to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-46590Error in a cell that calls a macro after the file is processed by Aspose.CellsBug
CELLSNET-46597Wrong value in PDF in Excel to PDF renderingBug
CELLSNET-46613Issues while fetching and creating named rangesBug
CELLSNET-46625Wrong table background in output PDF and HTMLBug
CELLSNET-46628Difference in the output PDFBug
CELLSNET-46589Unexpected gridlines appeared in SVG converted from MS Excel worksheetBug
CELLSNET-46600Double underline disappears while converting Excel file to PDFBug
CELLSNET-46626Space formatting issues while converting XLSX file to PDFBug
CELLSNET-46585DataLabel font issueBug
CELLSNET-46602OutOfMemoryException while rendering a vertical or horizontal bar graphBug
CELLSNET-46605Row increases in height after auto-fit rows(options) operationBug
CELLSNET-46609Insert option CopyFormatType.Clear not working properlyBug
CELLSNET-46611Issues with external links and its displayBug
CELLSNET-46616Handling ListObject.ConvertToRange on gigantic tablesBug
CELLSNET-46620Line.SolidFill.Color works improperly on shapes when passing color from Argb or from known nameBug
CELLSNET-46622Cells.ImportData imports wrong number of columns from datatableBug
CELLSNET-46624XLSX file load issueBug
CELLSNET-46635Too many page breaks in ODS file (XLSX to ODS rendering)Bug
CELLSNET-46618Exception “Instance is Read-only”Exception
CELLSNET-46617Exception while loading a workbookException
CELLSNET-46636Exception when loading an XLSX fileException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Changes for default font of loaded XLS template file

In older versions, we did not support to apply the font defined in theme (advanced feature in MS Excel 2007 and later versions) according to the region when loading the XLS template files. On some users’ requirement, we have supported it from v19.3. If the region has been specified in the XLS template file, then we will apply the font defined in theme according to the saved specified region value. Otherwise we will apply the font defined in theme according to the application environment’s regional settings. This will cause the default font of the workbook (loaded from XLS template file which has specified theme data) changed, and then influence other features, such as column width, shape size, rendering effect, …etc.

Adds Name.GetReferredAreas(bool recalculate) method

Provides the references referred by the defined Name like GetRanges(bool recalculate) method. But the returned references are represented by ReferredArea object which provides richer features including external links.

Adds TxtSaveOptions.KeepSeparatorsForBlankRow property

Indicates whether separators should be output for blank row. Default value is false which means the content for blank row will be empty.

Adds enum AutoFitMergedCellsType

Represents the type of auto fitting merged cells.

Obsoletes AutoFitterOptions.AutoFitMergedCells property and Adds AutoFitterOptions.AutoFitMergedCellsType property

Gets and sets the type of auto fitting row height.

Adds JSONUtility and JsonLayoutOptions classes

It’s used to import json files.

Adds TableToRangeOptions class and ListObject.ConvertToRange(TableToRangeOptions options) method

Converts the table to range with options.
